Tuesday, March 31, 2020

My Breakfast From Youtube

VERY HOMELY ALREADY....  I have not go out for a number of days already, but I know it has been two weeks since the Partial Lockdown was implemented.  Masks are very limited for me so I try to refrain from going out if possible.  What I need to do is to start the car engine, reverse it out to the road so that I can wash the whole porch.  Then I drive the car in again and leave the engine on for awhile to let it warm up.  LOL... This is what I will do once every few days.

Yesterday my cousin shared some of the online deliveries with me.  She does not have to go out and all she does is to call up the shops and have them delivered the goods to her.  Its So convenient, she told me... out of curiosity, I checked them out and ended up ordering lots, fish, pork, bacon, meatballs, dumplings...etc. etc... and even desserts!  They were delivered to my doorstep in the afternoon.  Yes, I washed my hands before and after handling everything... Come to think of it, I never wash my hands so many times before in one day!  I am getting paranoid....
This morning breakfast.... I did this.... 
(Learn from youtube)
And this.... 
And that become like this.... 
And those become these.....
And this is my breakfast cum lunch!
I am really full now... 

10 Tips for Boston Bicycle Commuters

If you’ve recently decided to purchase a city bicycle, you’ve made a wise decision for your health and the environment. There are many different commuter bikes for sale, but once you decide on one, you need to figure out how you’ll get around the busy city. Here are 10 tips for Boston bicycle commuters who want to stay safe.

1. Know Where to Find Secure Parking
If you ride your bike to work, the grocery store, or anywhere else, you’ll need to park it at some point. Instead of leaning it against the side of some random building, find out in advance where secure bicycle parking is located. You should also buy a sturdy lock and use it to keep your bike attached to an object, such as a parking meter.
Overview Image

2. Learn the Rules of the Road
Breaking the law while riding your bike could be deadly. Know the rules of the road before you commute anywhere on your bicycle.

3. Make Yourself Visible
Motorists don’t always look carefully for cyclists. That’s why you should go above and beyond to make yourself visible. The best city cruiser bikes include reflectors on the tires, but you should also wear reflectors on your clothing whenever possible. Invest in bike lights as well.

4. Prepare for Bad Weather
The weather can turn sour at any time, so it’s always good to be prepared. Keep waterproof pants and a waterproof jacket with you at all times in case a storm rolls in.

5. Ride With Others
There is safety in numbers, especially when it comes to cycling. If you are worried about riding by yourself, recruit a friend or co-worker to ride with you.

6. Plan Your Route in Advance
Some roads are safer than others for cyclists to ride on. Before you leave, plan your route in advance and try to stick to roads that have cycling lanes or wide shoulders.
7. Maintain Your Bike
Regular tune-ups are important for keeping your bike in good working order. Whether you ride every day or just a few times a year, tuning up your bike regularly will make it a more reliable form of transportation.

8. Keep a Patch Kit With You
You should always carry a patch kit, spare tube and a light pump or canister of C02 with you. Being prepared will help you avoid becoming stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire.

9. Be Wary
You never want to stick earbuds in your ears and get lost in thought while you’re riding. Always be wary of your surroundings and watch for hazards. These can include drivers, railroad crossing, potholes and road work.

10. Store Your Belongings Securely
If you plan to bring extra clothing, weather gear and patch kits with you, you’ll need to keep them secured in a safe place. Attach a rear rack or pannier to your bike so you can safely carry small items with you wherever you go.

Commuting on a city bike is a responsible decision for many people. To make sure you’re prepared and safe on your next ride, keep these tips in mind.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Noodles For The Day

WHATEVER DAY OF THE PARTIAL LOCKDOWN NOW, I want to say I am still surviving with my homecooking!  Never before I cook daily even when my kids were around.  So this Covid thing, kind of train me, us to be cooks, simple or complicated dishes, everyone stays indoor to eat...

This morning I received a lot of information from my cousin on home deliveries, you name it, she got it!  Chicken, pork, vegetables, seafood (fish, prawns, japanese food stuff plus their sauces), fruits, cakes ... LOL ... she gave me all their phone numbers.  And I really kept myself very busy calling them this morning.  Having done so, I think I do not need to go out from my house to get anything except to go for a short drive to recharge my car battery! 

