Friday, April 30, 2021

Goat Breakfast For Me

EATING LIKE A GOAT AGAIN...  My friend used to joke with me whenever I take salad.  LOL...

Besides the greens, this time I added in two hard boiled eggs.  It is not worth the trouble to just boil one egg, might as well put in two to make the fire worth... LOL...  Besides an egg, I also had cut up fruits, kiwi, guava and pear.  Yes, I am very greedy and lazy, I did the whole lot so that it can last me two meals if not one.  

After this salad, I think it will be long while when I eat salad again... actually I wanted to but I have to go Jaya Jusco to get the salad, when I think of the hassle, I put it off....
The kiwi is too sour to eat by itself...
Never ever buy green kiwi unless it is blended...
Two eggs in a bowl of salad.... 
Seldom have healthy breakfast like this.... 
Ok, first round of helping.... 
I must have at least two.... 
Then the rest will be kept for lunch.... 
Mostly greens were left...
Fruits and eggs were eaten...
So I think I eat like a baby goat... not fully grown one! 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

I Called It My Weird Lunch


Saw something I like at the fish stall in the market.... Clams!!  There are only two fish stalls in this dry market here in Canning.  Their prices are slightly higher than those sold in bigger markets but I like coming here because it has less people and cleaner environment.  So their prices is more or less justified, pay a bit more to avoid the crowd.  

It has been a long while since I cook this type of clams, they are difficult to find too.  I only come across those heavy black clams which I don't really like, I prefer this type of longish clams.... hahaha... do they have a name?  Anyway, I ended up buying RM12, which is slightly more than 500gms.  

I couldn't remember how many times I washed them till the water turned clear... Soaked them with salt water too and then when all is ready, I get to cooking them.  Chopped up some garlic, ginger and cilipadi, plucked lots of basil from the garden and all is good to go!

Flesh is fresh.... 
Tasty and Yummy!
And the above was my lunch... Rice-less...
Greens, seafood and African grapes!
This is what I called a Weird Lunch!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Win Win Situation On Food

NOWHERE TO GO... so it will be all about food and more food as usual.... 

Morning breakfast started off with hard boiled egg instead of half boiled which I rather prefer but due to the hue and cry on salmonella these days, I stick to the former.  Better to cook the eggs longer and at the same time, I had toasted bread with garlic butter.  That was my breakfast this morning before zoom meeting with my cell group members at 10am.  

Meeting finished at around 11.30am and around noon, my neighbour came back with my lunch!  These days we have a mutual agreement, like he buys back breakfast or lunch for me and for dinner, I will normally give him a portion IF I am cooking.  LOL....  So far, it is win-win thingy for us... just give and take... compromising and that means I don't have to go out so much.

My breakfast this morning.... 
Very filling!
Bearded Chicken thigh and rice for lunch... RM8
I still have some rice for dinner tonight...
Tonight menu is Steam Fish and greens.... 
Vegetarian porridge was yesterday's lunch... RM5.00
One person's portion = two plates... 
Vegetarian dumplings....
Fillings mainly cabbage and leeks...
*forgot to take picture*
Cooked curry chicken two days ago....
Three chicken thighs.... 
Lunch/dinner same menu and one bowl to neighbour...
Nothing interesting these days...
Just waiting for the vaccination date.... 
Anyone of you been vaccinated yet?

Monday, April 26, 2021

Homecooked Food At A House Warming Dinner

CONDO-WARMING DINNER.... a couple invited a few of us to go to their condo for dinner.  Homecooked food is anytime better than eating outside and my friend who is a good cook, she whooped up these dishes below without any help.  Her own kids and grandkids plus a few of us, totaling 11 persons.  

The below dishes were for 7 of us.... 
My friend prepared these dishes for the whole family and us...
Mushroom ginger with chicken...
Fried minced meat with fish paste...
Fried eggs with long beans...
Cauliflower with fish balls...
Homegrown sweet potato leaves... very nicely done!
Black vinegar trotter....
Highlight of the dinner!

