Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Story And Recovery Steps To Fractured Foot


And now I am doing it... only after three long years!   Yes, procrastinating is the word and I am a super procrastinator if there is such a word... LOL...

Now looking back, I can still remember the "helplessness" and the "frustrations" I feel during the first three months of being an invalid in my own home.   For the first one month I was "recuperating" and wheeling around the UK, thanks to my son who managed to change my mind for not forfeiting the trip at the last minute.  *Fractured my leg two days prior to my Europe trip*  ... His words of comfort still lingers in my mind till today... "If you don't come, who will look after you at home?  At least when you come over, I will be around with you for the next few weeks."  With that assurance, I "flew" over to Scotland via Amsterdam the very next day....

Oh, sorry, this post is not about my travel trip on wheelchair bound... those posts on traveling by wheelchair were published two years ago... in October 2015... 

This post is about the recovery stage and what steps to take for faster healing on the broken ankle... 
At home I used these.... I mean upstairs.... I used the four frame stand upstairs...
And I used the wheelchair to move about when I am downstairs...
So how do I go down the stairs?  I used my Ass... or should I say Buttocks?
Yes, I went down the stairs by sitting on my buttocks and then using my hands to glide me down step by step... needs a lot of patience... and at the same time, my arms then was very solid.... not flabby-flabby like now... LOL... 

Doc told me to do surgery but I rejected, so healing would be very slow, he told me.... If do surgery, I can walk after a month, no surgery, it will take much much longer... No, I didn't want to be hopping around or being wheeled around...I want to walk... and after three frustrating months, I felt like a baby again... learning how to walk... Funny, but it is true... Fear of putting injured my leg forward, fear of hearing the "cracking" sound if I step forward... 

OK, cutting my post short, I started to "glide" using the 4 frame walker.  Start off with gliding and slowly lift my leg slightly higher... and higher till I managed to walk holding the frame.  The foot felt very numb then.. but don't worry, just keep on doing this exercise, walking up and down the hall.

When I gained more confidence after days, I used the two clutches.... up and down the hall I walked... 

More confidence gained, I used one clutch instead of two.... and eventually last step, I used the walking stick with the four legs beneath... just for balance in case.... 

All these happened within the three months..... and slowly I walked just using the walking stick.. and that is not all... I must regain back the flexibility of the ankle... it was still very stiff even after I walked... something need to be done and I googled again for recovery process.  This exercise below is effective.
Started with a piece of cloth which allows me to grip easier... 
Do that as many times as possible each day.... 
I didn't want my ankle to just lie stiff and lazy.... 
When the leg is more flexible, do it on a piece of tissue.. 
Grip, release... grip and release... 
And in no time, the veins and nerves or whatever is inside..
They are more flexible and relaxed... 
Slowly.... steadily...
All was good in a matter of four months... 
Lesson taught:  Don't walk with eyes straight...
Must look down too especially there are curbs and steps...
They shouldn't be taken for granted...
And get a good pair of anti slip sandals..
Invest in a good pair... 
And refrain from high heels if possible!
*especially at my age*


  1. Yes, at our age, we have to be very very very careful. One fall and that may be IT! Lucky you, can get a second chance.

  2. Could feel your frustration. But glad you are fine now.

  3. This is wonderful advice, Claire! I don't blame you for not wanting surgery...there are always some risks. So you are very patient and clever in the way you got around.

  4. I'm glad you shared this post because it is good knowledge, who knows just in case, but hope not lah hah..hah... Now I also not just look in front but also on the ground ever since I suffered from slipped disc. During that time, it made me realize that I took so many things for granted. I started to notice that steps, uneven pavement and elevated pavements can be such a challenge!

  5. It is better to go the natural way of recovery rather than go for surgery, wise choice!

  6. I remember your leg injury so well and thought what a crazy woman who could still tour Europe against all odds. You really inspired me.


Thank you, readers!

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