Thursday, November 19, 2015

My Confinement Period

EVER SINCE I CAME HOME FROM MY EUROPE TRIP, I have been very "lazy".... My condition has restricted my movements... For someone who cannot sit still like me, it was like a "confinement" period, sitting, eating, sleeping mode.... Even blogging is set aside.... I am indeed getting lazier as each day goes by.....
Most of my time is spent in front of the rectangular box.... My source of entertainment which supplies laughter and distraction whole day long.... A potential TV addict!

And to put myself to sleep, I tire myself in Soduku....
After a game or two, it leads me to dreamland.....
My source of transportation within the house.... My four legged companion....
Using this, my arms are getting muscular every passing day...
As for the legs, one is getting skinnier than the other..... 
These are my modeling poses with my muscular and skinny legs...
I can't wait to walk again... Doc oh Doc, do I have to wait that long??


  1. When you need to go for next check up with doc??

    Never mind. Just relax and do not think too much. Lets others pamper you during this time. ;)

    Speedy recovery.

  2. Sounds just like my missus, in front of tv all day...and night and play games on her smartphone, retired a few years too, all the time in the world, just relax.

    Got to take care of that leg, make sure it recovers well, be as good as new - you only have one leg, have two. Very important to get up and about as soon as it heals, muscle wastage...that is why one is skinnier than the other. Extended inactivity may lead to one being unable to walk again, like my mum, bedridden for so long, her legs - only skin and bone left.

  3. terkejut badak me when i saw your title!! confinement?? since when our Ipoh Food Mayor was pregnant and gave birth to a baby??!! cool down a little, i thought could be her DIL just gave birth, but hey, Andy and Aaron belum kahwin kot?? hahahaha~~

    so it's all coming to home staying after all your wheeling in Europe?? hehe, nvm lah, take it as a rest to recharge yourself lor, your leg will soon recover!! :)

    1. Confined to the house for more than a month... So its like confinement.....

  4. I understand your feeling but you have to really take great care of your leg. Speedy recovery. God Bless.

  5. Soon you will running around like you used to be will soon be on your food adventure again :) meanwhile take care and watch Astro...I miss my Astro now that I am in Semenyih :)

    1. Food no problem.. only cannot drive out to do my stuff... hahahaa...

  6. Hi Reana, fingers crossed that the cast is removed soon when your leg is healed so that you can get around to do the things you like to do. Take good care!

  7. Good thing you went on your tour or else longer confinement time at home. Very soon you will be up and about on both your legs. Be!

    1. Yes, I am so glad I went... otherwise harder to pass time here in Ipoh...

  8. How are you feeling now?

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!!

  9. Take care and speedy recovery, can understand, indeed like confinement

  10. Eat sit sleep. Good life. When can recover? I guess if sit all the time, rest more then can recover faster hor.. Previously you still go jalan, that's why slow..

    1. Not good life if cannot drive... cannot walk as normal...I cannot sit still one...

  11. You must be quite bored being in "confinement" hah..hah... Best to rest the leg so that it can heal faster.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...