Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 New Year Eve

As I wrote earlier this morning, I woke up very late and by the time we went out, it was already twelve noon. We had our lunch at Ipoh Garden South coffeeshop and after that, I dropped my kids in Jaya Jusco and I adjourned to a world of my own...

Here I was.... the world of my own..
"Relaxing under the fingers of a Lady" hahaha...

That was how I spent my afternoon and by evening around 6pm, my kids were deciding once again where to go for our dinner. It is always the same old thing, one of them would like western and the other two might want to opt for chinese dishes. Eventually we ended up in My Point, Ipoh Garden South once again...

This is a family-sort-of place...
as usual before the food arrived,
my hp would be very busy...

my mama and yours truly...

the Do-Re-Mi...

Cheap and nice...
For RM14 for chicken and RM17 for fish,
we had a bowl of soup, a piece of bread
the main dish, an iced drink and ice cream for dessert!
What a good price!

Now waiting to countdown...

A Suzuki Cup Holiday!


AN unexpected "DECLAIRED" holiday in Malaysia!! Actually I didn't know about it until I reached office, I never follow football at all, win or lose, I care not but when it comes to holiday, now I know it is because of the Suzuki cup... (any Honda Cup later on?)

All of us in the office welcomed it cos our leave were sort of frozen by our boss and whoever wants to take, we have to go approach our boss personally..... and heard that they were rejected anyway!
Now with this "compulsory" holiday.... we feel that it was God's sent.. lol...

Anyway, it is 11.32am now and I have wasted the whole morning sleeping and sitting here in front of the pc... my kids and I will be skipping breakfast and now we are waiting for one another to get ready for our lunch...

Meanwhile... Have a Wonderful Day ahead, readers!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Perak Open In Ipoh Indera Mulia

Yes, I admit I am a die-hard badminton fan.... as I mentioned in my earlier posts, when I came back from Korea, I was down with flu and goodness knows what else... and my voice was totally gone! But nothing could keep me away from going to the stadium to watch my badminton heroes "LIVE"...

Too bad I was sitting quite far away from my heroes..... my pictures are blur.. but I am very happy to see them in real person... especially Lee Chong Wei and Tan Boon Heong!! For three days in a row, my son and I went to watch badminton LIVE in Ipoh!

can you see them??? LOL...
Lee Chong Wei.. KKK and Fahry..

see how crazy I am... taking pics of them...

Lee Chong Wei and Hafiz at their final match...

Tan Boon Heong and Ee Hui ...
see the "photographers"
and compare with this picture below...

Lee Chong Wei receiving his medal...
if I were well then, I would be one of them photographers
taking pictures of my badminton heroes!
hahaha... crazy me!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Toilet Bowl On Heat

My first time with this toilet was in Japan last year and my second time was in Korea... since it was freezing cold outside, the cold air tend to seep into the hotel walls as well... so ....sitting on top of this toilet instead had brought comfort and warmth to you-know-where part when I sat down on it. So nice and warm that I didn't feel like getting up.... hahahaha....
But has anyone tried clicking the buttons at the side? I dare not try.... I have read emails before about... this man tried and he landed himself in hospital after that..... wonder which button did the "damage?"

All Out Of Love

In another two days it will be new year eve... 2011 is coming soon and I am soon getting married.. and... er... wonder who I shall invite... (joke of the year!)

Okay... Back to serious ranting.....

Few nights ago, I realized that life is indeed full of shocks and surprises... something you don't expect it to happen, it happens... and I felt a this sudden jolt after hearing this not-so-good news.. I rather not tell what it is.. it is something personal that happens unexpectedly to someone...

What I want to say is this.. "L, you are the same to me, yesterday, today or tomorrow.. no matter how you look, you are always a kind, you are a generous L to me... I will always remember you and I hope to see you one day, I seriously want to see you and hope that you will allow me to..... "

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hectic But It Was Good...

