Tuesday, March 22, 2022

My Encounter With Covid-19

MISSING IN ACTION AGAIN... and now this is my first post since a month ago....

IN this post I will blog about my Covid-19 experience, not something nice to brag about in a post, but since it is such a common thingy nowadays, it is not surprising anymore.  

I was stricken with a flu bug in early January, the first one in the family to get it was was my son.  His initial symptoms was diarrhea and since he was the only one in the family to get it, we thought it was a stomach flu, food that he has eaten.  The next day he was having dry itchy throat and slight fever.  Then only he realized it might be Covid.  During that time, we did not have test kits in the house and he went to drive through center for checkup.  Within 24 hours, the results came back positive.  By the time we knew, it was already too late.  No quarantine was implemented before this and in a day or two, he got well... but I already was infected....

I did not have diarrhea but dry throat and bad cough.  I kept coughing and coughing... my throat was very itchy especially during the night, I had to sit 45 degrees to get my sleep.  Other than coughing, it was just a normal day, my appetite was good and all I did was drink lots of warm water and honey lemon each morning, Vitamin C, garlic pills and Echinacea.... and let my body system did the rest.

Within two weeks, we recovered .... during the two weeks, my daughter-in-law and the baby were also infected.  Baby was having the least symptoms, just a slight cough for a day or two... mother was like me, coughing and there was nowhere to avoid it.  

That time in January California was having the peak of Omicron.... and now it is in Malaysia....

On the positive side, we did not have to do house quarantine when we came back to Malaysia.... and once I reached home, I went for my booster dose!  
The med which cured me too...

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Effective Ways to Rocket your Business Presence Online

One way for you to make your brand far more influential online would be for you to try and boost your SEO while also trying to develop your relationships with the influencers you are connected with. If you want to try and improve your online presence or if you want to improve your site potential, then this is the guide for you.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

Create a Stunning Website

The first thing that you need to try and do is create an official website for your company. Making sure that your pages are quickly loading and optimised with a lot of images will help you out here. You also need to make sure that you play around with your site a little to try and make it edgy and stand out. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it is easier for you to take things to that next level. You can try and use a CMS system, or you can hire a website design service if you want. Either way, having a website is a must. You can even try running ecommerce on WP if you want to take your products online, so keep that in mind.

Build a Solid Email List

Creating a solid email list is the best and the easiest way for you to make sure that your business succeeds. When you invest and manage to develop a comprehensive list, this will help your business to get a higher level of engagement with both customers and leads. If you know that your site is yet to launch, then you may find it more difficult to do this, so instead, try and develop a “coming soon” website page and then encourage people to sign up with the email list you have from there. If you have a monthly newsletter, then this will also help you to rocket your company and you may even find that it helps you to collect a lot of leads through your own distribution list. This is one of the best ways for you to get more sales.

Boost your SEO Strategy

SEO is a process that will help to dramatically boost the amount of traffic you get, and it will also help to rocket your brand reputation. Your online presence will also rocket, so keep this in mind. The great thing about having an SEO strategy is that potential customers will have a way better chance of being able to find your site when they look for terms that relate to your brand. Mastering the concept of SEO can also boost your ranking and it can help you across the SERPs.

Produce Engaging Content

Many studies have shown that the best and the easiest way for you to try and attract way more customers would be for you to create content that adds value. The more you can create content and introduce your brand and your personality, the better. This will work wonders for your digital presence, and it will also help you to address your customer pain points. If you can focus on things like this, then you will be sure to help yourself in the future.


An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...