Saturday, June 30, 2012

Breath Of Wok In Gunong Rapat

My friends came to pick me up for dinner in Gunong Rapat. According to them, there is one famous road side stall selling the best fried noodles in that area. As long as anything that connects to food, I am all game for it... never mind the half hour journey and turning here and there....

As for the directions, this place is just opposite the school and the village hall....
It was almost 7pm and there was only four tables for this stall..
Only one table was available... waiting for us... :)
 My friend managed to capture this picture for me..
Can you see the charcoal fireworks?
This is indeed called "Wok Hei"
(Breath of the Wok!)  LOL...
This is my order...mixed noodles...
Well, if you like the smell of those authentic wok taste, you can go for this...
One disadvantage though...
If you want to have long conversations with your friends, 
you better go to those shops with shelter...
This type of road side stall is for those who just Eat and Go...
Not for having tete-a-tete... 

Most Popular Undergraduate Degrees

Most Popular Undergraduate Degrees
Going to college is the next big step in obtaining a solid career and future. Choosing an undergraduate degree pathway is a serious choice and most certainly not something that you should not take lightly. When preparing for college, consider these popular undergraduate degrees for your future: 


Nursing programs are so popular that there are often long waiting lists to be approved. Nurses have to go through rigorous coursework, but it only takes four years to be an RN. If you are considering a career as a nurse, then you should apply for accredited universities online and local schools as soon as possible.  Waiting lists can take up to two or three years. 

Engineers are in high demand, and the pay is substantial. There are dozens of engineer specialties that range from electrical to computer. Engineers go on to become engineers of electricity, music, sound, computers or even architecture. This field has the highest starting salary of most degree programs. If you love math and science, then engineering could
be the perfect field for you. 

Human Services 
If you love giving back to others, working with people directly or being involved in your community, then human services could be your perfect undergrad degree. Those with a degree in this field work in human resources, with the government or with non-profit organizations. You must have a drive for helping others to succeed in this field, but the rewards are worth it. Many young professionals are becoming human services majors because it is such a rewarding career path. 

Educators go on to be professors, teachers, and administrators. They can teach from kindergarten to 12th grade high school. Teachers are needed for history, English, social sciences, social studies and the arts. Even though it is a popular field for those that have a passion for learning, there is always a shortage of teachers, making it a promising career path.

Criminal Justice 
This field involves law and working with people in law enforcement. Criminal justice majors can become police officers, lawyers, detectives, criminal analysis specialists.  Some areas may require additional education. Criminal justice degrees are a good starting point for those fascinated with law studies. It is important to choose a degree pathway that interests you. If you don't have a passion for what you are doing, then you will have a hard time staying employed later on. Choose from one of these popular degrees, and then find accredited universities online to pursue your degree. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Fiesta Time In Office

They are beautiful.... I mean my colleagues.... we share one common interest... that is Enjoying Good Food! I was told that there is one new pizza outlet in Jelapang and they do delivery to doorstep with an extra RM3 ($1usd) ...Heard from my colleague that the pizzas are very nice too....  so since I "owed" my colleagues a treat, I told them that the lunch would be on me...

I forked out RM100 and amazingly, the pizzas were more than enough for the 15 of us.... For this amount of money, my colleague ordered the below for our lunch.... 
all types of pizza.....Large size too!
and 5 pieces of giant Kebab too!
We had a wonderful fiesta during our lunch hour...
I ate so much that I nearly dozed off during the later part of the day...
The Beauties and their Mama... 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Best Of Both Worlds?

How am I coping?

This is the question I am often asked these days.... my answer is "So far, I am still fine..."

Life is slightly different... a month ago, my routine has changed, especially towards the evening.  Nowadays I spend more time facing two "Square Boxes"... one Big and one smaller in size... my two eyes will be facing my faithful laptop and my two ears will be listening to the Chinese drama showing on Astro....

On some evenings, I will take dinner with my siblings and on other days, I eat out with my friends.  I am beginning to feel that it is back to the good old days when I was still "single" but when it comes to weekends, it is totally different... I am a mother again....

Am I having the best of both worlds?  I got to console myself with that.......

Husbands, love your wives...
Wives, submit to your husbands....
Do treasure your time together .....

