Monday, June 7, 2021

My One And Only Edible Greens

MY DAILY HARVEST.... almost daily, I can get two or three okra from my 7 pots.  At least one can be plucked if not a few.  Thanks to my green thumb friend who provides me with the okra seeds and to my neighbour who planted them in his pots.  As for me, I only do the fertilizing and watering at times.... and of course, the inspection and harvesting.  LOL.... 

The process of getting these okra is considered fast, in less than a month, the fruits are reaped.  I like seeing the flowers sprouting out and after that, the okras will appear.  I do not have a grassy garden, if I do, I surely will plant more edible greens.  When this lockdown is over, I will visit the nursery to get the necessary but before that, I must go consult my "Sifu" on how and what to plant!  LOL... 

Full blown flower and okras sprouting out from this plant....
These are stubby okras... 
Crunchy and nice at this length....
Wait any longer, they will become too hard and tough to be eaten... 

And recently my friend gave me the seeds 
to this Red Okra.... 
Red when uncooked...
Turned green when cooked...
Now only I know!
Enough for me.... 
Sometimes I just steam them...
and at times stir fry with dried shrimps.... 
Accumulated batch..... 
These went into my fish curry on that day.... 
Yes, I am an "Okra Woman" .....


  1. Red ones? Never seen those before. So pretty! And your green ones are so cute! Short and fat! LOL!!!
    Yes, my girl planted a few too and they have started to flower and bear fruit. Still small though! Hopefully, will be big enough to harvest soon so we can cook and enjoy. I like them steamed and eaten with sambal belacan just like that, no need for any fancy cooking.

  2. Wah! I wish I had okra plants in my garden. It is a good idea to plant vegetables in the garden. Can harvest fresh organic produce everyday! Your sifu must be Nancy :)

  3. What a funny name Okra Woman! Sounds like the Mork & Mindy show. Muahahahaha
    You really amazed me with your okra plants growing from the pots! I better start planting this too.

  4. I like to eat okras. Well done to you for growing vegetables and getting to harvest them. Keep it up!

  5. I have never had any Okra, and did not know about the strange color change.


Thank you, readers!

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