Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pre Chinese New Year Thoughts

For the last few nights I have been dreaming of my late FIL and I told my girl about my dreams, her grandfather was around the house, doing some renovations here and there. Funnily enough, I was not a bit disturbed by these dreams. In fact I had another dream of him last night, this time not in my house but in my old childhood's house. He and another man was repairing something again in the house and suddenly the house was filled with water due to some pump leakage or what. I was shouting away... "Water! Water!" and that was all I could remember. What does this dream depict?

My son just blogged about his grandfather.... at this time of the year, our house will be filled with mandarin oranges, soft drinks, biscuits and their favorite fish and prawn crackers. During this time, his grandfather would be busy frying the crackers and putting them into big tins for his son and his grandkids to savor during Chinese New Year.

But not this year... in fact, there is nothing in my house yet. No drinks, no mandarin oranges and no fish nor prawn crackers in the kitchen. I am waiting for my 2 strong fellas to come back, to help me buy and carry these heavy stuff. This year it will be different... maybe it will be a quiet affair. Everyone seems to be missing someone, in one way or another.


  1. Happy Chinese New Year Auntie..:) wish you a prosperous and blessed year ahead. yea...i think it's normal for everyone at this time to miss someone, one way or another. :) may joy and peace be upon you all. :D

  2. I think your FIL is trying to tell you something. Maybe water = money?

    Try buying water number and see. Who knows that your FIL is blessing your family with 4D prize money.

  3. Hey mum! Yeap, definitely we dream because we miss someone who no longer here with us and still getting used to it..well, this cny, wei wei and I will oso be back, so we get the things ready for it!Hehe..see u next thurs..

  4. smallkucing: sui sui... ?? funny wor, the water splashed out from the hose inside the old house...hehe...

    gab: u too missing your home, right? have a smooth journey next week and yes, have a blessed time at home!

    jessie: no la..he knows i dont buy number one.. hahaha..

    B: yes, waiting for u two strongmen to come home and do the carrying.. me and fernie knows how to eat only..hahha...

  5. well, it'll be a quiet affair at my end too. CNY has tremendously loss its reputation from a joyful festive season to just an anticipated holiday... :P

  6. Perhaps you FIL is trying to give you sign? :p Try to look for something that has to do with water?

  7. medie007: thinking back, when i was at your age or younger, cny was the occasion me and my family excitedly look forward to.. wearing new clothes, new shoes.. ang pau 40cents also we were so happy then.. those were the days...

    tekkaus: Indah Water la.. now i remember, i was slammed with their lawyer.. asking me to pay arrears.. yeah, must be that!

  8. Claire.. quiet or not.. it will be a joyful one no less. Your children will all be back and you'll find the 'noise' again...

    U miss me ah? :D

  9. merryn, thanks for your comfort.. yes, i miss chatting with u...come on, online la.. hahaha...

  10. Dreams are strange. I do dream about events that happen like 10 years ago. It's funny.

    But as for your dream about your FIL and about water, I think he's trying to tell you something. And water is money, so maybe more money coming to you?

    Btw, according to feng shui for 2010, this year of tiger is short of water. So surrounding yourself with water is good : )

  11. Very interesting.. Dreams are always so interesting---and some people (who have studied them) say that dreams really mean something... I'm never sure since mine are so crazy!!!!!

    Hope you have a great weekend.

  12. You must be tired, still recovering from your illness...and may be feeling depressed. Rest, relax...and enjoy more! Pamper yourself. Go for a relaxing body massage or something. Go some place peaceful like Cameron perhaps - no need to go as far as Japan and spend so much.There's more to life than work and worries!

  13. Sometimes dreams are so very puzzling and other times very clear. I do hope you are getting plenty of rest and relaxation so that you can enjoy your holiday.

  14. I think Water mean Money. Nah..maybe you win lottery (^_^).

  15. If it was my dad, he confirm will go buy lottery d... This year might be different but don't let it stop you and your family from having a good time. I'm sure your FIL will want the same for you guys too :) Take care Claire :)

  16. foong: u and your fengsui never seems to end.. :p

    betsy: each nite i dream, not one night pass by without a dream.. so what does it signify to dream? mind not resting? hahahaa...

    sjb: u also heard that water means money? i tot chinese are superstitious about that only.. :)

    stp: i know la.. i get yr hint.. dont hv to go so far to relax, go sibu is the best.. can makan , free lodging... some more got cikgu to teach us some lessons as well.. mana boleh dapat treatment macam ni.. hahaha..

    agnes thanks for your consolation, yes, indeed very tiring nowadays.. but try to relax.. as for buying lottery, no way la .. i sure dont kena one.. :p tot of doing some biscuits but lazy too!

  17. Claire... this is what they call... 'In loving memories'. The dead are never gone, as long as you remembered them. When my grandmother passed away, I dreamed about her for 40 days consecutively, and in those dreams...she do things as if she's still alive. I was not scared...because the dreams, to me, are memories. And I am glad that I'm lucky enough to have those. I still dream about her every now and then. Give thanks to god for allowing him to live in your memories, Claire.

  18. It is natural to dream of those you love or loved.

    You are obviously feeling much happy:)

  19. LOL-ed hard at Claire's comment to Cikgu. Ahahaha.. you're so, so right1

  20. cleff: now i do understand.. yes, loving memories will linger..forget about the unhappy moments.. u too, try to overlook the sad times.. look forward to the good times ahead, ok?

    Lynette: yes, i m much better emotionally.. but still coughing a bit now and then.. thank u.. and i hope u r fine too.. pray and let God do the rest..

  21. Same here Claire... still nothing... but at least the tang lung and decoration already up (That also done my MIL.. ;-p)

  22. Water??? Jeez... I heard water is something to do with good luck...


  23. cathJ: me nothing.. just bought some oranges and drinks yesterday.. this week will be pretty busy..


Thank you, readers!

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