Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Porridge At Kar Heng, Ipoh

MISSING IN ACTION AGAIN....  My blog has been neglected for more than a week?  Yes, almost a week... what have I been busy with?  It is only my laziness, I have lots of work to do at home actually.  As my kids are working from home, so does their mom.  Busier than ever for more than two weeks now.  Enjoying every moment with them though there is more work to do.... how often do we have this time of being together, my son used to joke about it....

These few days, news of the covid is not good, rumours have it saying that the second wave is back, we might have to face another lockdown again?  For the past couple of weeks, life seemed to be back to normal, at times, I forgot to bring out my mask... and now I must not take things for granted...
Started going out for the past one week...
We came to this shop called Kar Heng for porridge...
I ordered a bowl of porridge with crispy fried fish... 
Very nicely done... only for RM7
My friend opted for mixed intestines... RM4.50 or RM5
I prefer this choice anytime... 

For dinner we had these homecooked dishes.... 
Sambal petai (stinky beans) with minced meat.... 
Steamed eggs with silky beancurd.... 
My friend boiled salted vegetables with duck bones....
Very appetizing indeed!!
These are my meals for yesterday.... 
Today is another story... 
Stay safe, everyone!!


  1. all are very appetizing dishes!

  2. Starting of 2nd wave over in Sarawak especially Kuching. Everyone is on alert now.

    Porridge!! I don't mind having it once in a while. So comforting. But no mixed intestine for me. Hehe.

  3. So nice to have kids at home and never mind that you are kept busy, caring for them. A mother's job is never done but we do derive a lot of pleasure and happiness doing things for our kids, don't we?

  4. It is always a blessing to be at home with your loved ones. :)

    So yeah it is ok to neglect this blog.

  5. Treasure the time with them now. So nice that they can work remotely from home. I also prefer having fish instead of the intestines.

  6. The virus here is worse then ever. Many schools will not even be opening. Stay safe, Claire!

  7. All your homecooked dishes ngam me. Yums!


Thank you, readers!

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