Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Chinese Herbs To Detoxify My Body

After all the exotic food I have taken, it is time to do some "detoxifying" of the body via Chinese traditional style.... Here are some of the food I have bought during the fasting month (Ramadhan)...
Of course there were much more than that I have bought and consumed during this one month of Ramadhan... love walking along the bazaar cos there were so much food... better not show too many... now looking back, feel kind of guilty eating so much...  LOL...
  Dinner at my mom's place.... 
she fried some rice and the rest were all from the bazaar stalls..
So it is time to Detoxify my body.... 
Bought these herbs from Chang Jiang... (sounds familiar?)
Her shop  :)
Actually these herbs were specially "prepared" to cure my shingles...
But since now I have recovered, the remaining two packets were for "cooling" down the body...
Instructions is 3 bowls of water boiled until remaining one bowl...
I did just that and when I drank it.... 
But I felt good after drinking it... seriously...
Isn't there a saying... Bitter is more effective?
(Well, I will boil another packet this weekend..... for my kids!!)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Exotic Dishes For The Second Time Here

Within a week, I was in Sungai Wang two times. In my previous post, it was on a Thursday and on Sunday I went there again with my family. This time instead of asking the "captain's recommendation" on the food, I looked up to the pictures displayed at the entrance.  (That is the problem of being illiterate in Mandarin!)

From the pictures displaced at the top of the door entrance, I pointed to a few dishes and these were what were served within minutes....
Petai with sambal minced meat... 
Just look at the generous servings of the petai...
It only cost RM12 !!
This time we ordered Steamed Clams...
I still prefer them to be cooked with basil leaves... as in my post here.
I saw this picture displayed... and I pointed at it... 
 Glad that I ordered it...
Not sure what it is.. something of a pancake and eaten with mayonnaise..
This time I ordered these three dishes for 4 of us...
Bill came to around RM45 including drinks and rice...
Not a bad deal, right?

Sungai Wang Seafood Restaurant,
158, Jalan Pasar,
Kampung Simee,
31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sungai Wang Seafood Restaurant In Kampong Simee, Ipoh

In less than a week, I went to Sungai Wang for my dinner... No, I didn't go to KL to have my dinner, this Sungai Wang is in Ipoh and in Kampong Simee....It is actually a corner shop or should I say a restaurant without air con but it is quite cooling, not to worry about that.  Diagonally opposite a primary school called Chung Tak, I took my friend on one occasion there on Thursday night and last evening, I took my family there...

For both my friend and I, we ordered three dishes and we were quite satisfied with what we ordered... something quite special especially the first dish here....
Steamed brinjals (eggplant) with Lots and Lots of toppings...
These fried garlic, dried shrimps, onions really "enhance" this dish to the brim!
 The "Leng Lui" there recommended clams cooked with "kam heong" leaves
Great combination with the basil leaves, I love this too!
And I think we "over-ordered"
This is claypot mixed shown here...
How to finish these three dishes by only Tow Ladies?
Well... I was surprised that we managed to!
A glimpse of how the shop looks like...
Open and airy....
For the above three dishes plus rice, the bill came to RM39.00...
These were taken on Thursday night....
Then last night I took my family to the same place for dinner...
But of course, we didn't order the same food... :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Short Getaway To Kampar

Another weekend getaway... but somewhere near to Ipoh, only a 45 minutes drive to a place called Kampar.  It has been some time since I last went there... Those days before the highways were built, we had to pass through the small towns to do down south.  One of them is Kampar and we love to go there for our breakfast before proceeding to KL.   But ever since the north south highways are built, these small towns were more or less neglected but brought back to life when KTAR and UTAR are built. 

