Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Caroline And Eric From Kuala Lumpur

I received an unusual sms yesterday... something like this... "coming to Ipoh.. want to meet up for yamchar?" signed Caroline...

Indeed I was very surprised to receive a sms from Caroline saying she and Eric are in Ipoh for three days 2 nights... but unfortunately I was leaving for Taiping when the sms arrived...

That was yesterday... today I am back in Ipoh after attending an event in Taiping (will blog about it soonest)...

The Taiping post have to "make way" for Caroline and Eric today... these pictures were taken just a couple of hours ago... so it is like "Fresh From The Oven"... hahahaa.....

Surprised to know that Eric is Once an Ipoh boy.... so I guess he is familiar with Ipoh...

Around 8.30pm, I drove over to where they stayed and upon Eric's request, we went to Kam Wan Ipoh Garden aka The Gourmet Square.... for our "supper."

"flooded" and crowded...

chinese saying "yan sang yan hoi"

look at our Professional Photographer! not bad eh....
and our lady friend busy tweeting, I suppose?

I only managed to capture this order - MINE!

The Unexpected Meet-up
Caroline and Eric!
Sweet Couple..
Old enough to be my kids!

Ting Hao In Jaya Jusco, Ipoh

After the hard work cleaning ONE room and mopping the whole house, our hunger started to attack us around 6pm... Andy kept on munching whatever biscuits that was available in the house... so pitiful.. both of us had to wait for our princess to finish her tuition classes before we could have our dinner...

At first we couldn't decide where to go for dinner but since we wanted to go Jaya Jusco to get some stuff, we might as well get ourselves famished there...

We landed up in Ting Hao restaurant and Andy kept ordering and ordering until I said, "hey, enough lo!" He ordered 5 dishes all in all...

the croaking frog with sliced ginger..

sliced yam with pork (kau yoke)

mixed vegetables..

buttered crayfish...

groundnuts soup...

the dishes on the table... full...

Almost done... famished... phew...
His "wages" came to around RM60.00!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rude Shock Over One Tablespoon Soup!

My girl and I went to a Japanese cuisine restaurant in the Kinta City complex recently... Not my favourite choice of food but ... mums are mothers... we love to give in to our kids' choice of food, right? In malay language, this is called "Paksa-Rela"....

the ambience..not bad..
nothing to complain about...

very neat and tidy... comfortable too!

Okay, back to my topic... we ordered a set of this Japanese bento set.... and for myself, I just wanted some ice cream desserts...

first came the soup...
I quickly took out handphone.. "CLICK!"


took the tablespoon....
started stirring....
and then putting some on the tablespoon...
and into her mouth.... hmmmmmm.....
somemore she said "Nice, Mi"

AND THEN...........
out from nowhere this waitress approached our table
and said something like this..... (an angry tone)
"This is not yours....." and quickly took the bowl away...
even before my girl could put spoon down!

No apology? Not even saying "excuse me?"
The way she took it away was like we "stole" it from the kitchen!!
(maybe this mum here over-sensitive la!)
But then... I feel it is their fault.. right?
The waitress should say "sorry" or "excuse me??"

I wonder whether the bowl of soup went...
Inside the rubbish can OR was it served to the
unfortunate customer with my girl's saliva in it??

Monday, August 29, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya To All Who Celebrates!

Coming to work on this particular Monday brings joy to me and to all my colleagues! Today is the eve of Hari Raya and we are all in the festive mood. Muslims or not, we share the same country and we are happy to greet each other Selamat Hari Raya!

Though the office is kind of quiet today, we do not want to be left out in this auspicious day... a few of us decided to celebrate too... and guess what makes us most happy on such an occasion? It is of course through our stomach! hahhahaa....

When the word "FOOD" is mentioned, no one hesitates.... all agreed readily and happily, forking out RM27.00 for this sumptuous POON CHOY in East Ocean, Menglembu......

