Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Park Song Ha, Leslie Cheong, Anita Mui....

When I read the Star this afternoon, I was shocked to see what was written about Park Song Ha, aged 33. He acted in Winter Sonata and since then, he became very famous. Even Malaysian tourists are taken to the place where this korean series took place.

What happened to him?

Aged 33, handsome... famous... but depressed. He reminded me of Leslie Cheong Kwok Wing, the Hongkong singer/actor, he was also depressed and committed suicide by jumping off the building. Park Song Ha committed suicide by hanging himself in his room with his electric charger, it was written. Poor mum of his.. she was the one who found him the next morning...

Why suicide? So normal, so healthy.... Anita Mui came to my mind. How she fought against cancer to be alive... how others fight on each day to live but could not.. life is so precious....

Depression really kills.... let us be more alert towards our family, our friends... any sign of strangeness in them, send out an SOS... this is the least we can do for them...

My Three Cartons Of C2

At around 3pm, my cellphone rang and I saw an unfamiliar number on it. A man answered to my “hello” and asked, “Is this Rinacareee?” For a moment, I was bewildered, no one calls me “reanaclaire”… thought I have a secret admirer for a moment..LOL…

Ok, cut the story short, he mentioned about 3 boxes of C2 drinks.. ahhh.. oh yes, my C2 drinks have finally arrived! So grateful that they come at this time....why? Well, this durian season had caused fever and heatiness in me, now that the drinks are here, I can cool off my body heat with these C2, Cool and Clean Natural Green Tea!

From what I gather, these Green Tea bottle drinks are “brewed and packed” fresh on the same day, pure and natural from Green Tea leaves. A powerful Anti-Oxidant drink, it can reduce the risk of stroke, heart failure, cancer and diabetes besides other ailments like rheumatoid arthritis, cholesterol, infections, impaired immune function and detoxification. Hey, my mum will be most happy to know that!

These bottled drinks come with three refreshing flavours, Mixed Fruits, Lemon and Apple. I have yet to try, they are being chilled in my fridge. Oohh.. Can’t wait to try them, C2 Cool and Clean is now available in Malaysia and sold in 7-11, Mydin, Giant, Jusco and other shops retailers.

Well, I will certainly try these cooling drinks out, my body is really in need of them, I can feel the yearning for them now. (hang on, I go try now).....

Hmmm… here are the 3 flavors.....

YES! Not bad.. not too sweet ..

yet quenching and soothing…

My sons will be back this weekend…
let me tell you, once they are around,
the three cartons will be“disappearing” in no time!
Meanwhile, let me enjoy this one now.... :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Emotionally Drained, Spiritually Strengthened..

One of my church friends just called me... family problem propped up and was spiritually dry, asking why... why problems never cease to end?

I did not know what to say to her but this... "We face these type of problems so that when we can be a "comforter" to others when they are in this type of situation. God allows it to happen to us for a reason, we have God with us, others may not have... we can overcome, others may not... "

Giving words of encouragement is easy ... but the one who is facing the problem now will find it hard to accept. She kept asking, "Why, why.....why....? I have done so much for the church, for God..."

Being a Christian does not mean smooth sailing, in fact, it is more like a tough sail... but then we have God with us, in us and for us. For when we are weak, then we are strong, right?

Makes sense to me... for when we have gone through hard times, we will feel stronger emotionally and spiritually....

Wan Jia In Wangsa Permai

This was my second time to Wan Jia restaurant... I think many of you have not been to this place, right? I have been asking a few of my KL friends and they have not heard of this shop. How about you, readers? I recommend this eatery shop to you. The dishes we ordered were tasty and the price was reasonable too!
the Name

waiting to be seated..
who was that playing with the hair...

beancurd with abalone...

claypot meat with salted fish

sweet melon stuffed with seafood

salted egg crabfish

steamed kampong chicken..

curry fish

mixed vegetables..

fried man-tau (buns)

overall dishes
The bill came to around RM200+ for 11 of us...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Am I Versatile?

There are 15 of us bloggers who received this Versatile award from Tekkaus. I wonder how many of us will put this up. Tekkaus, it has been a long while since I last received one and even when I do, I admit that I always forget to put them up...but you are special, I do it straightaway cos of your two words.... "IF NOT dot. dot. dot dot.. "
Versatile Blogger,Award
So I must do it, if not.... *shudders*

ok, Tekkaus, I just want to borrow your 7 points... pinjam pinjam...

