Sunday, May 31, 2009

Snow Ice In Damansara Utama

HOT HOT HOT!! So hot weather especially now in IPOH... 32 degrees in IPOH now... if i stand in the hot sun, i think i can get "fried" in minutes....
How I wish I could eat this snow ice now.... reminds me of last night when we went for this 100Yen in Damansara Utama....first time I ate this..., country bumpkin leh... (jingjang nia)

ooppss.. didnt know he was looking
at my camera..
hope he didnt mind...

fernie had this
milk vanilla snow ice

Tam had this..
coffee snow ice

i love this mango snow ice...
hmmm....soft and nice....

and this is the sushi cake...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

In Rawang Now...

This is a late post... .actually I am in Rawang now. Tomorrow I will be back in IPOH... purpose of this trip is to send AA to his rented room in Wangsa Maju. He will be starting his internship on Monday.
Time really flies.....

Spent our whole morning and afternoon and evening in Petaling Jaya, Ikea... so much wonder things to browse and buy...

I am like a country lady visiting a big city....

And most attractive in our itinerary is the FOOD!

Will post more pictures when I get back to IPOH..... meanwhile.... good evening and good night to all of you!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ugly And Annoying?

As you all can see in my chatbox, one person wrote "Ugly and Annoying" ... I do not know who he/she is but I hope that the person will understand that this is my personal blog. Sorry that this person finds this blog annoying and hope he/she will not "torture" himself/herself anymore by coming by......

Ugly? Ok, I can accept that definitely... UGLY is not a weakness... Ugly means not beautiful.. no harm done on that one... BUT do remember ... we are all God's creation and everything that He creates are wonderful and beautiful AND I am sure each and everyone of us have our own uniqueness and beauty somewhere .... somewhere.... right?? ahem..ahem....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mama's Meal And Guess The Sex Result!

Tonight's dinner at my mama's place together with my sisters and family. It was just a simple meal cooked by my mum, nothing like those days where abundant food were laid on the table. I realized my mama is getting old and cooking is not as elaborate like years ago. Simple or not, I appreciate her cooking and calling us back for this bah chang festival. (but no bah chang here)

my mum's speciality...
stuffings done by herself...

roasted pork but not the crispy type
a lot of left over
can mix with vege tomorrow..

this is a "woo soe kai"
steamed chicken is a must..

choy kon soup...(dried vege)
sweet and nice...

Oh, by the way, the results to yesterday's GUESS THE SEX


(i m truly amazed that most of u guessed correctly la...
all macam experts in analysing stomachs... lol.....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What Do U Do When U R Bored??

AiYe...sigh...... these few days we were real frust in the office.....WHY? No Internet connection la... so-so very dull..hoe sien ah...... feeling so helpless but it was hopeless... No Line means Nothing To Do!

Time seems to be crawling...
Those days with the Internet, time seems to fly like a concord plane.. now time seems to be crawling even slower than a turtle... (kwar cheong?)

But I am still blessed with my good buddies around, though we were on different floors, somehow we managed to get together for a short while to release our "stress".....

first time doing it...

is this what the teens used to do?
smiling and posing...
yucks!! dont puke, ok??



guess correctly means u r expert in stomachs..

Wishing For A Beautiful Trip

When I was in Toronto for a month stay a couple of years ago in my friend's place, an idea came to my mind. Actually, not really an idea, it was more like a wish, a wish that I could migrate there with my kids. After two weeks or so, I really fell in love with the place, it was so peaceful and nice. The environment was clean, breathing in fresh air each morning and feeling so refreshed during that spring time. If not for my children, I would have stayed longer in Toronto, Ontario. When my kids saw the beautiful sceneries in my photos, they hoped that I could bring them there one day. Yes, dears, one day, maybe we will make a trip together.
Meanwhile, we can browse through this Ontario Cottages in this link. They have 500 over cottages for rental and so with many choices, I am sure we can find one suitable to our budget and taste, right? We never know, our wish might come true one day.....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Infatuation, Puppy Love, Dating......

Today while driving my girl home from school, I was Bombarded with a question .."Mi, how did u go through teenage life?" "Me? almost same like u...almost only...I walked to school those days, now u sit in the car, I do housework when I reached home, now u just do your own stuff in your room..." (almost same hor?)

Then she retaliated, "haiyah..i didnt mean this...what i want to know is, have u "paktor" before?" OUCH...paktor? Paktor means DATING....OH Gosh....

My teenage girl asking me whether I dated before or not during my teens..... Now..that was a difficult question to answer at that spur of the moment.

If I say "yes" ....then I am asking for trouble or not? She Might follow mama's footsteps and say "mum, if u can, why can't i?" sort of thing.....

