Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Losing A Toe To Diabetes

Long story cut short.. mom's toe has turned gangrene due to diabetes... it has been on going, inflamed, swollen and then subside.. then inflamed again... and last night it became like this....
Admitted to hospital last night and specialist confirmed that it has turned bad... 
Need to operate the next day before it spreads...
By morning, it has turned even darker...
 The operation took half hour or so...
But we waited for more than 2 hours before she came out... 
She was on epidural instead of GA...
Maybe due to her blood pressure that rose to 188/93
Feeling kind of stress.... or fear....
Who does not....
After the operation....
Her blood pressure came down to 134/.82
Thank God she is fine now...
So from now on... 
We should watch what we eat....
Diabetics can cause this to happen.... 
I need to watch out my sweet tooth....


  1. oh dear. so sorry to hear that this happened to your mom. speedy recovery to her and take care.

  2. Yes, we really need to take care of our healthy and watch what we are eating.

    Sorry to hear about your mum's condition. Wish her a quick recovery.

  3. Sorry to hear that... speedy recovery for your mom. Must control our diet even since young!

  4. Oh dear!!! Will have to control the diet. Watch out for all the hidden sugars in rice, noodles, everything... Moderation is the key, a little of everything - not too much.

  5. Sorry to hear this. Speedy recovery to your mom. Must take extremely good care of the wound .

  6. Right, we have to watch out what we eat. Only take in moderation. Speedy recovery to your mum. God Bless.

  7. barb: thank you .. yes, speedy recovery..

    rose: thanks!

  8. ken: control too much also no meaning at times...

    stp: yeah, now like no more want to eat anything we like to eat... have to watch out..

  9. sharon: thanks!!

    kathy: sometimes tend to forget..then wallop first..

    irene: yeah, in moderation.. cannot too much of anything..

  10. speedy recovery to your mum..
    take good care of her..

  11. God speed her healing and strengthens her. Will continued to pray for her.

  12. Speedy recovery to your mom.

    Take good care also, Claire.

  13. Oh no, I am so sorry! Does she have to inject insulin? It is good they took it off before it spread...she is lucky to have you as her good daughter by her side...

  14. wenn: thank you.. I will..

    chris: thanks!

  15. ling: thanks!

    ginny: Diabetics is quite dangerous if we do not take care..

  16. Oh good Lord, this is quite terrifying for me to see, esp. when I had gestational diabetes during my pregnancy 0_o

    Will keep your mum in prayer

  17. oh dear, so sorry to hear that your mom has to experience this.. hoping for a speedy recovery for your mom.. and you are right, we must always watch what we eat.. :)

  18. Take care, hope your mom get well soon!

  19. Oh, that's not good. I wish you a speedy recovery.


  20. Wishing Aunty speedy recovery. God bless!

  21. Wishing your mum a speedy recovery. God bless her! Rgds, KG

  22. May your mother feel better soon. Yes, I agree that we should watch our sweet tooth. My late father also had one of his lower leg amputated. That's why I don't dare to eat lots of sweet things.

  23. That's so scary to know but glad that the operation went well. Yes, we all need to be careful with what we eat these days, esp as age catches up.

  24. good thing it was just there, there are some people i knew has worst condition, take care of her even more now, i wish her health to be better

  25. I am so sorry and sad to hear about her losing a toe. I hope she will recover and won't feel upset. My friend's grandma went through a more sad operation which went fatal. She was a diabetic and was in coma. Her whole left leg turned black and had to be amputated from the knee even in comatose condition!!! The next day after the operations, she passed away in her coma stage minus a leg. Scary! I must also watch out my extremely sweet tooth! LOL.

  26. I'm so sorry to hear that. When age catches up with us, all the "good friends" start paying visits too. Must really watch our diet......


Thank you, readers!

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