Back to my short day trip, my friend and I began our drive to Gopeng and then to Kampar for our breakfast cum lunch....
Kampar during the 1990sss...
(took this picture which was hung in a coffeeshop)
I ordered this bowl of porridge.... it is "croaky porridge"
Love this paku pakis (wild ferns) with peanuts sauce... 
Some crispy fried fish balls... they cost only 10 sen each!!
My sister recommended this dumpling
Well, it might not look translucent and nice looking..
but after taking a bite, it reminded me of those dumplings
which my mom used to make during our younger days....
And I ended up buying back a few packets for dinner!!
Oh, I am not a coffee lover but when my friend told me that it was best!!  Feeling curious, we asked the boss what brand he used and he brought over the whole tin of coffee powder to show us... hahahaa..... He said that many of his customers also commented that this coffee has the "Ummmph" and the "Kick."  I am not a coffee lover but after he told me this, I had to take a sip from my friend's glass. Well, I think it tasted good but not so sure it is great.... hahahaa.....

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

You've got your foot in the door with a company and now it's time to prepare for the interview. The job search has many similarities to the degree program you went through at your online university, it requires you to study, test and perseverance. If you are preparing for a job interview, review the tips below to ensure your success.

Prior to going on an interview, get to know as much about the company as you can. If it's a large company, get to know the different products or services they provide. For example, if you are applying to a school, what grades are served? If it's a corporation, what products or services do they provide? To Whom? Rather than telling you about the company, sometimes an interviewer will test your knowledge and interest by asking what you know about the company. Be prepared to share your research in a short and succinct brief, ensuring that you have thoroughly done your research.

While you don't want to give yourself an actual test in your knowledge of the company, you do want to rehearse your answers. In general, you should be prepared to give an answer of 30 seconds - 2 minutes at most. The longer the question, the longer the answer should be, up to 2 minutes. Not every answer to each question needs to be long, however. You should also be prepared to answer short questions with a short answer. If the interviewer wants more information, they will usually ask a follow-up question.

While you can never prepare for every question, practice answers to the questions below to prepare for your interview.

  • Why do you want this job? Though everyone needs to work, there should be a reason why you want this particular job more than the same position at a different company. Be prepared to offer specific insights about the company culture or job duties itself. When researching the company, try to pick unique aspects of the job description, that wouldn't be available in the same position at a different company. 
  • What skills or experience do you have doing [insert skills required for job]? Rather than speaking of what you can do, point to specific experiences in your past about what you have done that you will also do at this job.
  • Tell me about a time when [insert situation you will encounter in a job]. Anticipate the types of situations that you are likely to encounter in the job, particularly the more challenging ones, and give a closely-related situation from your past and how you resolved it.
  • What is your weakness? Interviewers who ask this question are looking for you to reveal a weakness that is directly related to the skills required for the job. You can be honest and mention a weakness but one that doesn't affect an important part of your job.
  • What are your future goals? The best answers indicate you want to grow with the company by taking on more responsibility.
A job may not come right away, but don't be discouraged. Remain focused on the type of position that you want to attain throughout the job interview process.
During the job interview, remain upbeat and answer all questions with positivity. Don't forget to
send a thank you note!

New Set Of Musical Equipment

During my short stay in Rawang, I was amazed by my friend's musical set in her living room.  Her own Karaoke set was fabulous, I thought of getting one set for my own use too.  I can sing all I want to and making sure the house is sound proof as well so that neighbours will not complain about my singing.   LOL.. First thing, I must check out the motu at musicians friend, they have a wide range of musical instruments for our selection.  Oh, my current television has to go, it is not functioning well, I guess I really need to save up my pennies now in order to achieve a whole set of Musical equipment for my living hall. :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Let's Rock Together!

It has been a long while since I last eaten at Let's Rock in Cowan Street now known as Jalan Raja Ekram, Ipoh.  Then when my outstation friend came visiting to Ipoh, I suddenly thought Let's Rock and taking the Ipoh Fish Curry in claypot.   And hopefully after taking, we might be able to do the 1960's "Twist" and "Rock!"  hahahahaa.....

Okay, what did I order to make the meal rock?
First came the noodles.... I took the white...
my friend took the yellow with fresh beansprouts as toppings...
and some fish balls varieties...
and lastly and not least, the most wanted dish came....
so much liew inside... 
long beans, beancurd (taufoo pok), okra, prawns and fish!
That was really one heavy meal for the both of us....
Not really into spicy food... once awhile it is fine.... right?
So anyone wants to go rocking here?
Jom!!  Let's Rock!