If I say "no", then we will not have anything to talk about....she will surely keep quiet, right?

So I replied YES, I have.... BUT, *a quick but*, that was infatuation, puppylove, Ah Girl...
not real love one.....not lasting one.....WHY? (now it is my turn to ask)

Anyway, to cut short over here, I am glad I did tell her about my experiences and she shared with me about her situation. As a mum, I guess we need to be "open" about this topic but inwardly, I am really "DEAD WORRIED".....

The woes of a MuM..... now I know how my own mum felt when I was a teenager.... haiyoh....

So Simple With Dr. Oetker Shaker

ONE, TWO AND THREE simple steps and you will get delicious "yummy" cupcakes for your love ones. How? Well, for people like me who love to eat but don't enjoy cooking them, let me share Dr. Oetker Shaker with you. With Dr. Oetker, you will find baking is so easy that even a kid will be able to do it. How do I know? No doubt I have not tried it yet but reading the website had me convinced.

According to their website, it says just add milk, or water then shake, shake, shake and pour! So easy, right? Well, thanks to Dr. Oetker, baking cupcakes, pancakes is no sweat at all....

Not only that, for those who loves nuts, the mixtures contain 0 trans fat, a source of fibre and Prebiotics, so don't worry, these are healthy food.

If my kids know about this easy way of baking cakes, I am sure they will pester me to bake for them this very weekend. I haven't been doing any baking for some time already because I really dread doing the washing up. But now after knowing about these easy steps, I do not mind trying this out. Just add milk, shake and bake and we get yummy muffins, how about that?

Oh, before I forget, Dr. Oetker is also offering us a chance to WIN a $1200 Visa Card for your next family fun weekend or 1of 10 Dr. Oetker Shaker fun packs which are valued at $30! Sounds great, right? Well, check this website out before it ends. You'll never know, you might be one of the lucky winners this weekend!


Monday, May 25, 2009

His All Time Favourite...

Here are a few pictures of some home cooked food.... cannot compared to the seafood Tanjung Tualang..

Let me reveal something first...... 3 dishes were cooked by my mum and only the simplest one by (embarrassed to say which one was cooked by me also......)

Potato chicken
Andy's all time favourite..

stir fry choy sum...
just with lots of garlic...

moe kwa with fun see
(oh, in english..let me think first... hairy-like melon with glass noodles?)

tomyam fish....
this meal was for four of us...
oh, forgot to snap the lotus soup...
most dishes - courtesy from my mum..

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sun Mee Fong, Tanjung Tualang

Sunday outing to Tanjung Tualang with Bel, Tam, AA and yours truly....

Sorry Andy, after seeing u off at the bus station, we proceeded to Tanjung Tualang for lunch. Next time round, we will go together, ok?

Tanjung Tualang is famous for its fresh water prawns..... since we were not too hungry, we just ordered four dishes, no rice, no noodles... JUST THESE....

stir-fry big head prawns..
(tai tou har)

tai tou har means...
careless... (right?)

followed by steamed big headed prawns

quite "steamed" after eating these
cos of the wine effect...

salted egg soft crabs...

after eating these, more crappy talk

sambal belacan "paku pakis" vegetables...

not sure what these are called ...
entwining vegetables?

thai sweet coconut water...
not enough little...

wan tau long...
"jelly lemon drink"
(fainting drink)

"aahhhhh.... ngam....."
sorry for tempting...ah....

The food above caused me to be ..... "doubly careless", "drunk", "jelly legs" and "fainting spells" Price ? ONLY RM117.00! Expensive? Well, we are Tourists ma...

Shop Name : Sun Mee Fong, 21-23, Jalan Pasar, Tanjung Tualang....
And now I need to get some rest, very tired and sleepy..... zzzzzzzzzzz...zzzzz

Friday, May 22, 2009

We're Together Again...

Took AA back from campus at around 11.45am... "ponteng" from office so as to beat the traffic jam. The journey took me more than 1 1/2 hours to and the time I reached office, I was beat.

Took Andy from the bus station around 7.30pm... seeing him getting down from the bus was a blissful feeling... My sons have grown up leh... all staying away from their home. Really looking forward to seeing them coming home after a long break....(2 weeks, long or not?)

In the car, I asked Andy about the PTPTN loan (study loan given to students)....when and what to submit.... I was more anxious than him bec' the loan would be able to "lighten" the burden. It cost around 60K for his course.

"So....when are u submitting the documents for the PTPTN loan?" I asked him...
His reply shocked me... "I don't want to take the loan."
"HUH??? WHY??" My voice grew louder than normal, out of shockness and a bit of "panic"

"I don't want .... , no need to take loan" he continued..., my hands still on the steering wheel, I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, and at that moment, I noticed his cheeky grin....

