Monday, February 20, 2012

Smart iPhone Makes Me Smarter And Poorer Now

Smart Phone for Smart People only... and sadly that does not apply to me...

This morning I had a shock of my life when I received a SMS from Maxis stating that I have used up 80% of my RM300 limit, that is RM247......  I was like "HUH????"  How come the bill is so sky-high??

Quickly I called up Andy and he told me that I might have touched some "wrong" buttons in the settings of my iPhone (ter-activated) thus getting charged for using the Internet.  His advice to me was to go to the Maxis centre and see the itemized bill.

Drove there in "super-speed" and true enough, the Maxis girl told me that I should "OFF" the "Cellular Data" in my iPhone... otherwise it would trigger charged usage whenever there is no Wifi ...  No wonder.. mine was turned "ON" in the Cellular Data button.

So..... am I Smart enough to use the Smart phone?  A very expensive lesson learn..... RM247 just wasted like that.... sigh....


  1. It is best to remove the 3G settings, if you wanted to use the phone to connect to wifi only.

    or another way, if you are going to use 3G outdoor, then better to subscribe for those lower cost data plans, such as umobiles unlimited broadband.

    I am using umobile unlimited broadband now, so far the line is not bad.

  2. Knowledge is priceless my dear! ;)

  3. My old hp, no I have to subscribe for internet connection. Presently using a package RM15 a around RM60 a month. Not bad...compared to before when I had to use over RM150 a month to browse on my hp.

  4. Kesian, kena charged RM247.00 just because of something which was supposed to be turned OFF instead of ON.

  5. that's why I switched to Digi that gives unlimited data access, no need to worry about over limit.. can switch on my 3G and get connected all the time.. :p

  6. Oopss... I heard of this happening also, another reason why I'm not keen on a smartphone on top of difficulty to sms while driving. Yea, I do that a lot.

  7. Ask for waiver. Normally for first timer, they allowed. I kena myself and my bill was rm2k+

  8. sigh, everyone goes through that painful lesson at one point, especially with the iPhone >< ..

  9. Wow why don't you subscribe to some other data plan for smart phone? If the digi at ur area is good Digi has good plan for iPhone. Just RM60 per mth with no worry abt over usage of the data n Internet connection. Digi don't charge for above the quota just slow connection. But unless you are playing games on phone it's basically won't really hit the quota.

  10. I experienced that several months ago when I changed to iPhone. However, being a calculative person, I constantly dialled *100# to check the balance and managed to detect the abnormality before the charges reached RM60. Went to Greentown Business Centre and removed the 'jailbreak' thing... Until today still dunno what jailbreak is...

  11. Was yr 3G mode on when u were traveling out of the country recently ? I heard Maxis will charge you for excess usage over your plan but Digi will limit you the plan u signed up for. I just signed up a plan w Digi and use their 3G quite a lot but no surprise billings.

  12. Hello claire!! Long time no see. Miss you and your blog dear :) Actually i hardly seen anyone hasn't beeing changed due to turning that data on when they first get their phone!! Me too .... *swearing, oppss!!* But like other's say, learn from mistakes lo ..... coz nobody put up a big note asking us to turn that data off when we first got the phone ma. Sigh!

  13. i'm not using iphone but now i better go and check after reading your post here becos i received the same message from digi twice this month..i'm not sure if i hv pressed the wrong button like you did..

  14. garfield: yes, put Off to both 3G and cellular data.. now very observant about this...

    gratitude: knowledge is about paying too! :)

    stp: now so many type of plans.. my son asked me to switch to digi..

    irene: sigh.. what to do.. sigh..

    sk: i think i got to do that.. change to digi!

    irene: sms while driving? wow..

    rachel: gosh@@ 2K??? i will not be able to sleep then! can ask waiver even when i didnt buy from them?

    isaac: next time must remind those aunties like me ...

    cheeyee: yes, now going to change plan.. digi!!

    pam: yes, heard of jailbreak.. my son told me but dont know what it means and i never bother to ask after that! i think i will change to prepaid.. no money, no usage!

    elaine: everyone is talking about digi.. i think i better change..

    mommyangel: i bought online and i didnt read the manual book one.. all trial and error and now an expensive lesson learnt... sigh..

    lena: better check before it reaches 1K.. hahaha...

  15. All first timer must kena ONE time wan.. me oso -.-

  16. It will be worth to get the iphone call and data plan since you are using smart phone. No point to have smart phone if you cannot online every single minutes :p

  17. You don't have the one that talks to you? I wish I had an iPhone! But it is so easy to touch something and get charged! I'm glad you got it all worked out!

  18. merryn: why like that one ah..

    tz: yeah, u r right in this point..

    ginny: yes, going to work it out now.. :)

  19. On a brighter side should be glad its only RM247 and not RM2470 then really no iSee. ~;).

  20. The first thing i got my smart phone is to turn off this button first...else pocket koya

  21. Thanks for highlighting this man! Next time I will be careful if I get a smartphone..:)

  22. Claire, when my DH get his first iphone he experienced the same thing. U can try complain to Maxis and see if they could waive it. Cos apparently their maximum broadband charges is only MYR98(for us back then). See if they willing to waive it to that maximum amount if u willing to try.

  23. Heard a lot of such incidents. U can try to ask for a rebate. Some ppl managed to get it.

  24. yeeling: u r definitely smarter than me.. hahaha...

    carolyn: u r welcome.. haha..

    aloha: but i didnt buy the iphone from them.. let me enquire and see...

    slavemom: alright..thanks, i will try..

  25. It was a painful lesson. I guess you will remember this setting for life from now on.

  26. We do learn form our mistakes.. but sometimes those mistakes are too painful for our hearts and pockets :(

    visiting you..

  27. I also kena the first month when i used my iphone... but luckily my friend warned me after about a week, so not much $$$ burn la...

  28. nodin: thanks for coming by!

    yan: surely I do.. now and then, i check my iphone.. hahaha..

    april: u r very right!!

    peiyee: my son told me actually but i didnt really get it into my head.. sigh..

  29. when i bought the phone,
    the sales girl help me to "locked" this "auto" function already.


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