Monday, August 31, 2015

A Yellow Sunday With My Beautiful Friends


Immediately after church, I went to pick up my friends who were waiting for me in Polo Ground, Ipoh.  The road leading to Polo was quite jam by the time I reached the roundabout, nevertheless, it was quite interesting for I have never seen such an event before.... 
 It was the second time singing NegaraKu within one hour...  
An hour before the song was played in church and secondly on the Polo Ground...
Took a picture to commemorate the scene in the park...
And off we go ... to another program... 

Yes, Another event was taking place too in Ipoh...
When I heard the Kucing Family was coming *impromptu visit*, I was like *Oh My!*
Two different groups of friends...
And what did I do? 
I "compiled" them together... 2-in-1....
I led the way...
We came to the cultural resort and village....
Let everyone enjoyed themselves....
A very lovely picture of my guest!
 Mother and Son....
Way to Go!!
My Handsome Young Guest!
Alright, seriously... I didn't know what I was doing...
A very Unintentional  Action!
This shot is more "normal" now...... 
Another scene with another group... 
The place was really crowded and the weather was hot....
After an hour or so, we quickly adjourned to a more interesting place....

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Snakehead Fish And Fruits In Lawan Kuda, Gopeng

ALL WAS NOT LOST EVEN THOUGH the restaurant we went to earlier was not opened yet... Thanks to my two foodie friends, we still managed to get hold of some other options for our lunch.  There are two restaurants right on the main road in Lawan Kuda, both which I had not been to before and I was all ready to go to either one....  These restaurants are famous for their "Sang Yue"  *Ikan Haruan* aka Snakehead fish.
On the right is Restaurant Xin Qi Jia Fa....
On the left is Restaurant J.J. Fatt and we ended up going to this one..
There were only two tables occupied upon entering and in no time, 
our dishes were being served...
Steamed beancurd with minced meat...
One fish can be dished out to become two different styles....
Stirfry with ginger and spring onions....
Fresh and nice....
And the rest of the fish was whooped into a soup base....

The soup consists of chinese wine cooked with some herbs, red dates and wolfberries...
For the three of us, we had a generous share of the soup...
A very fleshy meal, the bill came to RM56 with rice and drinks.....
Even though our tummies were filled after a heartful meal, 
we did not go home empty-handed....
Another one of my favourite fruit season is on now!!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Evening Gowns For All Occasions

It was a night to remember... Initially we did not expect the turnout to be so many, we were kind of expecting just twenty to thirty of us, but to our amazement and delight, the number doubled as the ladies connected to each other through the social media.

Alright, what was I babbling about?  The so-called Gala night belonged to the ladies from the Convent school of the year 1977.  Thanks to the organizer and her committee members, they had successfully gathered as many as they could to make this event a night to remember!  We did not expect the response to be doubled, in fact there was some ongoing response even after the closing date.  The venue was not big enough to accommodate a hundred of us....

Well, the good news is, the next Gala night will be in five years time and a bigger venue will definitely in place to accommodate as many as possible.  Our theme for this year bash was Glam and Glitter and it was really fun to see so many dressing up to the theme. 
Talking about ladies', there are so many online websites that offer beautiful and affordable dresses. There are so many designs to choose from in fact, whatever theme is needed, they are all there, from sexy bridesmaid dresses to evening gowns, short or long, sweet colors from exquisite cuttings.

For weddings-to-come, one can choose their wedding gowns in these websites and that also includes modest bridesmaid gowns and not only that, they are affordable bridesmaid dresses for the young and the adults as well.  I particularly logged inside the website to browse through these beautiful dresses and have a few bookmarked for my future use!

Friday, August 28, 2015

New Discovery Cui Hu Jing At Lawan Kuda, Gopeng

A VERY INTERESTING TRIP THIS AFTERNOON! Just the night before, we "WhatsApp-ed" each other for today's plan and we decided to go to Gopeng... we just planned to have a nice lunch in Lawan Kuda, I have never been there before and where food is concerned, I am ALL for it!

