Sunday, September 3, 2017

Homecooked Dishes For Just You And I


Both of us are small eaters... I mean small rice eaters but when it comes to dishes, we eat "big" portions.  Don't know when my girl adopted a habit of eating vegetables more than meat, gone are the days when my kids chose meat over vegetables.  Now it is the other way round and the older one, yours truly have to end up eating the meat instead of the young.

As the saying goes, if I can't beat them, I have to join them... join her, I mean.  I won't be surprised that she will go vegetarian one fine day.... Now that she is home, I have to make sure she has enough protein but once she starts working outside, meat will be the last dish she would pick and eat.  When it comes to dinner, she prefers homecooked food compared to outside food and most days, we do our dinner together in the house.

Some of the dishes are super simple that they do not qualify to be posted up here.  LOL... Below are the more "complicated" ones.... so try imagining the simple ones, porridge with sweet potatoes or one wok cook with everything dumped inside!  So easy and simple unlike the below... LOL...
Steamed fish with garnishing, lemon juice, tomatoes, lemongrass, ginger...
As for the greens, it is long beans with eggs.... 
Bought half free range chicken to steam... 
Greens mixed are Okra and Siew Pak Choy with some wolfberries for "decor."
One of my friends told me that all greens are dull looking.. 
Must put a bit of wolfberries to add some colour to the dish!  :)
As for the steamed chicken, guess who ended up eating most of it?
On one occasion, I had the mood to do braised pork ribs with raddish... 
So happy she liked it!! 
We had a small bowl each to ourselves and shared the asparagus without sambal.. 
This is a meal for three.... my friend came for dinner.... 
And we had hairy gourd with glassnoodles, 
Minced meat with stinky beans aka petai cooked with blended ingredients 
such as lemongrass, garlic, ginger and tumeric... 
Eggs with tomatoes is my girl's favourite... 
And "Pang Pei Tau" aka green peas soup... 
Good for eyes vision, it seems... 
What shall we have for dinner tonight?


  1. My my!!! You sure are getting to be very very good at it! I remember what you used to dish out long ago when your mum was still around - let's just say I was not impressed then. Now, can open your own restaurant liao. :D

    1. hahaha.. serious boh! These are without frills and fancies.. haven't master your type of presentation as yet.. with all the garnishings on top...

  2. eggs with tomatoes are my favourite too.

  3. Wow! I like your homecooked meals. All also look very ho chiak!

  4. Steamed fish, steamed chicken are the best. I would devour those 2! Lol.

    I still love to eat meats but of course balance up with greens. My girl, only 11 already eat more veggies than me. Lol.

    Love your homecooked.

    1. Wow.. she is good then.. my kids then would pick the meat rather than the greens.. nowadays they are the opposite..

  5. Mama's cooking is always the best comfort food. I'm sure your girl enjoys your cooking very much.

    1. She loves simple food as long as they are greens, she is fine..

  6. I think your dishes are not as simple as you say! All good coking takes work. And your cooking looks better than many fancy dishes you go out for! nothing beats home cooking. Our Anne Marie became a vegetarian around age 8. She is 11 now, and still sticking to it!

    1. Oh, those dishes were a few days' tasks.. not at one go.. Oh my.. Marie is really something!

  7. I like the steam fish, steam chicken and braised pork with radish, you can cook so well, I can't cook (what a shame)


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