For the very first time in my History,
I ate Poon Choy aka mini "monk jump over the wall"
"subsidary of the real Fatt Tiew Cheong"

The Treasures are inside....

the first layer... scallops and the prawns!

the second layer...
with assorted seafood and mushrooms..

the generous fresh scallops...
and... andd...
(excuse me, forgot the names!)

in a matter of minutes..
all walloped into "safety" inside our stomachs...

The Happy Food Gang!
Looks like Chinese New Year hor?
all wearing red-red... ang-ang...

So...until the next round....

Selamat Hari Raya!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Room Improvement By Andy

Each time I entered the last room, it was like entering into the store room! The once-upon-a-time room used to belong to my girl... It was full of books, bags, boxes... etc etc.. Since I was in the "cleaning mode" yesterday and of course after the sumptuous breakfast, I quickly grabbed hold of Andy before he went to his "sleeping mode." hahahaa....

Together both of us tidied up the room before it turned into a dumping ground. I couldn't do it alone because of height problem... I am too short to climb up and to take down the luggage bags from the top, it was really a "no way" chore for me. Accidents might happen for short people to lift heavy stuff from high places, right? (I m referring to myself only, no offence,,,)

Andy is the rescuer... he can easily take down the bags even without the chairs to climb onto. He can also easily lift the bags without even twitching his muscle at all..... *must praise him a bit la!*

Now what do we have here??

some dried fine branches on top of the dressing table cupboard!
Don't tell me a nest is about to be built? GOSH..
No wonder I saw some fine feathers in the room at times..

the Big Treasure ...

consisting of old treasures...

the Big Pile-Up after the sorting out..
we have sent them for "recycle" already..

then... the Aftermath.... phewww....
and a small pat for myself..

"Ok, next room pleaseeee?
( he disappeared liow!)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Kao Lee With A Motive

Before we "off" the lights last night, we made a "pact" to take dim sum early this morning. But see, see, early morning means after 10am... hahahaa.... it was almost "brunch" when we set out for our supposedly breakfast....

We went to Kao Lee Dim Sum in Ipoh Garden... thank goodness it was not crowded as we expected it to be..... we could get parking and table very easily...

We had these...

I allow Andy to order whatever he likes...
(mum has ulterior motive one!) *sly grin*

prawns dim sum

egg tarts

this one was quite special but too bad it was not warm up..

not to be missed.. glutinous rice with chicken...

small dumplings..

sweet paste with little bit of salted egg...

I like the barbecue meat pau...

century egg porridge...

savoring the food...

little did he know he had to work hard for the food taken!

My Poor Boy...
donning a mask... slogging hard!
never knowing mum has something in store for him!

to be continued tomorrow...

Friday, August 26, 2011

First Starvation Then Satisfaction

Terrible road jams in IPOH! Ever since lunch time, the IPOH roads leading to town and the highways were like "snail crawling." Ipoh has never been into such jams, very rare scene...

My girl has tuition classes this evening and we were stuck while driving on the way to Ipoh Garden East. The driver of my car had to resort turning here and there to avoid being stuck on the roads and not moving. We "squeezed" in to smaller roads and finally we ended up taking our dinner at this coffeeshop.... not our actual planned destination... change of plans due to the jam...

we parked our car here...

and walked to the corner coffeeshop..

here it is.. Ipoh Garden East coffeeshop...

open-aired coffeeshop...

very cooling tonight... so we ordered these below..

plate of beef curry with vegetables
very cheap... so much of meat... RM4.50 ($1.50usd)

one plate of fried meehoon RM3.50 ($1.20usd)

one plate of lam mee RM3.60 ($1.20)

a plate of wanton mee RM3.50 ($1.20usd)

popiah RM1.70 ($0.60 cents)

My girl and I couldn't be eating all these, right?
Guess who's back?? hahahhaa....

He was really starving when he reached IPOH...
He just wanted to satisfy his hunger....

savoring his food....ngam ... ngam.........ngam!

next plate please.......
By looking at him, I got "extra" appetite!

please line up the dishes....

Finally... he is full... she is full... I also full..
pau pau liow...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...