Friday, April 12, 2024

Taiwan Trip Timing

TO GO OR NOT TO GO..... that was the BIG SERIOUS question we asked among ourselves the day before our trip to Taiwan and the same day the earthquake struck Hualien.

The four plus one were in a dilemma, my son decided for us... "Let's go!  After all, our itinerary did not involve Hualien and the airport in Taipei is still open for airplanes to fly in.... "

What a timing... we were supposed to fly to Taipei on the 4.4.24 and the earthquake struck Hualien on the 3.4.24.  Furthermore, it is a major earthquake and the most serious one since 25 years ago.  Followed up with the updates on the earthquake, and since there was no restriction whatsoever announced, we proceeded with our trip the following morning.  

Reached Changi airport at around 9am and our flight was around 11.30am.  Had our breakfast at the Jewel and whiled our time walking around the beautiful airport of Singapore....

Landed safely at Taoyuan International airport around 4pm plus... went through customs, everything was smooth, the customs staff were friendly and met with our tour guide after checking out.  Before we left the airport, we went to the Taiwan Lucky Land booth to try our chance of winning 5000 Taiwan money... LOL... And YES!  One of our passport did strike the Bonus Money sponsored by the Taiwan Government!

Our first sign to positive-ness to the Yes Trip begins to eliminate our initial fear.... 

Everything was smooth at the check-in ....
It is always good to follow the young people who do everything for us seniors!
Beautiful shops at Changi...
With the one who calls me Grandma...
She likes to be in our midst despite our generation gap...
While collecting our luggage at Taipei...
As usual, the young takes charge of those and I take charge of phototaking... LOL... 
And this is the booth where we won our Prize 
of 5000 Taiwan dollars... 
Not a big amount but nevertheless Happy!
Our adventure begins..... 


  1. It is so good to see your pretty smile! It has been quite awhile and I was wondering if something had happened to you. I have seen your grandson, but not your granddaughter. She is so cute!!

  2. Wah, 5000 Taiwan dollars is about RM 740 so can be considered good for about 7 meals of RM 100 each. Quite a nifty amount. Enjoy!

  3. It was good fate that you guys flew to Taiwan after its earthquake. So please enjoy the trip.


Thank you, readers!

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