These few days, I did not cook any rice, I just want to eat noodles and noodles.  I am no more called a "Rice Bucket" by my family, the throne has since passed on to another sibling... LOL....
I like the spinach noodles... and I had it with my chicken soup for lunch... 
My neighbour gave me this dish... a variety of them!
And that certainly goes well with my kolo noodles that I have....
Really thankful for such a tasty meal!! 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Dishes To Cook For Four


Before this partial lockdown, my friends and I gather every now and then to have lunch in our own homes.  Sometimes they will bring their food over and at times I go over to their house.  These went on time to time until the MCO refrained us from doing so.

Looking back to my photo folder, I miss these type of food below... LOL...
Four dishes and yummylicious too!
Eggs with long beans and gojiberries...
Fish paste with minced meat stuffed into the bitter gourd... 
My friend's special dish!  I miss this!!
Asparagus with shrimps... 
And some left over curry chicken... 
Great lunch for 4, right?

I wonder when the day will come and we can lead our normal lives again...
When the time comes, we must remind ourselves never to take for granted again...
Treasure our moments together and leave no space for grudges... 

Surf Online To Refrain From Going To The Malls

Due to this virus covid scare, many of us are quarantined in our own homes.  As far as possible, I try to refrain from going out even for groceries, as long as there is enough food stuff to last me for 2 weeks, I rather stay home and "hibernate."  I occupied my time by cooking, cleaning house, watching TV and of course, working online on my faithful laptop.  This is how I pass my daily life and I do not mind a bit for being home confinement. 

Even if the pandemic is over, the weather these days is so fiery hot and I do not like to drive out to the shopping malls in this weather.  So when I heard about shopping online is so convenient and easy, I gave it a try.  And once I did, there was no turning back.  Online shopping has become one of my hobbies especially during weekends when there is more discounts and sales.  There is so much to browse on and not only that, I can save my money cos I really take a few hours to get the best sales ever!

Alright, I have been searching online for some nice looking evening dresses and I have chanced upon this wonderful website called kis.net. The dresses here look great on the models but will they look nice on me? For me, I think it is safer to go for those dresses that are not too figure hugging or else the bulges will show. Shopping can be fun when one is slim and slender because we can easily fit into any designs and look great in them.

In this website women and men alike can enjoy their shopping and there is a wide selection of beautiful lacy and elegant dresses yet lovely evening gowns to meet everyone's needs. From the wide range of ball dresses, prom dresses, formal dress and evening dresses, there is something to suit individual's taste. These dresses are claimed to be of good quality materials.

For those who have a special function to attend and have not found any suitable dress to wear, you can try looking up some of these lovely and bohemian dresses in the website.  With just a few clicks away, you might find something that suits your taste and you might even get a good discount for it.  Enjoy your online shopping and have fun passing time while waiting for this virus crisis to be over!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Food For Thought On Covid Days

COVID # ?? MOVEMENT CONTROL ORDER.... it is not going to be partial if this virus is getting more and more widely spread each day.  Police blocks are on the main roads 24 hours near my area, I heard.  My niece and nephew were stopped couple of days ago, many questions were asked before they could be let off.  Not advisable to be driving in twos or more on the main roads especially with no valid reasons.  I agree that it is a good move to implement stricter laws on the roads especially during this pandemic situation.

Aunties like me stay home quietly, my only contact and hearing different voices is by handphone.  Passing time as usual by cooking, cleaning house, laptop work and Netflix.  Questions like "Bored yet?  Still sane or not?" were responded with a NO at present.  Meanwhile, Let us Stay positive and optimistic!  

My lunch... eating leftovers from the other day...
Boiled soup with tomatoes, carrots and corn.... 
My neighbour gave me a bowl of Fish Tomyam....
Snacks for tea time.... 
Noodles with chicken meat for dinner!
That summed up my meal for the day.... 
Not sure which day already!
Someone sent me this....
Ooopsss... I better be careful!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Authentic Nyonya Chang Finally Come To Ipoh!

WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY?  I lost count of the movement control DAYS already.  Now I am more or less getting used to staying  quietly at home and be a lone ranger.  I only contact with the outside world through my handphone.  Now come to think of relying just on the handphone, I must treat it with utmost care!  I don't have a house phone already... oh my goodness!  Never thought of that... the only way I can contact to the outside world is through my laptop... OOohhh... very scary!  Don't hang up on me, my two precious gadgets... handphone and laptop AND of course, the WIFI!!

Cooking so simple meals that I feel shy to upload them... but I am so so glad that I ordered these yummy NYONYA CHANGS from Michelle Soo.  I am sure many of us know Michelle through the blogging days.  Though I never meet her before, I know about her and family through Facebook mainly these days.  How many of you know her... or heard of her?  Tell me... :)

I have been drooling over her Changs ever since she posted them online, she does deliveries to Klang very often, and of course Malacca too.  I am shy to order then, me from Ipoh and not getting enough orders to make the trip worthwhile for her to come.  Then recently, I came across someone in FB asking her to send through courier and she said Yeah, she does that too!  Oh... without hesitation, I PM her to ask.... and within a couple of days... I received my Nyonya Treasures!
Minimum order 10 Nyonya Changs...
Her Homemade Kaya is not to be missed too!
Here.... clearer details just in case you want it too!
One tub RM15...
Quality over quantity!
Immediately I had one Chang for dinner.... 
That is the way I eat Nyonya Chang!  LOL... 
Verdict:  I am going to order again once this batch are in my tummy!
Not only me, my neighbour wants to "tumpang" my order... 
They told me that they have not eaten such Nyonya-cious Chang before!
*Ok, they did not say the word Nyonya-cious*
What they meant is they Love them!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Teochew Porridge On The 7th Day MCO


Couldn't sleep back after waking up around 5.30am this morning, maybe the 12 hours sleep on the previous day has taken its toil.  LOL... Enough of rest, get up, lazybones!  And so I got up early but only managed to go to the mini wet market at 7am.  Wrong timing!  My regular stall was just getting ready her vegetables, I didn't want to disturb her so I bought from another stall... and no pork today!  Aiyah... really wrong day to wake up early.  Ended up buying just a chicken and some vegetables.  I could not even get some desserts at such an early hour.  Must go back to my regular hours... 10am!  LOL... 

Took out my first tupperware of minced meat, I still have 7 more in the fridge, by the way... hoarder!  Today lunch is white porridge, minced meat, salted egg and cabbage..... 
Minced meat patties with big onions and coriander leaves....
My lunch with porridge for today... 
For dinner, I will have this fried fish given by my kind neighbour... 
Very nice of her, right?

Monday, March 23, 2020

What I did On This 6th Day Of Covid MCO


When I opened my eyes and looked at time, to my shock, it was already 10.30 in the morning!!  What made me sleep through the 12 hours??  No doubt I woke up once to answer nature call, that was considered a long sleep throughout the night, taking into consideration I slept before 11pm.  That means I had a good 12 hours sleep more or less... LOL....So guilty!

Supposed to go the market this morning but no point going, all the meat will be taken up by the time I get ready.  Postpone till tomorrow and this time I better put on the alarm to wake me up at 7am.  I am planning to go earlier to beat the crowd... seriously!  Don't have any greens in my fridge except for a cabbage and cucumber and eggplant.  Furthermore, I did not drive out for two whole days already!  Thank God, my area market is a very mini one and less than 5 minutes drive only, I have to go out and get a change of scene.  

Food for today.... 
Steamed chicken, leftover braised pork.... and radish soup....
Added in one carrot to make up for the greens.... 
To pass time besides being a potato couch, 
I gave all these fellas a good CLEAN-UP... 
They whirled and whirled in the machine....
And all of them came out cleaned and fragrant!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Wearing A Mask At Home Is Safe Too


What comes to my mind each morning when I wake up?  These questions...   What shall I eat today, breakfast... lunch and dinner... What shall I cook?  I guess I am not alone thinking about the preparation of food.  We need to ration, right?  Not sure when the shops or markets might be closed one day.  Now the situation is so unpredictable.  

Reading and hearing too much about the bad news is not good though I need to know what is happening.  Staying at home alone too long without talking to anyone can have adverse effects.  That is why I stay sane by talking on the phone, video call, or whatever it takes just to have some voice talking back to me.  LOL.... 

