Saturday, April 30, 2011


Phewww.... I am so exhausted!! What a long day.....
Woke up at 7am... took my girl to polo ground for her school event, did my marketing, pumped up full tank petrol and got ready to drive a 3 hours journey to the airport....

Yes, I drove all the way to LCCT to pick up Aaron from there.... it has been a few years since I last drove to the airport, thank God I still remember the way and not ending up in Malacca instead.. lol....

The airport was so crowded... nowadays taking a flight is like taking a bus ride... agree?

The three hours drive exhausted me... Aaron took over the wheel once he landed ... and we reached Ipoh at 9pm.... Why so late? Well, we had a good "durian" feast in this SS2!! Will post the pictures tomorrow...

I am so exhausted NOW! Age does count... who says it doesn't... LOL.....

Friday, April 29, 2011

Prince William And Kate Majestic Wedding Pictures

The wedding of the decade at Westminster Abbey..... Prince William and Kate Middleton...

How many of you took leave to watch this? :) No, I did not... in fact I reached home around 5.30pm... quickly, I switched on TV7, just in time to see "Princess Kate" getting into the car from her home to the church....

But alas, I had only one hour to witness the wedding... at 6.30pm, I had to "shoot off" again... Here are some pictures I have taken while watching from the big screen...

Wedding car but how come not decorated with flowers
like what we do over here? :)

Proud Dad with Duchess Kate...

The wedding gown looks simple but and yet so exquisite looking!

Her radiant smile..
I wonder how she felt at this moment....

so mesmerizing....

the Two Princes....William and Harry

How do you think her father felt during this moment...

some cheerful smiles....

from the top view...

The Oath...

Prince William - "I behold thee......"

" my wedded wife........."

".....I will love you and honour you........."

"........till death do us apart......"

".....I now pronounce you Man And Wife....."

God Bless Your Marriage, Prince William and Duchess Kate!

sigh...too bad I missed the "Kiss" at the famous balcony!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Yan, I Persevere

Must persevere.... no matter how she gets on my nerves, I must persevere for another 1 year before she "expires" herself....

She shouted at me when I asked her something... never mind, I endure it and persevere...

She threw away the "kueh" which I bought for her this afternoon, I saw the three "popiah" in the bin... not even a bite.... so wasted... I asked her why she threw.... but I couldn't catch what she was talking about... I let her be... I rather persevere....

She is in one of her crazy moods again... it will take a couple of days for her to sober down.. wonder who made her mad these days... I rather not ask... better just avoid talking to her...

By the way, I am not talking about my girl.... This is just a ranting post.... never mind who...

Actually I am not feeling very down... just raving out.. the picture shown above is Yours Truly.. my girl took it for me, asking me what it is for... hahaha... she must be thinking mum is acting funny tonight...

Well, it is one of those days when you get bullied and cannot do anything about it because our character is not such.... but I guess we must be firm and put a stand, don't let others "step on us." One day I want to turn into a tiger and "growwwlllllllllllll grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!"

(Mentally abused by maid)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rush Hour 3

I always go out during lunch hour, either to fetch my girl from school or when I don't, I will be out "driving around" looking for DOUBLE S - Stomach Satisfaction! LOL...

But there are certain days that I cannot even have lunch properly... at times we ended up eating in the car itself... those times are called "Rush Hour." Sometimes I have to rush back to office before 2pm... in that one hour, we have to buy rice, take my girl home and then drive like "Formula One" back to the office...

So during these Rush Hour days, someone beside me also have to end up eating in the car, poor lady!

While I drive, she eats...
by the time I reach the office,
her packet of rice will be finished...
As for me, I cannot eat while driving, I might get choked!

But this is one thing I can eat...
The creamy durian ice cream potong!
It cost RM2.20 per stick these days!!
Crazy price!

Well... crazy or not, I am still putting it into my mouth! lol...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Double Take For Thai

Since his purpose was to come home to eat and eat, I fulfilled Andy's wishes by taking him to Soon Hoong, Thai cuisine but in a "coffeeshop"........ yours truly here is "frugal" one..

It is my second time there but for Andy, it is his first... to our astonishment, the place was crowded even though it was only 6.30pm... We waited for almost half an hour before our dishes came... that time, most of our stomach were already "calling for help! help!!"

This time I ordered big rice bowls instead of small rice...

first came the kerabu chicken feet....
they were so "crunchy" and "springy"..

who gets cold feet eating cold chicken feet? :)
try it... they are very nice and sweet... lol....
don't think of how they debone these feet, ok!

next was the steamed stingray with hot chilies...

they put lots of garlic and "wine" too....

a green vege.. "kangkung"

Andy requested for pandan fried chicken

and lastly, their all time favourite
"Or Chien" (fresh oysters with eggs)

For the five of us with 6 bowls of rice plus drinks
the total came to RM72 ($25usd)
I thought it was pretty expensive.. or was it not??

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hello MamaPaparazzi!