7 Random Things About Reanaclaire

1~I am very short. My height is only 1.5 meter.. (shorter than u, Tekkaus)
2~My favourite beverage NIL.. (force to drink oatmilk nowadays...)
3~I am happily married. (till death do us apart)
4~I love to play badminton and pingpong.. (but that doesn't mean I am good in either)
5~I don't like to draw. (Yucks!! I am Art-less!)
6~I love to eat all sorts of asian food... BEST!
7~Bahasa Malaysia is my poorest verbally spoken language next to Mandarin! (me-malu-ing)

phew... *wipe sweat*
As for the next rule, 15 bloggers I have to choose...
Ok hands up for those who want this.. take it or leave it.. LOL...
Kathy?? Cynthia??? Cleffairy???? Mommyling????? Agnessss??? helloooooooo....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

In Two Years Time...

When my girl gave me this pack of brochures on Friday, it suddenly struck me she is not my "baby girl" anymore and she is growing to be a "grown-up."

Reality seeps in.... in two years time or less, she will be leaving the Nest and home ....

In less than 2 years, I will be alone....
In less than 2 years, I might be sitting here quietly, still punching the keyboard furiously away.... Or in less than 2 years, I will retire and "uproot" myself to be nearer to my kids...
Don't know what will happen and no matter what...
In two years time, the decision will come...

Beware Of Your Car Number Plate

caught her in this funny position....

A lazy Sunday morning... spent looking and taking pictures of this "fierce doggie" which "chased" away my house tenant... Actually she was not really my house tenant cos I did not accept any room rent.. mainly also because Labbie did something to her car that I have to pay her back instead...

Yes, Labbie bit off my tenant's new car number plate!! YES, SHE DID! I was so apologetic.. I told my tenant that I would pay back whatever she has done... sigh..

Naughty Doggie..
funny though...
she did not bite my car number plate..
don't know why she bit that car..
See, she only bite her own bone...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Delicious Gift

This morning after I did my marketing, I received a lovely surprise from a food blogger. "Hello, are u home? I am on the way to your house now." Wonder what she was going to give me this time, eh.... whatever it is, I know for sure it will be very nice and yummylicious!!

True enough in less than 10 minutes, I heard someone knocking at the gate.. "HELLO!! HELLO!!" Labbie, my doggie went to greet her, wagging her tail... hahhahaa... She knows that this food blogger is my friend and she is none other than Elinluv's Tidbits Corner!

see what she gave me!!
Two big rows of Apple Strudel... wow!

the Apple Strudel was still warm...
hmmmm... doesn't it look yummy?
Thank you very much, Elinluv!

Dim Sum No More..

I think I will not touch dim sum for another few months.
When I go for dimsum, normally I end up not eating them but other varieties like char siew pau, chee cheong fun, porridge, egg tarts, desserts and fish balls. Too much meat makes me queasy.... anyway, I think eating dim sum is very costly, I definitely cannot afford to go there often. Just a four of us will cost around RM50.00 and if there are 10, will surely cost more than a hundred ringgit. For a hundred ringgit, I rather order a set meal of rice and dishes..... yes, I am "kiamsiap" one...


Friday, June 25, 2010

Michael Jackson One Year Anniversary...

I did not realize that today is Michael Jackson's first anniversary of his demise until I heard his songs being played on the radio whole day through by certain channels. Is it one year ago already?? I asked Aaron this morning while we were driving out for our brunch. Unbelievable...

Time really fliessss... I thought it was just months ago when I heard of his death, I can still remember very clearly that early morning while I was driving to work, the news of his death was announced on the radio. And after that, Michael's songs were put on non-stop on the radio.

To confirm this, I referred back to my posts on Michael Jackson's just now.... yes, I wrote a few on them here.

Listening to his songs on the radio, it brought back memories, sweet and sad... yes, listening to his songs made me Emo... he was born in 1958...I am two years his junior.... we "sort of" grew up together...

Michael Jackson is still missed by me, by you and many many others from all over the world....

Air Itam In Pearl Of The Orient

It has been a long time since I last visited Air Itam, Penang. But this time when I took my sister to Penang, she wanted to go there to get some souvenirs, yes, they have lots of varieties there. One setback though... you must be very good in haggling the prices.

Take for instance, an item can cost from RM18... and my sister can haggled the price with that fella till it cost RM3.50. A fan like thing that can be used as a hat.... wow.. my sister can do wonders with her bargains...

anyone can recognise this fella?
yes, laksa man in front of the market
my sister said, "the dirtier, the tastier!" lol...

the shops leading to the Kek Lok Si...

the turtles... noticed that they are getting lesser

my sister doing her "haggling"
a smile means the deal was DONE!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

All I Have To Do Is Dream...

Due to the "wide response", I will continue on my "property excursion" Nope, I am not a property agent nor a land broker. I am just admiring the mansions here, bungalows which I cannot afford to buy at all. All I can do is to admire them, visualize them and wondering whether I have a chance to own one of these or not....