"Hey.. u mean...u got IT?" my voice softened, prayerfully wishing his answer would he YES...

"Yes, yes, mum....I GOT IT!" HE LAUGHED......

Thank you, God, THANK GOD.......

He got the Scholarship for this course....a scholarship I didn't expect him to get bec' there are many others who have better results than him....

All thanks and praise to our Lord for His amazing grace upon us again and again....HE IS TRULY GREAT!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Welcome Home, Princes...

Tonight is very quiet.... BUT not tomorrow.... Because.... my TWO princes are coming home for the weekend!!

AA will be arriving in the afternoon, Andy will arrive in the evening.... one of them has made a request few days earlier. What request? Read this..... "MI, please cook more, MORE potato chicken for dinner." Poor boy, he must be missing his favorite dish of the year, ie. Potato Chicken... hahahaha...

Well, good news for you, son..... PoPo (granny) is cooking that dish specially for YOU, in fact, she is making your favorite soup too....

As for me, I will just cook the rice, the tomyam fish, yellow beans (tin can) and fry some vege... How does that, Sons?

After dinner, if still got space in the stomachs, WE go for Burnt Coconut, OK?

(let me see... we can order ice kacang, momo cha cha, fruits ice cream....or perhaps beef stew in Odeon? How does that sound??? oh oh.. no hankerchief to wipe the extra water at the tip of your mouths now?? lol..)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Someone BIG n Important?

SEE THE NICE RED CARPET? Something like those in the Hollywood Academy Look-Alike, hor? This one might be a miniature size BUT....

.....Someone BIG and IMPORTANT came and walked on it.......

Yeah, Yes..SOMEONE with a BIG belly
here below...

hahahahaha... this one for you, Lynn....
a memorable picture for a VIP...
ooppss..... I mean VBB...
(very big belly)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

No Meaning Without YOU...

What is the meaning of Darn? I don't really know the meaning..but i m going to say it anyway, "Darn, oh DARN!"

Today is the second day without Internet service in the office!! mana eh sai... where got meaning?? No meaning, definitely! Know what? Time really crawls when there is no connection.... In fact, veli-veli Torturing...

Without the connection, communication has come to a standstill during the day... I lost contacts, I couldn't read my bloggers' blogs, I couldn't say HI to them, everything seems to be lost (that goes my side income too...sigh...)

Now I am home, I am not going out ... From now till my midnite bedtime, I will stay glued here if possible, to make up the "lost time" during the day...

I am still keeping up to my motto name....


(Telekom man, please come by tomorrow??)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Belated Mother's Day In Weng Kee

Last night we went for a simple dinner to commemorate a belated Mother's Day... "We" , the three daughters and family took our mum to Weng Kee Restaurant, next to Scotch Pub in IPOH Garden South. When we arrived, we were the first customers being ushered in... good.. that means food would come fast....

First time coming to this place.... I heard it was a Hock Chew owner... no wonder... the food were a bit "uncommon" over here....

buttered fish...

crispy fried and a bit spicy...

like those buttered prawns recipe....

mui choy kau yuk
stewed pork with salted vegetables..

egglant, long beans stir-fried...

yam steamed with chicken...
i love this... appetitising...

stirred fry vegetables..

their speciality beancurd
made by the owner himself...
so he said la...

my cutie nephew "conquering" the foodies...

oh btw, the "jumlah" came to RM107 plus drinks for 9 of us... reasonable?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Penang Road Desserts

Went to Penang by bus yesterday to visit Andy at his college. It has been two weeks since he left home and I do miss him. First thing I did was to take him to "makan" , he said it was like getting "out of prison"... hahahaha... cos each day he takes his food either in the hostel or at the college within walking distance. Thanks to my Penang fren, he took us around for breakfast, lunch and dinner.... let Andy eat to his satisfaction.....

we went to this Penang Road
this shop was wholly owned by the
ice kacang along the back lane

first time I went into the shop
authentic style....

from the photos hung on the wall,
Phua Chu Kang (Gurmit Singh)
and Lim Guan Eng (Penang Chief Minister)
have visited this shop.....

the rojak was nice...
thick sauce with lots of groundnuts...

and of course the speciality was the cendol....

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dinner For Me And U, Babe....

Dinner for Two.... sounds romantic, huh? Not only romantic but passionate too... cos the dishes were cooked with passion in the heart. Though they might not look appetising to you, but For Me And My Partner, they were enough to last us through the night.... ho ho ho.....

Hey, before U start to think of what I think U are thinking, then U r wrong.... :)

Our simple dinner...

one for U, one for Me....

and some long beans...

