Thursday, January 10, 2013

Seven Village Noodle House Bukit Mertajam

Driving up north with my girl for a "birthday celebration!" Allowed my girl to drive some kilometers on the highway..... Despite gritted teeth and hair raising feeling, I showed a cool and steady appearance.. must give her some kind of confidence, right? But actually my heart was thumping very fast... hahahaha.. Thank God we arrived safely .... phew...

Before we crossed the bridge to Penang, we made a trip to Butterworth to try the famous noodles called Seven Village Noodle House....
 First time coming by ... 
there are two sections, one with air con and another section without.. 
naturally we opted for former...
their famous Koay Teow Th'ng noodles...
Not bad.. I like it!!
Ordered a small plate of greens to go with it...
And their famous Teochiew side-kicks...
Not sure what they are called..
 just point point at the pictures displayed on the wall...
After the meal.... a picture to remember this by....
Must come by again next time...
Oh, for drinks, you must order Almond Barley
Their signature Drink.... 

Here is the address, just in case you want to drop by...
6,-10, Lorong Ceri 6
Taman Aman Jaya
Off Raja Uda,
12300 Butterworth.
Tel: 04-3330216

Seven village noodle house


  1. it no doubt why its famous it looks pretty tasty

  2. Is this last food picture rice that has been fried some way? What a good idea to have air in one room and none in the other, we do not have anything like that in our restaurants I do not think.

  3. BM? I've a very good friend there. Those, we call ngor hiang...I think you people there call it lor bak. My missus makes the best! Oooo...the kway teow th'ng looks good - haven't had that for so long now. Sighhhh!!!!!

  4. Is that ngor hiang?....It looks super yummy.

  5. i like the teochew spring rolls..
    my teochew mil always make that..

  6. the food looks simple but i would say they make a very good combination.. clear soup noodles with vege and that teochew meat roll.. yum yum!!

  7. juin: yes..island! :)

    mecoy: they taste not bad..

    ginny: normally we opt for cooler air.. cos over here is hot climate..

  8. stp: over here Lor Bak.. yeah.. but i dont take much of that.. too oily for me.. one or two pieces i can wallop la.. but the koay teow.. i can take more than a bowl!! ooopssss...

    mery: so you also call it ngor hiang?

  9. sp: fren told me that it is a teochiew dish.. :)

    sk: yes..and with the almond barley, the meal is nice!!

  10. Oh I love the Penang version of Kuey teow thng! Somehow their version is just different and nicer, lots of pork!! :)

  11. Love the clear soup koay teow and the "ngo hiang"

  12. The Koay Teow Th'ng noodles full of minced meat & fish ball, yummy.

  13. vicky: yes...i like with lots of ingredients..

    irene: me too!

    sweetwitch: yes..very sweet too..

  14. if J sees jhe sure love the keoy teow soup


Thank you, readers!

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