Sunday, February 19, 2012

In Moments Like This, I Need A MAN!

For the last two days, whenever I walked my stairs, a stench filled my nostrils.... I didn't realize the stench came from my balcony until this morning when I went there to unblock the rain water that was stuck in the drainage hole.

To my shock and dismay, I found this!!
 A Decomposed Rat!
(quickly took my camera and snap a picture)

Then I stood there, staring at it for a few moments, trying to think what to do... Should I take a broom and sweep it into the dustpan?  Then I took a stick (as in the picture) and gave it a slight shove...  and ... GOSH!!... Beneath the rat skin, BIG FAT MAGGOTS WERE WRIGGLING!!!  urgghhh... urghhhh.... puke!!
By now, the stench was really nauseating! 

Eventually what I did was this.. (imagine!)... I took two plastic bags and wore them on my right hand as gloves... and with just two seconds, took up the dead rat with maggots and shoved them into another plastic bag.. darn it...  I really wanted to vomit and cry!!

In moments like this... I NEED A MAN!


  1. YUCK, Claire... u could have posted this more late... like that wun feel like wanna vomit my dinner. OMG... so damn geli la... ask someone to get rid of it. If I saw this, I will fast fast ask someone to get rid of it for me... the other day saw dead cicak on my table... i feel so geli too!

  2. At least all you got to do is scream and run away... :(

  3. Memang... =.= every time a cicak died in my house... I will make either the budak besar to get rid of it for me... or force the budak kecil to throw it away. My anak not sked of this. Thank god for that... LOL!

  4. Oh, a rotten rat... Can imagine how unbearable the stench can be. Didn't Labby sense the presence of the unwelcome visitor?

  5. cleff: cicak is nothing la!! can just sweep it away... but rat? Gross!!

    pam: up on my balcony, no way she can smell that.. can smell also doesnt know how to tell me. .hahaha..

    wenn: smelly-gible!

  6. You poor thing! How come got dead rats in your house?

  7. OMG!!! i couldn't stand rats.. Geliii.. in the moment like tht i would need a man too...

  8. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww

  9. last time my friend also experienced the same thing, also did what you did, used plastic bags..but didnt hear her talking abt the naggots..maybe can use ridsect to murder them first.

  10. quaypo: outside on my balcony... i dont have the answer...

    stella: very gross!!!

    medie: u scared? how come???

    lena: maggots.. aikssss!!

  11. A rat paying another "Rat" a visit?

  12. yucks!! and i thot what was that.. and i really salute you, you even dare to use your hands to pick that thing up?? given me, for sure i'll not use my hands but maybe two sticks to "chopstick" that and quickly dump it into a plastic bag~~ @_@"

  13. too bad your sons weren't there to help you, Claire!

  14. i'd be disgusted if i have to do that :/

  15. yeah u need a man. I found a dead rat in my car porch several years ago too and guess what? My man ran away! I had to do the dirty job while he shivers far far away! >_<

  16. by looking at the picture... i could imaging the disgusting smell... *vomiting now

  17. EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! And AWW, you poor thing!! How disgusting!! But you are a fast thinker, this was such a good idea!! I don't think i would have thought of this, I would have been running next door to the man who lives there!

  18. What a man can do, a woman can do as well...maybe even better! Wink! Wink!

  19. bean: rat seeing rat!!

    sk: hands in plastic! aikss.. terrible!

    gigi: yes, my tarzans!!

    ken: but got to do too...

    merryn: i think i need u more! hahaa...

    tz: yes.. horrible smell...

    ginny: at least u got someone to run too.. hahaha..

    stp: thank u for thinking so high of a lady!

  20. Ewww....... =_=
    This picture gonna spoilt my appetite all day.. LOL.

  21. omg already decompose?? that must be realy stinky!

    Latest: Eggless Egg Tarts

  22. hayley: so sort of dieting today? :p

    mery: urgh...

    fish: yes... now i can still remember the smell...

  23. a man would squeal and run too.

  24. Claire, in moment like this, I will sapu them away. I scared of dead lizard also.

  25. Oh my goodness.. arghh.. I can only imagine the stench! Last time my car got dead lizard the stench was already awful.. imagine a dead rat with maggots somemore! Eww.. you're really geng to solve this yourself! What to do.. we have to be independent! :)

  26. uewerkkk! Can imagine the gross-ness. U're really brave. But I guess there was no choice huh. :)

  27. I cannot even manage a dead cockroach, let alone a decomposed rat! You are now my idol, Claire!

  28. peiyee: i have no choice!.. i kept staring for a few moments..thinking how to get away from this.. urgh!

    slavemom: yes! no choice.. sigh..

    sweetwitch: no choice as i said.. how i wish someone does it for me..

  29. i tabik u!! So brave. There was once a bird died at my office here (outside). It had maggots underneath too. I tried to remove it but my whole body turned wobbly. hahaha.....At the end, one of the worker help me to get rid of it.


Thank you, readers!

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