Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Breakfast and Lunch...

sigh...This morning my buddies 'jilted' me and I have no choice but to go down to the canteen to eat this fried did it look? Well, for a hungry person, it will be okay la.. but for me, I just eat to fill my stomach..anyway, I took half only, gave half to my colleague...I save my half stomach for lunch later..... ha ha ....

this packet of meehoon cost me RM3.00..

so sad, huh? eating in front of my pc...

Not so satisfied with my breakfast, I make sure to get some good food during lunch, by that time, my buddies were back from their 'chores'...we went to First Garden, a coffeeshop named Ma Kei, we ordered a lunch package, 3 dishes with one free soup (RM19.90)...but since we are BIG EATERS, we added one more dish... EAT TO OUR SATISFACTION...

first came the soup, its bitter gourd...very nice (must be ajinomoto?)

who is that behind the fish????

Now u can see me...hi....and peace unto u....

this is crispy honey coated sotong/cuttlefish (reminded me of the fried 'insects' in china...but dont care la...walloped them first...ha ha

lam yu fried chicken too....i like this..

and lastly, balanced with these 'just nicely cooked' pak choy...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


June 21st...this will be the day I will be in the City Of Entertainment, Gentings Highlands, to watch the Osmonds perform...wowooo... How many decades has it been since I last saw them on TV??? haha.. I really cant remember, 2 or 3 decades? my goodness, that shows how we have grown..awwww....

Pushing the ages aside, I cant wait to see them perform "LIVE" .. yeah... booked the tickets early this month, thanks to my buddy fren who can get the 40% discount.. whew....

My teenage all time favourite....presenting "THE OSMOND BROTHERS"
and of course, that is just the cover up..hehe...actually these 2 are really my best....
Donny and Marie Osmond in their teens (1970s)
and this is Donny in 2008? He is 50 now... (I m not, ok)

Marie is still so attractive and charming.....
Is that how they look like now? I cant wait to see them perform..young or more matured now, it will be a memorable night to see them "live" in gentings....yehhhhhhhh!!!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Phua Chu Kang Best in Ipoh (Part 2)

Continuation of Gurmit Singh's testimony on the charity dinner at Sun Lee How Fook Restaurant, Ipoh... Due to my procrastination and dilly-dallying, these pictures were delayed being uploaded until today... I guess I have to buy a handphone with a good camera, cannot be borrowing all the time to take pictures(so embarassing)...Ok, from today onwards, start saving money, start by eating less good food...such as those below... (few dishes were not posted esp the first dish and the last few)

worshipping and giving thanks to our Lord before we start 'walloping' the food

fried crispy brown chicken with prawn crackers
followed by

stew pork with yam (kau yook)

delicious fish meat wrapped with foo chook (dont know what its called in english)

deep fried fish with shredded apple, mango toppings and sweet sour sauce

mixed vegetables with lots of varieties esp the yellow gingko

and finally, one for the album again with Mr Gurmit Singh....
Thanks to Mr Gurmit Singh, with his jests and a touching testimony of God's great love, it was indeed a very memorable night for all of us.... .. he has God-sent talents in him ... May he uses them to do God's works and extend God's kingdom.... God Bless him always.....

Friday, April 25, 2008

Carly Smithson Controversy?

Were there really some controversies about Carly Smithson being eliminated? Read some news about her just now in the net, about her having a recording contract some years back....and a few other reasons why she was being eliminated eventhough she received positive comments from the judges this week.

One of the reasons was because of the t-shirt printed words say "Simon Cowell loves me ... this week" ...... She showed off that t-shirt the minute after Simon praised her performance for the night..

Well, I dont really fancy Carly too, perhaps I am too biased, the tattoos are too much for me, I guess I am too outdated to accept tattoos and stuff like that... I still bet on David A.... He is still my favourite... and I really hope he will be American Idol....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Menopause and Andropause

This morning we went over to SUK for this health talk seminar, there were a few topics spoken by some doctors specially invited from the General Hospital... Among the topics were about stress, diets, chronic diseases and the most interesting was about menopause and andropause.

Andropause??? That is a new word to me...

Heard of menopause before...this word is rather commonly used nowadays among us colleagues..opps...but then.... andropause? Seems this is the word meant for men who, like women, will reach a certain age whereby their hormones will slow down too... maybe to nil.... (sorry)....but...the good news is, andropause only happens for men who are normally over 70 and above.. (phew now?) haha...

A doctor giving his was very interesting....but.....

for some moments, i was tired and stole some winks like this guy here...

..alas, time for breakfast there at the foyer....i took some of these for my stomach...doesnt look good, right? but actually it tasted not bad at all... (or maybe i was too hungry to mind)

the beautiful foyer, the guys clearing up the breakfast to make way for lunch...

another part of the foyer

this is for VIPs......hey..its lunch time now....

my breakfast hasnt even got digested yet for lunch, i took these...not too much, right? the way, whose leg is that??? oopps...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Health Talk For Ladies....

Tomorrow there will be a Health Talk organised by the State Secretariate of Perak and it will be held in the multi purpose hall in this building below. Ladies are encouraged to attend, some doctors from the General Hospital are giving some talks on fitness, diets and some gynaecological facts... we will be there the whole day, so.... if and provided I wont fall asleep, I hope to 'capture' some knowledge and share with everybody as to how to keep fit and healthy..... :)

Perak Menteri Besar (Chief Minister of Perak) works here....