Friday, April 23, 2021

Stay Safe, Stay Home

IT IS FRIDAY.... and  I did not drive my car out for the whole day, I think I am good today.  My friends suggested going out for dinner and I declined for today... yes, today only... tomorrow I might be driving out again!! 

But for today, I think I am a good girl.... LOL... 

This morning I blended soursop and had a bun for breakfast.  After that I started scrolling Grab food on my laptop and after many minutes, my decision was Dim Sum from Yuk Fook Moon restaurant.  They have promo code Ramadandeals above RM25 and I ordered 4 items totaling RM21 after discount.  A good deal indeed.  I even have some leftovers for tomorrow... 
This set consists of 2 pork dumplings, glutinous rice with chicken,
prawn dumplings and steamed pork ribs with yam.
Cheaper than eating in the restaurant... 

For dinner, I decided to stay home and decided to cook some white porridge.  Nowadays it is quite worrying to go out especially to air con places....
Steamed minced pork with preserved vegetables...
Steamed 2 salted eggs.... 
And air fried the anchoives.... 
Yes, I do have some remainder for tomorrow...
Fried rice with salted egg and anchoives! 

Savings During Pandemic

 I’m sure not many enjoy reading about the current situation where the pandemic is just causing so many problems for everyone. Plus, with cases rising, restrictions are just going to be even tighter and more inconvenient. However, I would like to share a story of a thought I have a couple of months ago. This was when cases were still rather high in numbers and I was planning for my financial future.

Between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, I considered withdrawing a considerable amount of money from my Employees Provident Fund (EPF) account through the I-Sinar program. My thoughts at that time were something like “This money is mine anyway, I should withdraw some of it and put it to good use”. So, I read up on the application process and the eligibility criteria of the program. There were quite a few restrictions on people who are eligible to withdraw their savings. You have to either prove that you are self-employed and have not contributed to the fund for at least 2 consecutive months, of show that you have a deduction of 30% or more in total income if you are an employee. During my preparation, I also thought about how I should spend the money withdrawn from EPF.

During my preparation, I tried to calculate the amount of interest I will give up if I withdraw from my EPF. I found that the lowest dividend rate contributed by EPF was 5.45% for the year 2020. Therefore, assuming that over the next 10 years, the dividend offered stays constant at 5.45%, with a withdrawal of RM10,000, I am giving up a total of RM7,000 in interest alone over the next 10 years. I calculated these figures from this page. In short, if I want to be at a similar net worth in 10 years after withdrawal using the I-Sinar program, I need to at least match the dividend offered by EPF.

With this in mind, I looked for products which can give me similar returns during this pandemic economy. My options were rather limited as the overnight policy rate (OPR) is at an all-time low of 1.75%. This created a situation where savings grow very little, while loans are cheaper than usual. Things didn’t look so good for my plans and I started thinking if I really needed the money at this point in time, Was I in a position where the withdrawn money will help me resolve any immediate problems or diffuse certain situations. This is because, if I withdraw RM10,000 now, I will potentially be short of RM17,000 that I can use for any spending I need 10 years down the road. I tried to weigh all options carefully and made a decision.

While I will not share the decision I made, I hope I have contributed to the discussion regarding this problem. I’m not sure if I was able to present my thoughts clearly in writing, but those were the main issues I was thinking about while pondering my decision at that time.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Hainanese French Toast And Noodles For Brunch

AFTER THE LONG WALK OF 5000 STEPS, I went to replenish back the calories lost by eating a good brunch.  The three of us went to an open air coffeeshop along Jalan Osborne to have a tasty and unhealthy meal.... LOL... 

The shop is famous for their Hainanese French toast and that was what I love to eat.  By this time there were only three tables occupied and the noodle stalls in front have already closed by then.  

A set to share.... RM5.20
I thought the price was RM4.80 the last time I came here... 
French toast dipped with kaya... 
I asked whether they are selling the Kaya separately...
No, they do not sell their kaya... 
Hokkien noodles mixed with meehoon.... 
Portion for two... RM12
Yes, the food was more than enough for us 3 persons.... 
For dinner, I had vegetable soup with egg... 
My meals for the day is completed... 


