Thursday, May 9, 2019

Don't Compare With Ipoh At Chinatown, London


Took the two tourists to Chinatown which can be reached by the underground train either to Leicester Square or Piccadilly Circus.   Did not take any pictures of the Chinatown, I guess we were too busy looking for the best restaurant to go in.  All look pretty alike to us... in the end, we settled for a restaurant called Royal Court.  The place was crowded when we walked in, we had to go to the basement!  LOL... The food here must be good since the place is crowded...

Oh, when I asked the waiter for "Wat Tan hor" aka "flat noodles with egg gravy", he replied, "You all from Malaysia?"  How did he know?  To our surprise, he told us he is also from Malaysia and hails from Ipoh too!!  Wahhh... what a coincidence!  Own kampung people.... and after that, he recommended these dishes.... and cautioned us this... " don't compare the food here with Ipoh!! "  hahaha...
Oh, this is the wine list menu...
As usual the guys ordered beer for themselves... 
While us ladies sipped chinese tea... 
My BIL ordered Beef Stew rice...
Actually... we ordered three plates to be shared among us.... 
Cos I know that Their portions would be enormous!
Not too bad... of course, cannot be compared to Ipoh... 
Flat noodles with beef.... 
Alright, we managed to finish them all... 
With two big guys, it shouldn't be a problem... 


  1. What a coincidence about your waiter! The food looks good!

  2. The wat tan hor looks more like chow ngao hor. what a small world (so cliche) to meet a fellow from same kampung so far away.

  3. Everything looks really good, not like the one I went to in Chinatown, Hongkong people-owned, I think. Everything was tasteless, so bland - no msg, I guess.

  4. So nice and coincident tp run into own kampung people in such a faraway land. Whenever i go overseas i will miss my own local food.

  5. What a coincidence to get a waiter from Ipoh. I am sure he is happy to meet you all too!


Thank you, readers!

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