Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Just The Two Of Us

Sometimes I do not know what to cook... as the song goes, Just The Two Of Us... what and how to cook? My girl can be quite a fussy eater... she does not like chicken much... she favours fish more than anything else... meat comes second...

Nowadays I buy little bit of this and that.. and after cooking, it became a bit here and there like these...

steamed minced meat plus salted vege (mui choy)
my girl likes this....

little bit of cauliflower mixed with fish cake
added some egg gravy... hahahaa....

two dishes... enough or not??
I am always the one who have to finish all...

Then at times when I am fed up or she is fed up with my cooking, we go out "jolly jolly" eating...

we ordered sliced fish with ginger plus spring onions...

our favourite steamed yam!! drooling now...

ahhhh... both of us can "walloped" these two dishes..
and the bill came to RM23.00 with rice!
Both of us prefer to opt for this..
Lazy Mum is like that.. hahaha....


  1. I don't think cooking for two is an easy task as you have to restrict the serving size of each dish, especially when both of you have a comparative small appetite than others. Eating outside is fine for two and you actually spend less when you opt for more economical choice like... eating at the economy rice stall... hehe. When I ta-pau rice for the family, I will take a larger portion of only one dish for each box of rice. With 3 boxes of rice, I will have three different dishes to be shared out among us. And you know what, I always end up paying less.

  2. Steamed yam should be nice..tummy now kriiii kruuuuu already waiting for dinner to be back.

  3. pam: that is why we have 2 choices.. either eat out and dine in... if always eat out also sien.. dine in too often also tired.. :p

    bananaz: what a blessed life.. got dinner delivered right in front of u.. hhuuuu...

  4. But eating out all thetime - not healthy...too much salt, too much msg, too much oil... Just cook a simple all-in-one dish,better. Go out once in a while to give urselves a treat, or as a reward for work well done - then it is more meaningful and something to look forward to,

  5. my mom told me if only one or two ppl at home, better eat outside! hahah! :D

  6. stp: depends lo..if cook also cannot finish.. u know girl eat like.. sigh.. chinese said CAT eating!

    carol: yeah.. everything done too much also no good..

  7. Sometimes eat outside, sometimes cook lor. Simple healthy meals will do.

  8. Sometimes it is hard to cook for just 2!

  9. Cooking for 2 is really tricky. What I normally do is cook enough for 4 or 6.. then I freeze the remaining or just store it in the ref so we can eat it in the day or two. But of course, not all food is still as good as it was on the day it was cooked after a day or so.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog! :)

    Spanish Pinay

  10. chris: so once a week, u really look forward to homecooking, right?

    pete: if a chef like u said difficult, means it is really difficult.. hahaha..

    spanishpinay: thanks for returning.. but normally my girl and i dont eat frozen food if we can help it..

  11. I would love to cook but due to time constrain and work, I couldn't make it.

  12. Ohh? Your girl is a small eater? My mum used to crack her head to on what to cook cuz my sis, my dad and I are all fussy eater.

    Mebbe can ask Elin to give ideas on what simple thing u can cook for ur girl and u. =D I bet things are usually better with ur boys around? Boys not so fussy. Semua makan! LOL!

  13. wow! delicious! that is to die for!
    i'm going to try it out asap.
    have a great day!

  14. Just found your blog today and it's making me very hungry!

  15. true, sometimes coocking for 2 can be quite a hassle. Luckily my dear wife does that sometimes, the portions are for two though, and it can sometimes turn out more expensive than eating out.

  16. I rarely get to see food that you made. It looks like you are a really good cook!!

  17. wenn: yeah.. i know u love to cook!

    cleff: yes, my boys are bigger eaters so whatever i cook, sure finished! :p

    betty: great!!

    lydia: hahaha..sorry about that..

    isaac: true, depending on what you cook..but then it is cheaper than what you order outside for the same dishes..

    ginny: something very different from yours!

  18. The first dish looks tasty, it's one of my favourite, hehehe

  19. Cooking for 2 is not easy. Eat out once in a while will be very interesting despite that we might be also ordering 'home-cooked' type of dish. Save time and hassle.

  20. The steamed yam looks very yummy to me. Your homecook dishes also not bad.

  21. 2 dishes for 2, ok lah...cukup for me and hubby, when r u going to cook for us, LOL :D

  22. hayley: i love that dish also enough.. hahaa.

    littleboykit: that is why i cook once awile..

    sheohYan: i love that too!

    luciana: oh that will be embarrassing.. hahaa..

  23. Steam Yam? Sound interesting...RM23was cheap!

  24. My favourite, steamed minced meat with salted vege... hungry now, off for lunch!

  25. healthy food!

    Aloha from Waikiki :)

    Comfort Spiral




  26. The portion looks big for 2 people. I think if I were the one always have to sapu most of them, I'm not too motivated to cook also. LOL!

  27. After a hard day work we still have to cook st home to save expensive eating out costs..except for weekends..

  28. sometimes just the 2 of us, will be better to eat out than to think what to cook ya... :D

  29. angel: yes, considered the dishes, ok.. quite reasonable..

    yvonne: happy lunching!

    cloudia: not really..hahaha..

    cheeyee: cos i dont like to eat overnight food.. :)

    agnes: yes normally lunch eat out.. then dinner, i rather cook but then lazy at times..

  30. Truly understand. My family members like different food and I am having some difficulties myself and at the end cooking 5 dishes so that I can satisfy all.

    When there are only me and kids eating, just fry beehoon, cook congee and throw all the different ingredients in..haha:)

  31. i think it's a balanced between cooking at home and eating out lah.. sometimes you're bored with either one, and really want to have a kick, right?? :)

  32. ann: yeah..hakka-s like that.. but nowadays i try to slow down on pork..

    denesa: *salute* u.. last time i used to cook for 5 too..those were the days.. now i m getting lazier..

    sk: yes, u r very right.. sometimes eat at home.. at times out.. balancing act..

  33. awwwwww...... now I really missed my mom's cooking T_T

    I dont mind eating at home everyday but sometimes need to give mom a break and we all go out and eat a nice one... muahahah then mom said aiya too expensive laaa...

  34. Wah! Your daughter quite healthy yes? Fish is healthier than chicken meat.

  35. Actually if only one or two people, no need to cook. It's like a waste of energy and effort. Better order from a restaurant : )

  36. lol I like "I am always the one who have to finish all..." . . . but better still, take care aite! :)


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