These days it is common to see many of us put up what we cook online.  Facebook, Instagram, blogs, vblogs, we share and show people what we have each day, get some ideas on what to cook for our family, in my case, for myself... 
I start off the day daily with 2 slices of bread with Skippy peanut butter...
Two half boiled eggs... but for this case, it is more than half cooked.. 3/4 cooked in fact...
I was a bit too greedy on the first day... one egg should be enough, not two... 
After that day, I just ate two slices of bread minus the egg...
Have to Ration.... LOL... 
I braised some pork ribs with radish, tomatoes, red chili and lemongrass... 
Shared some with my neighbour... 
Had Kolo mee with this dish.. 
Fried rice for dinner...
Big heavy meals, right?
For snacks in between, eating guava marinated with "dry tangerine skin"... 

My friend forwarded this message to me... 

Please wear a mask at home also, specially when alone.....
This may or may not prevent Corona 
but will surely stop you from eating more... 

I couldn't agree more... LOL!!!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Third Day Of Nationwide Movement Control Covid19


Oh, but I did go out this morning, thought of buying more eggs and a loaf of bread.  The mini wet market had more people today, it seems they are forced to close from tomorrow onwards.  The residents must have heard about it and the panic buying began again.  No more chicken meat and fish by the time I reached there at 10am.  I adjourned to the sundry shop, no eggs, finished too!!  Wow, that is serious, man.... I managed to get 10 eggs from another shop but no bread in sight, all gone... Gone!

I guess I have to ration my stock in the fridge... LOL... My neighbor called me early this morning and told me that she made a special dish today, Hainanese Braised Pork and gave me a one meal portion.  Tasted sourish and spicy... appetizing!  Yes, I guess many of us will gain some healthy weight during this confinement...
I like this new kitchen toy I bought from Lazada....
I can steam my rice... 
and warm up the dish at the same time....
Sponsored by my neighbour... 
And the remaining of my Hyacinth bean aka Pang Pei Dau... 
I boiled with one quarter of chicken meat this morning... 
And my meal is done for the day!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Second Day Of Covid Imprisonment


Went to the drive-in market around 8.30am, got some fresh vegetables and chicken meat.  Stopped by at the sundry to get some dry stuff too....and the list of things seems endless.  The streets around my area were pretty quiet, just like Sunday mornings even thought it is a weekday today.  Most of the shops are closed except for the banks in my area.  

I have a feeling that the market will be closed from tomorrow or the next day onwards.  The pandemic is on, heard from the vendors that they were worried too, I couldn't blame them if they close their stalls in the market.  At this moment of crisis, they are at the front line dealing with public.

Happy for China that their country is under control.... such a big giant country and yet, they managed to contain the virus so soon.  Our country is next... will our people be so obedient?  I better start by disciplining myself first... stay home, do housework, computer work, cooking and ends the day by watching Netflix.  
Food for thoughts.... 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How I Am Affected With Restrictions On Covid19

NEW CHANGE... Never before I have experienced this restriction from as far as I can remember.  Vivid and vague memories of a curfew happened in 1969 and that was it.  Now with the Covid-19, it seems like everyone has to play a part in keeping this virus contained.  Many of us pray for this virus to be under control or better still, be rid of... soon!  Our lives will be back to normal then.  Now thinking back, we have lots to be thankful for before this Mr. V came into our lives.  We can go about our daily lives without any worries, particularly on the hygiene. 

Talking about hygiene, Never had I feel "paranoid" about pumping petrol with my bare hands, opening public places' doors where you got to pull or push, entering my car and quickly squeezing from the hand sanitizer, wary of sneezing and coughing from others and including my own self... and what else.... Yes, I tried suppressing myself from coughing at public places, I kept swallowing my saliva to suppress it, failing to, I quickly walked away to a isolated spot... and the list goes on and on...

Seems like the virus has gotten into me, making me paranoid!  And now with the partial restrictions, I joined in the crowd to buy the "un-necessities" among the necessities... Terrible Me... Yeah, now I have stocks in my fridge that can easily last me for weeks if I eat one meal per day by myself.  LOL

No, this fridge is not mine though I hope it is... 
Taken from here... 
Dare not show my fridge...
Filled to the brim...
After all, I am Confirmed Auntie!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...