Custom Made Card

Everything seems to be on promotion sales in the malls these days.  There are exhibitions like furniture, homewares, attires, electronic items, to name a few... these are being held in the lobby of the malls and in warehouses.  This is the time to go for affordable and cheaper items instead of paying more after these sales are over.  In fact I received a number of name cards when I visited the exhibitions and normally I do not throw them away.  I keep them in my drawer just in case next time I need some information or I need to contact them.  Nowadays there are many cheap business cards printing websites, anyone can afford to print out their personal or business cards and I have thought of having one custom card myself, something that reads "Reanaclaire... Have Food Will Travel!"  How about that? :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Homecooked Dishes At Kampong Simee "House cum Shop"

We left Rawang around 5.30pm and by the time we reached Ipoh, it was almost 8pm... and before going home, we took our dinner in Kampung Simee. This time we tried out the food in a corner house cum food stall, just opposite the Chung Tak Primary School in Kampung Simee. I have been there several times but have not tried the following dishes before. Love the home-cooked dishes that come with a reasonable price. Well, back to Ipoh, the prices cannot be too sky-high.. hahahaa...
 Their special for the day is "homecooked" Steamed Pork Ribs...
For greens, I ordered this "dragon vege..... "
And to furnish all the whole package, a simple "Mixed Omelette"
For three dishes and three plates of rice plus drinks, 
the bill came to around RM34.00 ($11usd?)
I think it is pretty reasonable for the dishes such as these...
After the meal, it was time to go home and rest...
A wonderful getaway and looking forward to another one next month! :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Saving All My Space For Teluk Gong

There is one song called "Saving All My Love For You"... but I think .. "Saving All My Space For You..." is more appropriate ..  hahaha...

My friend arranged our dinner to be held in Teluk Gong, that was our final itinerary for the day.  We were out from morning till night, I guess this is KL life... once out from the house, it will be the whole day...

My second time here in Teluk Gong... forgot the name of restaurant... something like Coconut Sunflower... sensing that there will be "heaty" food, I ordered this to cool down first...
 My favourite drink... (it cured my shingles!)
Where there is good food, there will be a crowd.... 
As for the food, here they are.... 
Part of the food served... 
Fried noodles came out first... we ordered two plates of these...
Not too bad.... tasty.. or perhaps we were too hungry by then???
er... what do we call these?  Bamboo clams?
To me, the taste is something like "LaLa"
Some greens...
Fried fish...  I took one and that was it...
 crispy fried squids... (I didn't take not even one)
I am quite disciplined, I think... LOL...
 I didn't take the prawns too.. though I was kind of fascinated...
Served in two seprate coconuts...
I tasted the soup though... and there was no coconut taste in it..
I thought somehow it should have, right?
I like this though... "crayfish"  very tasty...  sweet...
I also like this... "dragon vege?"  :)
and now...
Saving the best for last.....
Saving all my love for you...
I mean Saving all my Space for You...
Ended up filling my stomach with two of the above....
As for the bill, it came to around RM400 plus drinks....
Reasonable or not, we had a wonderful night in Klang...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Happy Hour Karaoke In ONE UTAMA

Having filled our stomachs with Damansara Utama food, we proceeded to our next destination....
Yes!  United As One...
ONE U... or One Utama...
or is it Bandar Utama?
To me, it is ONE U.... 
We passed through The Garden...
Nice ambience... 
On the first floor, I took a picture of this.... 
 and I notice a "plump and rounded" lady here...
(I blamed it on the Nasi Lemak and Lam Mee!)
At around 2pm, we went to "register" in Neway...
For students 20% discount off the normal price...
Since we were not students, we enquired about "senior discount"
And we were told that 60 years of age is only entitled... sigh...
Well, we were not entitled to both promotions... we were like "in-between"
So we ended up paying the normal price of RM22++ per person...
Given 2 glasses of drinks each..... and 2 hours to SING only! 
 (Happy hour ends at 4pm)
Wasting no time, we started to sing almost immediately and 
only remember to take pictures when it was time to go....

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...