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Couple In Aneka Selera Taiping

Back to my Taiping post....
Soon it was evening.. 
we passed by the Taiping lake when the sun was setting...
Love the enormous trees that branch out to the lake... 
and soon it was time to take dinner...
To avoid the crowd, we came here quite early...
This is Taiping Food Court (Aneka Selera Taiping)
reminded me of the Gourmet Square in Ipoh...
I call it The Couple Stall... husband/wife team...
the wife is friendly and pleasant looking...
We like coming by here because the dishes suit our taste...
The "wife" recommended this dish to us... 
Vegetables with sliced yam...
She also suggested to try this.... Sweet Sour Crayfish... 
*good choice!*
Claypot curry fish head... tasty but a bit too spicy for me...
For those spicy lovers, this is highly recommended...
As I was eating, I estimated the price of these three dishes...
My estimation was around RM50.00 or so...
but never ... expected.... the... Bill...
to come... to.....
Just RM28.00!!
This is what I called Cheap and Nice!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

City Survival Skill Workshop In Heritage Hotel, Ipoh

 Ladies... There will be a talk on City Survival this weekend here in Ipoh by Captain K. Balasupramaniam who will be sharing his valuable experience on how to survive the seriousness crisis in today's society.

As we all know by now, robberies and abduction cases are aplenty these days and they are happening in broad daylight in malls and right in front of our houses.  Much has been heard about rampant robberies happening in our own residential area, snatch thieves who "love" to push their victims down before snatching off their belongings and hurting them intentionally.

My own auntie is one of the victims recently and not only her, a few of my friends have experienced this trauma too….

What are we facing each day when we go out?  

As my friend told me the other day, it is not surprising that each of us are turning more and more paranoid these days.  We need to be more alert and observant of our surroundings.  The fear is making us paranoid… right outside our own homes....

Thanks to my friends Lee and Yip who are involved in some NGO and organizing this City Survival Workshop in Ipoh.... this is not to be missed.... we might learn a lot from this talk and pass it on to our love ones as well....

This City Survival Skill workshop will be held as follows : 

Date : 30th June 2012 (Sat)

Time : 1.30pm - 6.00pm

Venue : Heritage Hotel Ipoh

Jalan Raja DiHilr, Ipoh

Light refreshment will be served.

Please call 05-5469715 to register. Limited seats left

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cheap Dim Sum In Kum Loong Taiping

It was only around 10am when we reached Kum Loong Food Shop (direct translation) from the photo here.....
It is actually a double shop lot selling dim sum only... when we were seated, we were told that most of the dim sum were sold out already, the waitress told us that not many choices were left....  I was really astonished...
no wonder the lady was sweeping the floor already...
(Can you see the customer putting up her legs?)
 I notice that the shop is more for "elderly people" like me...  lol...
Anyway, we sat there.... and see what they had to offer...
my friend and I didnt take much...
Just ordered a "Tai Pau" (Big dumpling)
some steamed dumplings and fish balls...
2 plates of steamed pork ribs
plus one plate of chicken with vegetables (not shown here)
We were recommended to eat this... 
Oh, I forgot the name but it seems they only do this once a week..
It was very large actually...
something like "sang yuk" pau..
with minced meat and a piece of egg as fillings..
 since I never seen this in Ipoh before, we ordered one and try...
It was not bad... neither it was very good...  hahahaa...
Well, nothing much to shout about in this shop...
but I do notice that many people came by to take away 
rather than sitting here to eat....
maybe because there is no air-con.....
Morning breakfast was a so-so...
I do not know their individual prices...
and the price including the above came to 
only RM17...something... 
So Cheap!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Am Here In Taiping Tourist Centre

 I really drove to Taiping!  Have food will travel is my motto and that is the main reason that I wanted to retire early, and when I ever do, I will drive around for food and for sights... that is my vision.... hahahaa.....

Ok, back to the Taiping story....

My friend and I wanted to try the dim sum at the Kum Loong restaurant and we managed to park our car at Jalan Tupai (Squirrel Road)....
 clearly no traffic jam in Taiping town...
amazed by one shot lot here....
I notice that there are many abandon shop lots in town....
as we walked along, this sight captivated me...
 reminded me of London....
but minus the phone...
Love the crown emblem though... 
That shows we were under the colonial times those days...
British ruling.... 
So ..this is the Old Clock Tower of Taiping!

After some research, this is what I found... 
briefly about the history, this tower was built in 1980 in a shape of a square fort.  
In between 1908 and 1950, this Clock Tower was being used 
as the town police station and fire brigade. (2 in 1)
Recently... it has been converted to 
Taiping Tourist and Information Centre...

tomorrow post - authentic dim sum

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Taiping, Here I Come!