Actually we planned to eat in Peng Yau, a restaurant in Lawan Kuda but it was not opened and when one of my friends mentioned that there is a restaurant near a pond, we went to search around the vicinity for it. We even asked one uncle where it was located and we finally found it right here!
 We took a picture of the road just in case next time we forget!
From this road, we could see the restaurant....
But firstly, we need to drive through this narrow road leading to the restaurant....
I dare not look actually.... there is no barrier on both sides of the road...
Any wrong turning, the car would be "swimming" in the pond!
Here is the name of the restaurant.... it is only opened during the evenings around 5pm....
The phone number is 011-26456371
But since we were here, we might as well look around and see what they have to offer...
Fish and prawns being reared here...
What these are... I am not sure....
One can even go "sampan-ing" in the pond.....
This is where the fish are reared...
And the young lad was so kind enough to take us for a "tour" around his pond...
From where I stood.... I dare not go any further... 
Cos I am no "swimmer!"
Even though my friend kept saying.. Come, Come... I wanna hold your hand.... 
Both of them went ahead.... 
I stayed put where I stood cos there is no barricade on both sides...
See what I mean???
That is the furthest I wanna be!
The planks wobbled as we walked along....
Somehow I managed to balance myself... 
*aikksss.. I dare not walk on the planks again!*
Back to firm foundation.....
And this is the place where one can have a romantic dinner.... 
Because once the sun sets, the scenery will be breathtaking!
But as it was noon when we went, there was no sun set to see as yet...
But we would love to go again when the sun is setting...
Best time will be around 5-6pm.....
 On the way out, we got down from the car to take some pictures....
See how narrow the road is???? 
Safer to walk, right???
Love the scenery here... got moutntain, got water.... 
 I would recommend this place for an evening dinner anytime!
Hope I can still remember how to come in... have to bring my friends with me if I don't!
It was indeed a Fruitful trip this afternoon...
We discovered a new place for our evening dinner and we will surely come here again...

Thursday, August 27, 2015

A Simple Detoxifying Meal

AFTER A FEW DAYS OF "ACTIVE ACTIVITIES"... it is time to tone down... This morning when I woke up, I told myself that it had to be a day of rewinding...

With a recycle bag in my hand, I made my way to the wet market... Bought a few types of greens consisting of red, yellow and white as well... hahahaa... 
 These are my colourful items I bought this morning...
Yellow corn, beetroot is red, white is chicken meat...
And greens is the lofa!
I just sauteed it with lots of garlic and some dried shrimps....
When the lofa has turned soft, I add in one beaten egg... 
Two hours of slow fire, the soup is done... 
Just one beetroot, one corn, some red dates and wolfberries...
And the soup turned out very sweet.....
My humble meal for today's lunch and dinner!
See, I am no fussy eater... hahahaa...
I have been receiving some concerns from my friends...
Citing that I should cook more and eat out less...
Thank you for your concern...
I will definitely do that.... 
Will start cooking more at home and less outside food.... 


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Reunion Lunch At Pusing Public Restaurant, Ipoh

THE NEXT ITINERARY AFTER THE SCHOOL TOUR, around twenty of us made our way to Pusing Public Restaurant in town.  The restaurant is an all time favourite among many of us, the food is pretty fantastic-licious there.  Thanks to one of my friends, they had two tables ready for us when we arrived....
While waiting for the good food to arrive.....
There were six dishes in all...
Every dish has its specialty....
Some greens with soft yam....
Guiltily I took only one of these....
Steamed chicken with ginger....
Steamed beancurd with fish paste....
Honey Spareribs...

Soon after lunch, it was time to bade goodbye with hugs
 to many who had to drive all the way back, some north and some south.... 
Till we meet again... perhaps next year?
I really don't mind.... :)

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...