Friday, October 7, 2011

Waste Of Money On My Lecithin

Few days ago a certain direct sales company came to my office to promote their products. Not wanted to feel left out, I went for the "free test" offered by them.

First they checked my height and weight then I stepped onto the machine and held the bar with my hands and looked straight... the so-called machine would give the readings of cholesterol, fats, metabolism rate, bone density and "body age."

Then .... the man-in-charge explained to me what my body is now.... fats beneath skin... or something like that.. and recommended me to take the below Lecithin. Something to do with cutting down my fats and increasing my memory cells..... Sounds good to me.... I need that!

For the past two days, I took two tablets each day... (bottle here read 6 tablets per day)... but thank goodness I did not follow their instructions!

On the first evening I took them after dinner, I felt a bit nausea and giddy.. I quickly lay down on the bed... thought it was due to my fatigue...

Just now after dinner I took 2 tablets again... and while driving my girl to tuition, all of a sudden, I felt giddy again..... the head was like "very light" and I was wondering what caused it...

On the way home, I suddenly recalled that it might be due to this Lecithin.... maybe I am allergic to them? Too strong for me?

Wanting to confirm my fears, I googled this Soy Lecithin just now... it says this.....

People who chronically take more than 3.5 grams of choline per day occasionally have experienced side effects, including low blood pressure, marked by fainting or dizziness.

GOSH!! NO WONDER!! I am on the low blood pressure side... sigh...

So.... moral of the story is... Don't simply take any dietary supplements.. they might not be good for all of us!!

There goes my RM72 dietary supplement... anyone needs this? I can send them to you... hahahhaaa....


  1. The machine checks everything but your blood pressure. Haiz..

  2. Lu mau cantik saja..... Go to my blog to see how to reduce weight ! :P

  3. inspiredmum: yeah hor.. i guess i cannot simply take!

    chris:hehehe... wei.. u coming back for poon choy?

  4. I don't take supplements cos I believe in consuming nutrients the natural way: through food. Many supplements contain unnecessary additives which are harmful to our body. Prolonged consumption might cause irreversible effect to our system. Better stay away from these shortcut methods...

  5. Pam, i agree with u.. ok, i take whatever is necessary only... sigh..

  6. i hardly take supplements, not that i dont want but i just dont have the habit..always ended not finishing that bottle, bad huh?

  7. No thanks you I don't want the medication. I don't believe in such things. By keeping your body in condition, you will lose fat. Take up a sport or Ballroom dancing, you move all your mussles. When I had an injury and stopped dancing, I gained two kg per month. Now they are gone again.


  8. why not ttry writing to the company to ask for a refund. State that the salesman have not been truthful la. Some company will give refund

  9. Should always ask your family doctor about any kind of supplements or herbs you might be taking or want to take. Some are NOT good for some people. Happy week-end and stay away from those capsules.

  10. I had this before during my college time and I really losing some weight. But after two bottles, my mom no more buy for me. :(

  11. Yes, just because it is natural doesn't mean it is good for you. Many natural things are poison. Anyway, you don't have an inch of fat on your body, you seem vibrant and healthy! So why mess with a good thing? Whatever you are doing, just keep doing it, no changes!

  12. I take only meds and supplements my medical doctor recommends, and that's it. If I ever have side effects, I report them to the doctor and he adjusts the dose or prescribes something else.

  13. how much is the dosage for one tablet? maybe too much kot, 6 per day is freaky lot....

  14. Adui. What a waste of RM72! It might work for me though cos I've got hypertension ^__^

  15. Have to be very careful all the time whatever you put inside your mouth!!! I'd stick to natural herbs - leaves and grass...

  16. No, thanks! I don't usually buy in to those pills, no matter how hard the sales person does the marketing. I prefer natural way - without reprocessed.

  17. Aiyo, din know so many ppl don't believe in supplements! I recommend supplements as part of my job ( as a pharmacist..) :p
    At the end of the day, it is what's suitable for that individual.
    Can give your kids to take? Lecithin is a very good supplement in general. And for ppl with cholesterol problems.

  18. I hardly take supplements unless if necessay and prescribed by doctor.

  19. Maybe you can ask them to refund because you are allergic to it? :p

  20. Sigh... the sales person shld hv informed u abt the side effects. Lucking nothing happened while u were driving.

  21. I take supplements from the S range too but not the lecithin. Yes, you are right.. do not listen to the sales person but to your own body and do some research on your own.

  22. I guess you still can take it, but only 1 tablet a day.


Thank you, readers!

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