It is 12.21am now and you know what I am thinking about now?  Oh gosh... it is all my own fault... I was looking through my travel folder and I found these pictures taken in Taiping....

I remember coming by to the town market here to order this plate of tasty... yummy flat noodles! Taiping fried koay teow is totally different from Ipoh, their special is something like this....
I love to have a plate now..... 
*stomach growling*
I remember ordering one packet of otak otak too....
but their barley is very diluted.. hahaha...
Well, I am thinking of making a trip there...
tomorrow perhaps.... hehehee... 
After all, it is just an hour drive... 

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Best Occasions To Give Your Loved One Some Flowers

The phrase ‘say it with flowers’ is apt for one reason: they help to express someone’s love for another person in such a way that whoever’s receiving them is usually overcome with joy. However, there are some occasions which are better to buy flowers as a gift than others. Timing is important when you want to give the woman in your life a present, so you’ll want to pick an important date in both your and her year to give gifts for her from interflora.

Birthdays are an opportune time for you to express your love and by giving her a bunch of flowers at the crack of dawn is the perfect way to start celebrating your loved one being one year older. If she doesn’t seem like the type of person who likes waking up to find that she’s surrounded by fine thank you gifts from interflora, perhaps you might want to wait until the early evening when she’s awake and free from work. Then, she’ll be able to fully appreciate her gift.
One of the most important days of the year is your anniversary. You’ll want to celebrate the day that you first became an item in the best possible way. This could mean buying her either one large present or a series of small gifts and maybe going out for a meal or even having a picnic if the weather’s nice. Handing your loved one a mixed bouquet of roses complemented by chocolates and champagne while you’re sharing each other’s company is a great way to mark the first day you got together.

An anniversary should always be a special day, no matter how long you’ve been together, and what better way to enjoy it than give your partner one of the many fine anniversary gifts from interflora? She’ll surely cherish her gift for as long as possible, especially as it’s a day which, all being well, you can both remember for years to come. 

Durians Have Eyes, You Know...

"Is it durian season now?" This is the question AA always ask whenever he wants to come back. Most times, he couldn't get to eat but for the past few days last week, he got what he longed for....

Durian season is indeed on... due to the heat wave, more and more durians are dropping down from the trees. Andy told me that durians have eyes and they are very considerate fruits...

Do you know the reason why, he asked... "Durians have eyes because they only drop during the night when no one is around." True ah?  I believe one, you know...
Ok, these durians must have dropped down during the night then...
Using the knife is not enough, it has to be opened 
with a screwdriver as well... hahahaa....
The harder to open, the greater taste the durian has... right?
Durians do really give out a lot of heat!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Firefly From Sultan Azlan Shah Airport Ipoh

Time really flies... soon it was time for AA to fly back south after being in Ipoh for almost five days, the longest leave he has ever taken so far...  seriously..... hahahaa....

His flight was around 4.50pm and we left the house around 4pm, it only takes around 10-15 minutes to the Ipoh airport.... It has been many years since I last visited my hometown's airport because it does not cater to many places, just Medan (I think) and Singapore....
At the T-junction traffic light..
turn right to the airport...
 This Royalty banner captured my eyes.... 
the airport is named after our Perak Sultan...
due to the haze, the grass are yellowish... 
eh... under renovation too!
reminded me of Sibu airport...
Maybe it will be completed when I "fly" the next time..
perhaps in one month
The temporary entrance to the airport....
15 minutes before departure.....
till we meet again...

IN less than two hours my handphone rang...
AA has reached his destination... so fast!
Thank you Firefly!
I will fly in you one day!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I Heart Winnie The Pooh in Tanjung Tualang

Despite the heat wave and my poor throat, we braved through an hour journey to Tanjung Tualang to have some "refreshing" food which turned out not to be as nice as expected.

There were quite a number of restaurants along the town vicinity selling fresh seafood and so far, I have been to two or three. I was thinkig that it would be a good idea to try another restaurant which we haven't been before.... to compare, so to say.... but alas it was quite a disappointment....
 It was around one when we reached Tg Tualang
and only two tables were occupied...
while waiting for the food, its snapping time....
Extra Large pictures means NICE...
we ordered some steamed prawns....
er.... By now you all should know what this is....  :)
don't want to "startle" anyone here if I mention the name...
vegetables... *yau mak*
crispy fried oysters with eggs....
steamed fish (Patin)
crispy fried noodles with gravy...
my opinion... never want to order this again... 
And the bill came to RM137.00
I Heart Winnie The Pooh-Pooh!!
(out of the topic) 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...