Very early on a bright Sunday morning, I had a nice surprise. I received a sms from Mamarazzi saying that she would be coming up to Ipoh for a makan trip (foodie trip).... "What to eat... where to go..." kind of question.. I replied citing a few. Since the place they wanted to go was around my "territory", I told them to jump over.. hahaha... ok, not jump la... , just told them to drop by.... to say Hello!!

Yes, someone was saying
"HELLO LABBIE!!! How are you?"
and Labbie wagged her tail .. saying...
"Hey, J...its so nice to see you again!"
After some minutes exchanging "formalities" we went to Jelapang... sigh... unfortunately, the stall was closed, wanted to take them for the famous rojak! Too bad, then we adjourned to First Garden for the roasted pork... SIGH!! It was not opened too!! Wahh la.... I guess Easter Sunday is a day of rest... We ended up taking the not-so-famous food... Sorry ah... very paiseh of me...

Let me compensate with these....
Only one durian stall was opened...
Costly... but it was worth it... so creamy and sweet...

First Garden best beancurd dessert... ginger syrup!
These were only what I ordered...
Look out for Kathy's posts for more food!!

This was our last stop...
After JJ cakes, Kathy and gang were on their own....
I am sure they had a good time buying IPOH stuff...
What she had bought, well, look out again in her blog!

As for me, we said sayonara here... till we meet again...
So... who else is coming to IPOH?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ipoh Home Dishes

Andy came back for the weekend, he has one week of study leave before his exam commencing in early May. He didn't bring back his laptop, just a book and it has been lying on his room table since he came back on Friday. What I meant is that the book he took back has been left untouched... untouchable... cos both he and the book are on "Sleeping Mode!"

Ok, lets forget about the book... I know he is more into Food when he is in Ipoh... so before he arrived, I went to the market to catch hold of what he loves to eat and hasn't been eating them for the past two months...

After Elin left, I cooked the remainder crabs for dinner
I followed her method of cooking but this time
I added some egg white to the crabs ...

clams with chillie and yee heong leaves

miniature french beans...
stir-fried with dried prawns

lotus with groundnuts soup...

Aaron, don't drool..
Next week is your turn...
Just let me know your menu...
then mum here will go for "Food Consultation!"

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Vampires And Crabs

What do vampires and crabs have in common?
Answer : they are killed or pierced through the heart....

Oh, before you go on, this post is not for weak and crab lovers.... please refrain from reading on..
Sorry, crabs....

I actually bought these crabs in the main market yesterday afternoon. Andy would be back for dinner so I was thinking why not cook something different for a change. So.... with some great help from Elin, I learn how to "murder" some crabs next time.... call me "cold blooded"... Gosh!

Okay... how to keep yourself from being "clawed"
we must not untie the crab... otherwise we get it instead
so... firstly, take a wooden chopstick..
and point it to the crab's heart... like this above....
and thennn...

My Sifu.. (Mistress of Cookery)
She taught and showed me all the minute details...
where to wash, what to take out..
yes, sand-bag, now I know where it is...
and then.... with some squeezed ginger...
and some fried garlic...
the crabs were steamed for 10-15 minutes...
they became like these....

freshly steamed crabs!

by the way annyone fainted?

Friday, April 22, 2011

5S On Good Friday

Today is Good Friday.... yes, it is a working day for me... no public holiday on a Good Friday in Malaysia...(correction, only no holiday in Penisular)

Anyway, it was a Fun day for us in the office cos on this day, we officiate the 5 S - er.... something to do with the Japanese slogan... don't ask me what the 5 "S" stands for... try googling it, okay?

To achieve this 5S, all the staff had to lend a helping hand... sort of contributing our "manpower" and labour to the office ... after the official launching, we were given some tasks to do... some prefer to be gardeners, sweepers and I... I opted to become a Pavement Painter.... heheee....

believe it or not....
me painting the slabs.. no joke, huh!

serious one, no play-play....

ok, one picture to remember us as Painters!

after an hour sweat..we waited for free food.. hehee..

while waiting, Elin went posing... hahaha..

ahhh... what was served?

a plate of nasi lemak!!

After a heavy breakfast, we went back to rest in the office...
During lunch break, Elin and I wanted to go to the market...
On the way to the parking lot....
in the midst of our conversation...
we forgot about the wet paint... sigh...

Guess whose footwear that was????

Gosh!! Another one here...
Both of us didn't realise it until we felt something wet
when we stepped on them!!
shhhhh.... hope the boss won't find out!!! LOL....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Before And After ME

At around 8am, someone called my handphone and asked me to go to the office staircase to wait for her. Two minutes later, she handed me this box to me, it felt cold in my hands and I was exclaiming..."WOW, got fresh cakes for breakfast this morning!!"

I expected some cakes inside...
but when I opened... there were....

three slices of Quiche inside.....
Gosh!!! How scrumptious they look!!

quiche filled with large chunks of salmon....
plus vegetables, cheese, egg... and...
and... all the healthy ingredients, I guess!!

Well... as Chinese used to say..
Can Eat means Can Prosper...
(sik tak hai fook)

Just look at me....


In Time To Come!!
Well, I don't really Mind..

As Elin always say,

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An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...