Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Roundup

Today is the last day of 2011.... in a matter of hours, 2012 IS HERE TO STAY!

Thanks to this lady here, she indirectly gave me an idea on what to write about on this last day of 2011...  A BIG ROUND-UP OF 2011.... of Reanaclaire's blog for 2011~~

The posts which has the most comments for each month are listed as below....

This post does not have pictures but it earns 41 comments!  Thanks to all of you!


Friday, December 30, 2011

A Glum Look At Orchard Parade Hotel

After checking out from Orchard Hotel, the four of us pulled our luggage bags to the hotel opposite.. Orchard Parade Hotel! We really had a good laugh over the bookings of the hotels, thanks to me! hahahaaa... I didn't know they are just opposite one another...

By the time we checked in, it was almost one.. but we were told to wait till 2pm... told the receptionist that my son was not feeling well, couldn't she get me a room to check in first?  NO, we had to wait.. she said.. ok, next time no more staying here..  
so.... to pass the time, we walked here and there...
the lobby...
 the two blues.....
While waiting for the rooms to be ready, we walked around...
and a thought came to my mind..
We can start planning for a Mauritius Holiday next year..
It will be a different holiday altogether!
another in-blue joined me...
see.... this is evidence...
he was really feeling not so well that day..
the receptionist ought to give us a room, right?
don't tell me ALL the superior rooms were fully booked??
Well... what can the guests do?? 
Give a Glum Look! 

Labbie's Spaying Expenses

The first thing that caught my girl's eye in IKEA Singapore, was the image of our pet, Labbie... She quickly grabbed her up and asked me to take a picture of her with "Labbie"
Even the colour is almost the same.... at that time when the picture was taken, Labbie was being "spayed" in a vet here in IPOH... and she has been recuperating during the time we were in Singapore.

By the time we came back, she is now all up and active again... even the cut was not noticeable... the vet had done a good job.... but my pocket once again is lightened by RM520.00!!!!  *faint & revived*

Thursday, December 29, 2011

NYDC In Wheelock Place

After staying five days in Bedok apartment, we checked out and took a cab to Orchard Hotel to stay for two nights.  We wanted to spend our last two nights in Orchard Road... to walk around and to... er.. eat..... but things turned out unexpected... Andy fell sick and had to refine to the hotel room once we checked in...

On the very first day in Orchard Road, Aaron took my girl and I to NYDC in Wheelock Place... just opposite the Big O in my previous post.  Aaron wanted us to try the desserts there....but we ended up taking a whole meal course..
this, of course belongs to Fernie... 
she simply loves Carbonara...
I opted for this roast chicken... 
My appetite was not so good so we shared it out.. 
Don't ask me the price...
I didn't really remember...
Better not to know cos once you convert to ringgit,
You will not want to eat them like he does!!! lol...
Just eat .... don't think of the prices... hahaha... 
Christmas Log slice... 
chocolate cheese... 
then the next day when Andy felt better...
we came here again for desserts.....
(after the BIG O meal)
Aaron said we must try the Carrot cake... 
and their special Cheese cake... 
Price?  If I am not mistaken..
They are only $6.20sg or $7.20sg per piece..
Just like in Secret Recipe 
but only the conversion is different.. hahahaa....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

BIG O In Wheelock Place

When I first stepped into BIG O in Wheelock Place, Singapore, the first thing that came to my mind was that the owner must be a dog lover....  Never expected a cafe restaurant to be pasted up with dogs' pictures all over the wall...
 Just look at that....
looks more like a pet shop, right? :)
even their Menu book is special...
more like a story book... :)
so... from the story menu, Fernie ordered spaghetti..
I had their special chef's suggestion..
Fish n Chips with baked potato.. $16.00sg
Not bad cos it was crispy and fresh...
Aaron ordered this.. breaded chicken..
not sure how much it cost.. forgotten liow..
I prefer roasted or grilled... 
We ordered only 3 plates because Andy was still
not feeling "normal" yet... (just look at his face)
his appetite was still "missing" unfortunately...
But mention DESSERTS,
his smile came back RIGHT ON!!  lol...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Love SPAM Too!

