Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Our Early No-Rice Dinners At Home Cafe, Ipoh

HOMECOOKED FOOD AT IN-HOUSE CAFE...  I am really thankful that I have homecooked food to eat these days.  My friend who stays 20 minutes away from me, likes to call us over for early dinner now and then and I wouldn't mind driving that distance for a good yummy meal!  Sometimes I add in one or two dishes and at times, I just go there empty-handed.  LOL... 

"Home cafe" I used to tell her and for the past few days, I have been there, enjoying her homecooked food.  Now that I am writing this, I am going over for an early dinner again later in the afternoon.  She caters for my needs, early dinner means around 4.30pm and it was still bright when I drive home.  I don't like driving at night nowadays, my vision is not sharp when it is dark.  That is one sign of being a senior now.  LOL... 

The two dinner meals for four....  oh yes, these are "RICE-LESS" meals... not less rice but no rice at all... 
Don't think we can finish all the food if we eat with rice... 
Fried dumplings...
My friend minced the meat and prawns and wrapped them with wanton skins... 
Homegrown Luffa with eggs and black fungus....
Stingray fish and calamari/sotong.. whatever it is called....
Eaten with homemade sambal shrimps.... 
That is one scrumptious dinner!

On another day, the dinner consist of these... 
I brought over some putu mayam and sambal petai.... 
The rest of the dishes cooked by my friend... 
From her garden, spinach... or amaranth it is called.... 
Just blanched and topped with garlic oil... 
Eggs with chives... my favorite... 
Black trotter in black vinegar!
So appetitzing.... 
And this time we had our dinner not with rice but with Putu Mayam!
What an odd combination!


  1. Ooooo....pork trotter in black vinegar!!! I like!!! We have a place called Home Cafe here too, serves Penang delights!

  2. oooh….drooling here....home cooked food is always the best!

  3. I want the homemade sambal shrimp. :D

  4. You are blessed to have such good friend. I dont mind drop by this home cafe anytime. Everything looked so delicious and homey.

  5. Your post makes me hungry now. Must go find some snacks.

  6. Your friend is nancy? Super tasty meals especially the sotong and stingray.

  7. I would eat all the fried dumplings!

  8. So nice to have a buddy to invite you over to her homecooked meals. Both you and nancy eat so well. I have a hard time voting for my fav here cos all the dishes here look so yummy and ngam me.


Thank you, readers!

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