Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sweet Tempting Delights

Desserts never fail to tempt me to bits! Anything sweet from baking, I am in! Unfortunately (or is it a blessing?) I do not know or have interest in baking, what I love is to get to taste what Others have cooked or baked.... If I am into baking and cooking good, I think I can call myself Lady Glutton by now.... cos I simply love to eat!

During the previous week, I was "blessed" with such glorious sweet delights from who-else-but Elin from Sweet Delights...

She baked French Apple Cake

and brought me a few pieces to be "satisfied!"
munchhhhh.... don't ask me how it tasted like..
i only know how to say thank you and
they will be "gluttoned" ... LOL...
the recipe can be found HERE

Then another new morning came...
two strawberry strudels were brought in...
I guess I don't need to mention what happened to them...
For this recipe, she has not posted it up yet
but for more delicious recipes,
just go visit her blog HERE

How about that?? Promotion via Food Samples..
Anyone else want me to promote their foodies??
I am more than willing... hahahaha.....


  1. It's really wonderful to keep receiving heart-warming gifts. I wonder why none of my friends is baking me a cake, or even a tiny slice of biscuit???

  2. cath: dont see, dont see.. hahaha...

    mery: yes!!

    Pam: the answer is very simple! U r a chef yourself, who would want to bake one for u! hahaha... like me, I dont think i be baking a cake for Elin! anyway, dont feel disheartened! I want to recommend a new place to out for the next post..

  3. Huh? Huh? What? I did not see all that... Hehehehehe!!!

  4. Lovely desserts but only can eat a small portion for the level of sugar in desserts.

  5. Wah! Looks really tasty ;) I'll definitely try the recipe when I've found times to spare :)

  6. wow, if can't finish, pass over..

  7. stp: see no food, feel no-thing! hahaha...

    chrisau: sin-less if they were yours! :)

    nava: this gal normally put less sugar in her bakery..

    miki: even if i have time to spare, i wont bake... cos lazy!

    wenn: sure sure... hahaha..

  8. Wah, good lah, got Elin to cook nice food for you,,,

  9. That looks really good right now. I am hungry. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. wah. sedaps. but i'm too sleepy to think abot food. hahahahha

  11. Now I am hungry again!

    Stopping by to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Please stop by my blog to pick up your Versatile Blogger Award.


  12. You are so lucky to have her for your good friend! I have a friend who owned a local bakery, but she never treated me THIS good!

  13. Looks so good!
    Getting the word out.. still and again for Haley - today she is in the hospital receiving yet again another blood transfusion - She needs a bone marrow transplant - Please go to her Facebook page and like it - if you can donate - Please say "I want to donate" and I will contact you with all you need. thank you - Kelly
    Sunday Post
    Haley's Facebook Page
    I've Become My Mother
    I've Become My Mother facebook

  14. pete: feeding me, widening me.. lol...

    kim: same to u..thanks!

    medie: go go .. kau kau.. hahaha..

    amazey: ok, i will jump over..

    ginny: hope she reads this then!

    kelly: will hop over in awhile..

  15. War...I am wondering if she opens a bakery. :p

  16. with coffee of course!!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral




  17. yummeh! how to make order?? :P

  18. Can i bodek bodek Elin to get those glorious stuff or not? anyway i don't really like desserts and confectionary,,, kuih kuih, cakes cakes , muffins, all not my fav but got kopi o kaw kaw, ok juga......

    so you plan your holiday already or not

  19. Wah how come always got free goodies to eat? I'm so jealous!! i want the strudels too, please! :P

  20. tekkaus: not yet..but got plans to.. :p

    cloudia: too bad i dont take coffee..

    carol: let me ask her.. hahaa...

    eugene: oh, kopi i tak suka.. terbalik.. ok, next time i will not buy u sweet stuffies..

    sweetwitch: we always jealous each other.. hahaa...

  21. you are making my mouth water now :P

  22. Oh my...Im hungry to the max....the sights here are tempting...*drooling*

  23. my... i think these tasted heavenly fresh from the oven :-P


Thank you, readers!

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