Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Caroling At Daybreak Center, Pengkalan Pegoh

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, I joined my church caroling. I am a Methodist Senior now.... oh, don't get me wrong, I do not mean I am someone Big in the church, what I meant is in terms of age, I am now considered a "senior" and it also means "old" in other words.  LOL...

This year I joined in the caroling group and there were practices for three days before we went on a "roadshow" to certain homes and hospitals.  Our first outing is the Daybreak Centre in Pengkalan Pegoh.  Founded in 1992, DAYBREAK Centre is a training ground for the disabled adults and youth to learn up some handicraft or other skills so that they can find jobs and be independent in some way or another. 
Before we set out from the church.. presenting.... 
The Seniors of Methodist! 

My first time visiting the Daybreak.... 
Training center for the disabled regardless of race and creed... 
And on this particular day, it is a fun day for everyone!
Performance by the special children of God... 
Singing and Dancing... 
Let's Dance!
 And now... the Seniors of Methodist... 
We are ready!!
We rendered a few Christmas Songs... 
We had a good time there.. no doubt about that!
One before we left.... 
Till we meet again.... 
Next year... 


  1. You are so kind and caring to bring the Joy of Christmas to them.
    Can you post your guitar playing into YouTube??

    1. Oh I think I don't want to embarrass myself.. hahaaa

  2. Wah got talent lah you! Singing is good for relaxation and good entertainment for your audience :)

  3. Malaysia got talent haha, it is fun and meaningful to bring joy and cheer to the less forunate

  4. Did you join the women group too?? It is fun to be part of a group right?

    Nice performance. It is all about sharing and giving. Merry Christmas.

  5. Seems like a merry merry event!
    Good to join big group of people like this once a while!

    1. Yes, they cheered us up and we hope we did that too..

  6. Claire, how wonderful!! To cheer up others who are struggling. I think this is what Jesus meant by His coming. And you have the gift of both singing and playing! Most of you do not look like seniors!

  7. Joy to the world! May God bless you all, lovely gesture, indeed!

  8. May God bless you for bringing joy to the world! Good to see you enjoying yourself!

  9. Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, Elaine!

  10. It may be just a few Christmas carols but you all have brought joy to these beautiful people. Keep it up! Your effort and time not wasted!


Thank you, readers!

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