Friday, May 6, 2011

The Dog And The Cat

Raining cats and dogs?? Well, it did not happen in my area.... today was so blazing HOT! So.. there was no raining cats and dogs but it was about a cat and dog meet-up...

Took Labbie out for a walk and there was this kitty, a stray cat, it kept following us, I thought the kitty wanted some titbits from me... but no, he/she was more interested in Labbie, my doggie... No matter where I took Labbie, the Kitty kept funny geh...

see, the cat was not the least afraid of dog..
kept coming by to disturb Labbie...

In the end, I let her/him be....
maybe she/he felt protected with Labbie around..


  1. Love is in the air...
    Labbie hearing wedding bells???

  2. Labbie is such a kind dog..

  3. Probably the kitty feels insecure and thinking that Labbie can be friends with her afterall both are four legged. Awwwww so cute.

  4. We're different duzzin mean we cannot be friends or make peace with each other. See... this is one thing human needs to learn from animals. Non-discrimination. =D So heartwarming and cute, Claire. And Labbie is such a gentle giant. =D Can I use this pic and blog about peace, Claire?

  5. This is a scream!! Usually, cats are afraid of dogs, and dogs chase them! Did she have a collar and tags? Maybe a stray looking for a good mom?

  6. Hot here too today...after raining for two days. No complaints! Be thankful that we have such glorious weather here.

  7. same here in Orlando...muggy hot...just checking your love love it as always

  8. Labbie is so nice, never bark at the cat at all

  9. Very interesting. My toy poodle at home hates the cat so much that each time she senses/smells a cat nearby, she'll bark her lungs out.

  10. that was nice of Labby to make friends with the kitty.

  11. oh... either the cat very brave, or Labbie must be a nice dog.. :D

  12. isnt that woderful? cats and dogs also can be good friends..but then again not all dogs and cats think alike..just like human beings, where many think we have to stay away from our 'so call enemies!'

  13. hahaha, looks like there is a potential that they become good friends yeah?? :D

  14. Poor thing! Looks like someone needs to feed it! Labs are good dogs!! Following you now from hop.

  15. We used to have a cat, and our dog scared him away. You see, our dog just barks like a lunatic...and she's barking at the tiny cat everytime she sees the cat. The cat run away and never came back again.
    Your dog is so friendly ....heheeh!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...