Today working life was much better than yesterday... work was hectic and aplenty but despite that, working happily with one another cooperatively made a lot of difference!

If only the bigger shots defend their staff than crying out loud... if only they give encouragement to one another when it is due.... like what had happened before dismissal time...

Despite the heavy workload, hearing some words of encouragement brightens up the day... I looked at the Poker and I saw some smugness there... hmmmm....well..well....

Hope tomorrow will be one of today... no tension, no chanting, no wolf cries.....

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hit And Injured!

I did not have time to post this up till today... but I had time taking some shots of my injury....

which part of the body had this injury?

I think many of you cannot guess which part of my body I had this big patch of blue black... it was actually swollen and it was caused by a tambourine I hit on myself ...

After the singing and dancing on that night, I felt something swollen on my thigh. True enough when I took off my long pants, the right side was swollen and it was already turning bluish....

This picture was taken one day after.... my kids were shocked!! Me too! Next time I better not be carried away by the music and hit myself too hard.....

The "Poker" That Pokes....

This post is about ranting out displeasure that happened early morning in an office. It is about someone "chanting" and "chanting" from one room to another, stepping and "stabbing" that particular person whose patience is wearing off day by day...

As a superior, do not take mix personal with work... be more rational... neutral...

As a boss, do not listen to "pokers"... (Oh, I suddenly love this word!)

Call for meetings, meet up with the staff without the superiors.. listen to their grievances instead of just being listening one-sided ....

I always stressed that Office is like our second home... I do not like misunderstandings to stand in between, it will make working life a torture.... just like in a family, any misunderstandings should be settled amicably .... accept constructive comments ... do not keep the constructive comments as grudges and seek "revenge" when slightest problem arises... this is really plain childish and unprofessional.......

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santarina Came To Ipoh

Guess who dropped by in Ipoh???

Yes, Santarina Kathy came to IPOH!!
She came with none other than her beloved King and Prince...
Elin and I were excited about her coming and we were most happy
that she and her family landed in Ipoh....
Sorry Kathy, I was not in when you all landed in my house..
Your GPS is very "canggih"....

My Special Guests!!

while they were here,
they were served the Heart Of Passion cookies..

and a Christmas cake...

then we adjourned to the stadium for some light food..

such as tau foo far.. (bean curd dessert)


beef stew...

fish balls...

Just for jest....
Getting a kid to smile at the camera is no joke..
we adults have to do some "re-runs"....

OK, 1st shot... Joshua...
please look at the camera,
don't look at Auntie Claire...

2nd shot-Joshua please look straight..
Auntie Claire's colgate smile is wearing out...
and Auntie Elin "closed" already...

3rd shot - SUCCESSFULL!!!!
Finally, we can close our mouths!!
phewww.... LOL....

Christmas At Tower Regency

For the first time, I did not make a post last night.... It was Christmas and I think it is a good time for me to rest and refrain from blogging... hahaha...

When I am absent from blogging, that means I am occupied... so where did we go???
It was a very busy day yesterday... more details will be posted up in the following days.....

But for this post, here are some pictures as to where we went on Christmas evening...

Actually we didn't have plans on where to go and what to eat but last minute my kids suggested Tower Regency Hotel for buffet....Quickly, Andy did some checking online and the price for a Christmas buffet dinner cost RM48 per pax. Immediately, I called up to make the reservation and around 7pm, we "marched" into the lounge.....

Our first time taking Christmas buffet...

we were more or less the first customers
to savor the long line of food....

after we have "opened ceremony" on the food,
the crowd began to trickle in....

during "digestion" intervals,we began to take pictures....

Taking them boys out are sort of a Motivation!
They really can walloped a lot!! hahaha...

The best Christmas dinner we ever a family..
Next..... will be New Year Dinner, kids???

So how was your Christmas, friends?

