Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weekend Is Over...

"hey, hey, hey...beautiful sunday,
this is my, my, my beautiful day....
when u say, say, say, say that u love me..., my, my... its a beautiful day!!"

Remember this lyrics, anyone? Yes, Beautiful Sunday, a song of the 70s, if I m not mistaken...

Woke up to a beautiful Sunday....first thing i switched on the pc, next thing, i phoned up my friend, "wei, makan breakfast yet?" She sounded joyful hearing my voice, "hey, not yet la, just woke up only la... so what time breakfast? 10am? ok, good... i come fetch u...." (GREAT!!)

Still another half hour to go, I went thru' my emails, this, that... blogs....then baru pergi did my "stuff" in the bathroom.... (details are omitted, don't worry) True enough, she came and we went for our breakfast in Greentown centre called GT.

After breakfast and "tar-pau-ing" back for my kids, I went for my long overdue facial appointment... beautician complaining "aiyoh, so long never come, see... all clogged up already." Yeah, my face needs "unclogging", so much oily stuff here and there... (actually they looked like pearls)

Wanna guess how long my face was "pinched" and "pressed?" More than one hour, 1 1/2 hours to be precise....aiyoh, so painful some more.. I stopped her.. "enough for today, PLEASE...beh tahan already,....just clean up my face, I wanna go home to watch badminton finals la.. do the masks next week, can?" Sure can.... customers are always right... hahahhaa..

By the time I reached home, ngam ngam 2pm...just in time to watch my favorite game LIVE...

Malaysians won men singles and doubles, (Macau open ma.... so can surely win, big guns were absent)

6pm, we had our dinner 8pm, I am sitting here comfortably till now....

It is indeed a Beautiful Sunday.... How about yours?


  1. erm...went church, then study in room...hmmm...not so beautiful i think . :D

  2. hahha! Glad u had a beautiful Sunday!

  3. Gab...each day is a beautiful day... thanks to God..we r still alive and kicking about...hahaha... not necessary to be very happy makes a beautiful day... ok, this weekend, hope it will be beautiful for u..cos we r around..hahaha...

    Miss Mathew, thank God..yes, another new day..

  4. we had a beautiful sunday too. but yours is better. it's been so long since i had a facial...badly need one but dont know when have the time.

  5. I know that song.. my era! cheh wah... where got such thing as facial today mask next time??? aiyo this lady!

    it's like, chemicals today, rebonding tomorrow.. hahaha

  6. that song was top hit in the 70's
    so everybody wish to have a beautiful sunday. Then they will be happy

  7. tiee: treat ourselves once awhile.. tat was why my face all clogged up.. haha....

    Merryn: me special case one.. can postpone..cos no time..they spent too much time on my unclogging.. so to be continued next week..they owe me! :)

    bugs: hope u r happy too!

  8. Wah...enjoying the life of a lady of leisure! Hmmm...I would love to go for a good body massage but dunno where they've a good and decent one here.

  9. I love that song..beautiful Sunday. I used at my that everyday feel like Sunday..hehehe..1 1/2hrs for facial? mine up to 3hrs oww..mostly like that long at KK...dunno why..thats why I rarely go hehehee...

  10. STP: i think ladies would love to go some relaxation on and off.. to un-wind.. :)

    C.Alv.B.: my "cleaning" of face took 1 1/2 hrs.. minus the mask.. i didnt have enough time yesterday, so i told her to continue next week.. rushing to go back to watch tv..

  11. My Reality: yes, i do have another blog for food..

    do pay a visit! thanks..

    Willie: good to hear that.. :)

  12. Hey, correct me if i am wrong, is that song "beatiful sunday" sung by Malaysian band called October Cherry or Cherry october?

    My sunday was doomed, cos it was raining dog and cat,attended a birhtday party that's all..

    have a great week ahead,,take care now

  13. wa hahahha... badminton lovers....!!!

  14. serious meh..doomed pulak.. hahaha.. somemore, got birthday party to attend.. good food and all.. another blessed sunday la..

    Cath J: yes, crazy for badminton one...

  15. what a nice and beautiful Sunday u had. *tapping my fingers* when can i have this kind of leisure like you lei. Maybe after 20 years when my boys grow up? hmmmm...

  16. My Sunday was so-so...can be considered okay, I guess... but i dun think I can say the same thing bout next wik. in law visiting. SIGH

  17. Annie Q, very fast one..your kids will grow up before u knew it, they are flying off to college already...

    Cleffairy, not to worry, just be the way u r.. when they visit, say hi.. bye.. hi .. bye... give them your sweetest smile and everything will be fine...
    *i cant seem to say the same thing for myself..yucks*

  18. yes.. my time... teenager then.. hehee..


Thank you, readers!

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