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Walking Under The Sun

CRAZY WALK...  as I called it cos the walk took place at an awkward time, that is around 10 in the morning as this is the time when most people have gone home.  And there I was, together with my friend, both of us went there to walk round and round, sweating under the morning sun getting some sunshine vitamin, D3.... LOL...  

With a cap, long sleeve shirt, shorts and dark glasses, I walked 5000 over steps, actually it was not so hot, sheltered by trees mostly in the park.  I forgot how many rounds the walk is, by the time we finished, I was really sweating.  Ahhh... maybe today I can eat a bit more than usual.... LOL... 
Looks big, right?
Started from this point here... 
We walked along the pathway.... 
Surrounded by trees mostly on this part... 
Then leading to a lake.... 
No turtles today cos no one to feed at this time....
Walked around the lake few times.... 
Rest area or picnic in the evening.... 
People like to relax here in the evening.... 
Sometimes there are activities in this part too....
I saw a blogger friend doing some dancing here....
Saw her posted up on Facebook.... Cute!
And then.... more greens....
Greens for soothing eyes....
And the path leading back to where we came in.... 
Our walk lasted 45 minutes... 
Enough.. then it is time for an early Lunch!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Meals During Ipoh High Covid Cases

NO FRILLS AND PRESENTATION .... and that sounds like me.  LOL...

Just some simple homecooked food cooked during the day and last till dinner.  For the last few days, I ate the same dishes for lunch and dinner.  Cannot afford to be picky at this time since Ipoh is still in the red zone and I try to stay home as much as I possibly could... 

Even when I order delivery, I try to refrain from ordering hot soupy dishes... and one day, I ended up ordering a Banh Mi from a Vietnamese restaurant.  
This is half of the Special Banh Mi.... 
I kept the other half for dinner... 
Put in the air fryer and the bread will come out crispy...
The first time I ate Banh Mi last year, it was very nice....
This time it was not so.... 
Too little meat fillings and mostly carrots... 
And it was cold... maybe they expect me to heat up... 
Anyway, I won't order this again...
On another day, I cook three dishes.... 
To last me throughout the day.... 
Beancurd with minced meat and basil leaves.... 
Bitter gourd with chicken.... 
Sweet potato leaves from my friend's garden.... 
The next day I made dhall curry....
Potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin and carrots.....

Just heat up Parantha and Tosai.... 
I always buy frozen ones to keep...
Easily accessible... 
One bowl for each piece....

Monday, April 19, 2021

Yesterday Once More - Reminisce

ICE CREAM ADDICT...  And I think I need to slow down.... Instead of going out for desserts, I bought a small tub of La Creme just for "emergency."  LOL... 

Anyone remember Cold Storage Snack Bar?  That was in the 1960s, 70s and I stayed near the Cold Storage in town.  Those days money was very tight, I remember I could only see other people enjoying ice cream in the snack bar instead of having one myself.  NO money to even go in except for very rare occasions, which is perhaps once per year.... not sure who gave the treat, but I do remember savoring the chicken wings until the very last... even the soft bones were not spared!  LOL .... Those were the days... 

Now.... it is a different story.  We can afford but the quality is not the same anymore like those years ago.  NO more Cold Storage snack bar thus no more creamy ice cream and fried chicken wings which I could still remember too well the taste.... funny, I could forget who and who but I could still remember very well the taste of those yesteryear food!  Does that happen to you or is it just me?  

This is Sidewalk Ice Cream Lounge in Ipoh.... 
One of the oldest as far as I can remember...
It was in Ipoh Garden initially...
My kids grow up eating from here... 1990s....
Shifted to Ipoh Garden East not too long ago....
I only found out in Facebook.... 
I think it is one of the oldest ice cream lounge in Ipoh... 
Good to know they are still keeping up....
I went there for a dose of ice cream a couple of weeks ago....
For ice cream, of course....
We ordered these... Garlic toast... 
While one of my friends had tea... 
I had my Ice Cream fix.... 
Two scoops only...
Vanilla and Chocolate... 
With some toppings... 
Quite similar to the Cold Storage style...
Reminisce.... hmmmm....

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...