Spring Tour

During the Christmas dinner with my family members, my siblings asked me where my next destination is for next year. Feeling kind of amusement, I told them that I have plans to go to western countries this time. Asian countries is not in my list, I told them in a jest. After the China, Japan and Korea trips, it is enough..... lol... My kids agreed to that, either to western countries or just visit locally. Two years of experiencing winter were more than enough already. This time we plan to go during spring or autumn season. At least it won't be too cold or freezing like in our Korea trip. I do not want to come back sick again. LOL...

Spring is just three months away, my son told me that if we really have intention of going, we got to decide now which country we are planning to go. Okay, mum decides and I would love to visit Australia again. I have not been to Gold Coast, Brisbane yet and I am sure my kids will like this place where it is full of fun and beaches. The first thing we ought to do is to plan the date, make sure that the four of us are available on the specific dates. Secondly, we ought to look out for cheap flights in the Internet and one of the websites suggested is I just checked it out and I noticed that they not only provide the flights, they offer good reasonable rates on accommodation too, cheap hotels are available! Out of curiousity, I logged in to my destination and a list of hotels with their price lists came out in seconds. I can actually read their reviews and the hotel details in just a few seconds, so easy accessible. The next thing is to check out their cheap car rentals as well. This time we want to make our travel free and easy, so my son suggested that we rent a car and travel by our own. It is a good idea, doing our own sightseeing at our own pace and time. As the saying goes, everyone can fly now, as long as you have the time, the money and the health!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

Today is Christmas Eve..... what shall we do tonight?

It is 7.38pm now and we are still hanging around at home with empty stomachs. No, we haven't taken our dinner yet, we are still undecided on where to go, what to eat... Should we go for asian or western food... my kids will surely opt for the latter.. lol....

Yes, we will be gong out shortly.. I am waiting for the princes and the princess to "dress up".... meanwhile I am here posting up these....

Jaya Jusco Christmas tree...

Four of us shared this miserable waffle ice cream..
for RM16... better to share, huh??

and this is our humble
Christmas tree at home...



Thursday, December 23, 2010

Aaron's Testimony....

Two days after we landed in Ipoh, we attended our cell Harvest Event for Christmas. Knowing me, they did not ask me to cook anything, knowing that I was also an "invalid" during that time.. so all I got to do was to attend with my kids and had a good gala time there despite being "voiceless."

But knowing myself, once there is music, nothing will hinders me from having a good time singing.. but this time, I was actually "shrieking" and dancing more... gosh, how awful... well, singing praises have no bounds...

some Christmas carols...

the guests .....

wow..looks like an "argument"going on...
hands gestures can be misleading, huh.....
not to worry, nothing serious there..
Just couldn't help capturing this moment of ladies' talk!

me...shrieking.."Jingle Bells!! Jingle Bells...."
croaakkk.... ahem... croakkkkkkk... cough cough!!

And lastly and not least... I want to share my son's testimony in a video clip here...
He talked about how er... 5 minutes of his life...
Just listen to his testimony if you have time..

Aaron said "God is Good!!!"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Roundup Pictures Of Korea

My roundup pictures for our Korea trip... too many posts on Korea will be a turn-off for some of you, perhaps.. hahhaaa....

Just now we watched the video tape that Andy took during the trip and we had a good laugh over it. Most of the time he taped himself, eating... walking... making his facial expressions on the tape. Taking video can be fun but after one time watching, it is more than enough... until maybe few years later, we will take it out to watch once again....

Ok, for the roundup... here are some pictures on the last two days....

Namsangol Hanok Village

a traditional Korean Village

Walker Hill Casino

Olympic Park, Seoul...

Sinchon Fashion Street..

the largest stiletto shoe!

Ewha Women University only for ladies!

Going for Han River Cruise...

but ended up YAWNING.... SNORING.....


Teddy Bear Museum in Seoul Tower...

Kids would love this museum..
the bears can move..... actually.. :)

My kids enjoyed them....

then shopping again.... hahahaa...

finally.. at the airport
My girl got what she wanted!!!

time to say goodbye to Korea...
(forgot the korean language for goodbye....)

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...