Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Feedback On Digi Day Discovery Plan

In my previous post on Thursday and Friday, as I have written, I have chosen the Yellowman instead of Mr. Maxis. I never leave home without it during the day..... but when night comes, I choose to use another broadband, Mr. X... Streamyx...

Okay, about the feedback on the Digi Day Discovery Plan RM38.00, it is true to its word... the line is fast indeed BUT note the time, ie. from 7am to 7pm as mentioned..... after which, if you continue to use, you might end up "puffing for air" or "stand up, walk around first" or having these signs coming from your mouth !=@#$%^#.... hahahaa.....

From 7pm onwards, the RM38 Yellowman Plan is taking his REST....

So... conclusion... if you want a cheap plan for daytime usage only, by all means, choose the RM38 Day Discovery Plan, it is really worth it! As for me, I pay only RM33 cos of the rebate if direct debit to my credit card, more or less only a 1.10 per day.... very reasonable...

But if you want to use the Yellowman Day and Night, then please Don't take this cheap plan, go for the higher rates plans.... otherwise you might end up "pulling hair" and scolding the Yellowman left and right... LOL...


  1. Thanks for the visit. I've sent you a mail. Do check it out :-) Do visit my blog and leave your footprints by posting comments


  2. Patience! I used to be very impatient and temperamental till my daughter also takut! But Broadband has changed me - never mind if it's slow, I'll just wait...maybe do something else in the meantime - like just browsing on my hp. LOL!!!

  3. nilofer: yes, i will go and leave footprints...

    stp: u and i.. i think same boat .. no broadband, no oxygen!

  4. I am using Yellow man too for my phone.. I paid RM68 for my unlimited assess with 6 months rebate of RM40! it's really nice!

  5. cyn:40rm rebate? that means u pay only 20rm monthly? lagi shiok!

    mummymoon: my opinion.. :)

  6. Oh! a day plan for broadband? very interesting. After 7pm it goes to GPRS/Edge network?

  7. HI Claire, Sounds like a good plan for daytime use... There's nothing worse than no access or having to WAIT-WAIT-WAIT. Like you say "Pulling your hair out"..

    SO--use the other broadband at nights... Sounds good!!!!

  8. LOL...can imagine you pulling your hair with all the !#$%^ coming out ...

  9. Gosh, we don't have any of these things here. I'm late commenting because there was a huge explosion down the street, then several houses lost their power, including us!!!!

  10. I will follow him but only in the daylight 7-2-7..

  11. Now only you have discover about this flaw. :p That's why they charge you so little lor.

  12. haha never take cheap plan when u expect something very good!! mwahaha

  13. Claire, i know how it feel when seeing the page take ages to load

  14. Oh looks like this plan just right for you. Hehehe.

  15. isaac: after 7pm..slow..

    betsy: yeah, use alternative..

    kathy: heheee.. me!

    ginny: gosh.. hope no one is hurt!

    bananaz: u too?

    tekkaus: ok lar.. for me, fine for daytime..

    carol: pay less, expect less hor?

    yeeling: esp when we wanted to see something badly..

  16. I'm using Mr. Maxis....reasonable speed as mostly my girl use it to play online educational games. I online 9-5 at office, so I will wanna take a break at home keke.

  17. I got thought of using day plan . . . and I change my mind because I might be mad LOL!

  18. Thanks lot for the feedback.

  19. Regret every minute after we changed our line from Maxis to Digi. Drop line, no line, irresponsible service staff etc...Now we are thinking of switching it back to Maxis ....We are truly at the mercy of all these bloody telcos...

  20. vicky: i online for more than 12 hours one.. hahaha..

    kianfai: u better not change..

    mery: welcome..

    daddy: maxis better? of course if you pay more, then the line will be faster.. i pay less so expect less. hahaha..

  21. The plan look intresting but I still loyal with my celcom and being used it for more than 4 years now hahaha...

  22. I can't stand Digi. Their Internet line sucks. And they dare claim Internet Done Right!


Thank you, readers!

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