Enough for both of us...
Me And My Girl....

Just a simple dinner cooked within an hour, ate within 10 minutes...
She doesn't like chicken nor meat so it is always fish, fish and more fish with her ....
till one day she might say, "don't cook anymore fish, mama.... how about some scallops and abalones tomorrow??"

*thud* someone has fallen off the chair....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"I Can't See, I Can't See!"

While driving back from lunch, my hp rang.... The first words I heard from the other side... "Sis, I CAN'T SEE, I CAN'T SEE... MY EYES, BLUR...BLUR!"

That was alarming.... my sister on the other end sounded frantic.... I was also taken aback...

To cut this short, I went to pick her up and upon entering the car, I could feel she was badly shaken. She told me that her eyes suddenly became very blur, in fact, she could not even see my face clearly even from a three feet distance with her spectacles on.

Quickly, I dropped my colleagues back to the office and immediately drove her to the eye specialist. On the way she told me what happened, in fact, she had problem with her eyes since last year. Her diabetes is quite high but she never told anyone of us siblings especially my mum whom she did not want to worry. I was touched when she said that.... but I reprimanded her for not telling us, at least we siblings should know and can "warn" her of the food intake.

The doc examined her and said both of her eyes were bleeding.... he advised to get the laser done immediately to stop the bleeding on her eyes. After few hours, in fact more than 3 hours, we left the clinic....

Meanwhile, my sis cannot carry heavy stuff, try not to put her head down, try not to cough or put pressure on her eyes... (even in doing "big Business", must avoid pushing too hard)

In conclusion, I just wanna say...... lets be careful with our food intake especially those with have a history of diabetics, heart problem or hypertension.... these are the silent killers....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Itchy..itchy... scratch, scratch...

So much on my mind, so much I wanna post ...

Firstly, thank you for your kind words and comments .... *slight bow & a smile from me*

My mum is feeling better, can even go marketing this morning but she said her throat is still itchy and she ended up "spraying" some medicated oil IN her mouth, as far as she can put..... Oh Gosh! she got another EXCLAMATION from me when I heard that...

Is medicated oil (foong yau) edible??? Perhaps little bit ok la..huh? It SCRATCHES the throat for her, so I was told....

But drinking sips of hot water might be take away the itchiness of the throat, I told her.... anyway, as long as she is better, that is more than a relief....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shame on me.....

I am writing this with a heavy heart. When I read posts from others about how they celebrated Mother's Day with their beloved mum, it left me an enormous pang of guilt in me.

Sunday came and went with me entertaining my guest instead of my own mum... I just gave her a few calls and asked her how she was, as I posted earlier, she was down with cough and sore throat. After taking medication, she does not have an appetite for anything except fluids.

Poor Mum... when she is sick, she is really down and I, as her daughter, did not visit her on Sunday! I was earlier told that my sister would be taking her out for dinner but later, my mum changed her mind and didn't want to go out because of her tasteless buds. My brother ended up buying back something soft for her.

Last night I called her again and I ended up reprimanding her instead. She didn't follow the doctor's instruction to finish all the antibiotics she was given, in fact she stopped taking them after a day.

Now I feel so bad... while she is sick and weak, I didn't go comfort her and instead I got so worked up over the medication. What a daughter I am!

I get too engrossed with my own stuff... like watching the Sudirman Cup last night and ended up calling my mum only instead of visiting her.... heartless girl!

God says, "Honour thy father and mother"

Yes, I do it this afternoon.... lunch time, evening.... and tomorrow and the day after... always....

It suddenly dawned upon me....

Mother's Day is the day we should present ourselves in her lovely home she has brought us up in, not just by eating but by fitting into her life.....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Clap Clap!!...Now What?

"If I'm happy and I know it, I clap my hands... plak..plak......"

hehehe..huhuhu... hoooohoooooo

Do I sound crazy? Yes... crazy with awe and joy.....

Oh... on the other hand I must not be too happy now.. never know what is going to transpire out of this court news....

Another road block tomorrow? Taking a few hours to reach office again? For those who do not know what I am talking about, tune in to Anilnetto..... you will know why I sound "sengat" at this moment....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Jelapang Snacky Time

Sunday is a day to "unwind" and relax at home.... while browsing through my desktop, I stumbled upon a folder called "desserts" and I really must show them here... those are my favourite side snacks, something light (do u think so?) and yet so tasty ...

Taken in Jelapang road side stall...

famous for their rojak

and of course, the sauce
to go with the rojak...

now they have this pancake
crispy and hot.... straight from the pan...

and their delicious bubur cha cha
tapioca, sweet potatoes and beans
with santan milk... (sinful?)
(no la.. once awhile ok one)

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...