From his few blog posts, I got to know SPAM for the first time... I thought I won't be able to taste them since they are not sold here in IPOH...

So when I was shopping in Carrefour in Suntec City, Singapore, something on the shelf caught my eye. SPAM!! They are sold here in Singapore too! I quickly grabbed a few tins, to my son's astonishment... I told him that STP has been singing praises about SPAM so I must also try, must not "chap shu." (must not lose out!) hahahaaa....
The next morning I opened one tin of turkey ham.... fried them piece by piece and ate them with bread.... my sons loved them!  Now I only have two more tins left.....must ask my son to buy back next time...

Oh by the way, one tin of SPAM cost $3.90sg ... 

Monday, December 26, 2011


er... still In Christmas Mood...
We didn't want the Christmas day to end so early last night...
At 11pm plus... we were still having our celebration....
Let's usher the Christmas night with YammmmmSinggggggggg!!!
Just nice to go with the Carrot Cake and Bah Kwa (BBQ meat)

tHE tWo Standing BehiND ARE unDerAged!
jUst  HoLd tHe gLaSS... wiLL do...
bUrp!!!  exCuSE ME!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Delightful Time In Taman Sutera Utama, Johor

Merry Merry Christmas!!!

Today I had a good time in JB.. met up with an old friend, Mr Bean and his daughter. We are old buddies from yesteryears and it is great to see them once again.

Thank you, Mr Bean for taking us out for lunch, thanks for your "abundant gifts" as well... I promise to make it up to you when you come Ipoh next year!

Here are some pictures of my tea-time in Sutera area....
at last I can have some delightful chinese desserts!
They may look familiar but their fillings are different from those in IPOH.. nice, nice!!
red beans with sweet potatoes...
black sesame with peanut paste
sweet beancurd with gingko seeds.. delightful for me!
rojak... Johor style
a bit of this and that... all to my taste!
Sorry, I didn't catch the name of the shop.. 
along this road....
just opposite a children's playground...

Sorry for not being able to "blop-hop" to your blogs.... going for a ten days trip is really exhausting and time consuming. Really no time to attend to my blog until late at night...but once I am back in Ipoh, I will make back for the lost time... hopefully!  :)

Happy Boxing Day in another 40 minutes from now!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve In Johor


We are back in Johor... tired and missing something cos we cannot get to church on time... Andy is still coughing, Fernie is having a slight running nose and my throat is still itchy!  But through it all, we had a great and tiring time in Singapore.. wet or cold, we managed to join in the crowd in window shopping and buying a bit of stuff here and there....

How are you celebrating your Christmas Eve?   I am sure many of you are having a Great Blast somewhere....
Here's wishing everyone ....
A Merry Christmas 
Have A Great Time, Everybody!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Orchard Hotel And Orchard Road

Checked out from Orchard Hotel at 1pm today and hopped over to another hotel just right opposite.... we had a good laugh over this "hopping"... when I booked the hotels online, I didn't know that these two hotels are just opposite each other... (call me ah lian!)

Comparing the two Orchard hotels, there are pro and cons.. the more expensive hotel room has smaller beds compared to the cheaper one... but it has a nice LCD TV whereas the cheaper hotel has the old fashioned type but the beds are definitely bigger...

OK, anyway, just one more night and we will be on our way back to JB tomorrow.... some photos here and there..  the Christmas atmosphere is definitely very Happening in Orchard Road but my camera is not doing them any justice...
in one of the shopping malls.. Isetan, I think...
Paragon mall
inside Orchard Hotel
let it snow...let it snow...let it snow...
live band singing christmas and christian songs along Orchard Road
along the way....
Orchard Hotel...
Stopped by at JW Marriot Hotel too...just to look at their decorations...very beautiful... but too expensive to stay there... LOL....  Well, expensive or not, it is really fun to travel as a family!  Where is our next destination?  I have plans to go to go US and hope to get some great New York deals!  Meanwhile I better start saving up my dollars and cents... lol..

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...