Observe this roof... it is burnt....

but it is still being utilised ... special ...

besides this police building, lies the school ...better behave, students...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sunday Dinner at Kenny Rogers....

Our Sunday dinner at Jaya Jusco Kenny Rogers....
It was so crowded nevertheless, we mananged to get a nice place, my precious reminded me not to sit by the sides...too many people walking up and down and they couldnt eat in peace.... these were what we ordered, B... 3 plates of one quarter chicken each with 3 side dishes...cost us RM51/-.... (one week marketing gone into our stomachs)

This is A's plate...all whitish consists of macarroni, mashed pototoes, potatoes salad..hmmm.. all starchy, not for me...

This is mine, coleslaw, corns, carrots plus a small bowl of fruits

and of course, this is F's..macarroni, mashed pototoes and fruits

Monday, April 21, 2008

Testimony of My Missing Pass, Praise God...

Today I was very careless la.. upon reaching office after lunch, I realised my office pass was not in my car... searched all over, in and out of the car, front, back, sides... still couldnt be found... I tot to myself, this is it... gone case....

Went to my colleague in charge of making new pass, was told a new pass will cost me RM50/-... so ridiculous... I dont wanna pay la.. so expensive...

Saw my precious one online in google, so I told him of my 'missing' pass and RM50/- to be flown away...I asked him...Please pray for me?? He said sure.....

At 5.10pm, I was in my car, still searching, not wanting to give badminton bag, none....I was already late for my games...then my hp rang... My Mei Mei fren called me.. "Wei, someone found your pass la, now it is with the counter people" was overwhelmed when I heard that...

Upon reaching home, I saw my precious one onlined again, I asked him..."Did u pray for me? What time did u pray?" He told me he prayed just after I told him my pass was missing....

Wow, God is great... He answered my precious's for me, I am sure grateful God and to my precious one...Thank you God for answering my precious's prayers and its indeed a good lesson for me, I will tie it round my neck from tomorrow onwards and if it gets lost again, I will fork out RM50/-....this time no excuse....

My precious said..."Write it in your blog tonite, praise God"...Yeah...this is the least I can do, its good to praise Him....Thank You, Lord once again for allowing someone to find my pass...
This matter how big or small our problems are............God listens and answers !!!!

(it seems my pass was lying on the road, I must have dropped it when I got into the car before lunch, sigh.... careless, careless, careless me!!)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Goodbye,Kirsty Lee Cook

The aftershock is finally over for me... Kristy is finally eliminated and I got to accept the fact that she wont be singing next week, the next or the next... perhaps she might appear again during the finals ... (actually ah.... I m not so shocked la.. ) but I do really like to see her perform cos she is really beautiful, sweet, cute, cheeky and its good to have her brightening up the American Idol each week...

I dont fancy David Cook so well, maybe I dont know how to appreciate his originality and the different versions...he is good no doubt... but I still prefer David Archuleta, he is still my favourite.. I will definitely buy his CD if he really gets to the finals... I guess the two Davids might be the finalists for this year American Idol.....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Phua Chu Kang Best In Ipoh.....

The Church Council of Malaysia held a charity dinner in Sun Lee How Fook Restaurant last 2 weeks, ie on the 6/4/2008. It was around 7pm when we reached the restaurant...upon entering, there was already someone on stage rehearsing a song, his voice was so familiar and it was none other than Gurmit Singh aka Phua Chu Kang, the famous Singaporean actor.

Since there were not many people around then, I quickly took the opportunity to take a picture with him. Together with my friend, we approached him near the stage and mustered up our courage to talk to him. To my unexpected surprise, he doesnt look like what he act in the TV shows, the outspoken Phua Chu Kang is actually a humble, quiet and shy man.... he is so... down to earth...oh..he is so nice in fact...

Gurmit Singh is the guest star of the charity dinner, he is a Christian for many years now and he gave a fantastic testimony of his late mother who was stricken with cancer when he was 19 years old. He spoke fondly of his beloved mother, how she toiled hard, having 2 jobs to bring her kids up and at certain times, his voice shook as he related his mum's last wishes.... His mum's wish was to see him married and have kids...but he was only 19 that time, he didnt even have a girlfriend then.

His mum was in the last stage of stomach cancer when she became a Christian through his sisters. He was against Christianity during that time but somehow God touched his heart and he knelt down and prayed to God... to give his mum more time, to allow his mum to see him get married and have kids before she passed on...

At that moment of time, the doctor gave his mum 6 months to live....BUT........GOD GAVE HIS MUM ANOTHER 16 YEARS OF LIFE!!!! Isn't that amazing??? The doctor was baffled too and he told Gurmit that whatever Gurmit was doing then, he is doing it RIGHT!! The cancer cells have disappeared.... and his mum lived to see him get married and to hold her grandchildren....

Gurmit continued on .. he said the doctor's report is still with him as evidence but God's evidence is even much greater....Praise the Lord.... This is a wonderful testimony of God's great love for He said, Seek and you will find, Ask and it will be given....God gives His love for us all if only we seek and ask.....

phua chu kang, best in Ipoh

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...