Come, let's walk through this neighbourhood again... wonder anyone can recognize where this area is.. definitely not IPOH...

let's go!

wonder how the interior looks like...

looks like she's angry.. wonder why.. hmmm..

cos she wanted something like this....

but i told her..
she might be able to afford this instead...

how to own this type of mansion?

or this... the land itself few million RM...

never mind, taking pictures is free though...

by the way, there is one empty slot here..
anyone interested??

as for me, I will just walk around..
and dream on.. and on...

Sick But Contented...

I am sick today.... i mean i m on medical leave.. in fact for 2 days! Yeehhhhh... ouch!!! hope my boss is not reading this!

Woke up feeling very lethargic, have been feeling this since the day I came back from Penang around 1am... by the time I slept, it was almost 2am...

Yes, stamina has gone flat... too much traveling has taken its toil... finally "bomb exploded" in me..

On the brighter side, I am now relaxing at home, recuperating from the flu which is coming too... I can feel it.... anyway, I do not feel down... I feel happier in fact.. I am not bored.. so much to do.. cooking, blogging, chatting.. and with my kids here as well, what more can I ask?

Cures Backache With iZest Posture Vest

Ever since I started blogging more than two years ago, I have been on the computer almost daily, especially during the daytime due to the scope of work. Most times I am very engrossed with the work that I do not realize that I have been sitting at the same position for hours. And when I get up, I can feel the tiredness of my shoulders, neck and my back. My neck sort of "creaks" and my shoulders aches. Gosh... is this the consequences of poor posture and too much slouching?

To relieve the aches, I bought a massager product to ease the tiredness on my shoulders and back but it is not effective at all. What I really need is a good posture product that can be able to help me correct my body posture and one of the products I have in mind is iZest Posture Vest.

From what I read here, iZest Posture Vest is not only for adults, it can be worn by children as well. It helps in correcting our body posture with its shoulder straps, straightening our backs, stretches our shoulders and even firms up our flabby belly! (ok, at least it can helps in my flabbiness, if not for yours!) How about that? In fact, iZest is an all-in-one vest that helps to shape us up, especially for those who sits most of the time. Someone like me!

The shoulder straps for a pulling effect
to correct stooped or round shoulders

To straighten the back for a forward head posture

Firming up tummy
An iZest Posture Vest
For better posture

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Our Dream Houses

Last week when we arrived in this township, my kids and I took a beautiful evening walk admiring the houses or should I say mansions in this neighbourhood. My girl and I had a wonderful time, imagining and fantasizing..... this...

IF WE HAVE MONEY... what would be our dream house look like. As we walked around, we started to visualize our dream houses... (no harm to imagine, as the saying goes, aim high, shoot low... LOL)
Come, Let's Go....

let's start with this....
A No for me.. .

Nope for me...

how about this? Not bad.. actually..

She finds this cute, though...

nope, this one looks simple...

She likes this one here.. she is going up...

but I don't mind having this..
It looks very "Washington-sy!" Right?

ok, more houses to come tomorrow..

My Day Trip And The Karate Kid

It is 1.46am now.. I just got back from Penang, first time in history, made a day trip and coming back wee hours in the morning. A very tiring trip but someone is more tired than I am cos he was the one driving throughout the journey.

What did we do in Penang? Purpose of the journey as usual, was to the hospital.. after that, Aaron and I went to pick Andy up for lunchie, then dropped him back to college. To while away the hours, we went to watch a movie at Queensbay, "The Karate Kid" starring Jackie Chan and Jayden Smith. (Will Smith's son)... I was skeptical at first about the movie, thought another kid movie, yes, no doubt it is about the kid but the scenery in China was really amazing, not to mention the kungfu and the cuteness of Jayden. A very nice movie, I can say.. enlightening and refreshing!

After the movie, picked Andy up again and we went for dinner at Sg. Pinang. No pictures! Too darn hungry by then... it was almost 9pm when we dropped Andy back again to his hostel and by the time everything was finished and done in hospital, it was already 10.45pm... whew... and the journey back home was a sleeping time for me in the car. Thanks Aaron for being the navigator and driver, your mum here was snoring away in the car, right? :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My House Tenant

My tenant has "run away"... all because of Labbie. She has frightened my tenant away with her size and her gnarls. Each time she comes back to the house, she has us tied up the dog first... Labbie was getting on her nerves and she decided to call it quits after a six month stay in my house.

Now I have to look for another tenant. I must look for someone who loves dogs and not fearful of Labbie. She is so gentle and yet looks so threatening to some, she does not bite anyone yet but I cannot guarantee for sure.... :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

1 Utama And Back To School

School reopens again.. back to our normal routine.. taking girl to school, go office, fetching her home from school, take her to tuition class and back. Boring hor?

After few days of vacation last week, I really did not feel like going back to work today. Thinking of the work load after an absence, really turned me off... true enough, the office work was piling up on my table.. sigh.. but then.. still got to do, right? Must justify the work with the salary earned..

Now looking back at these pictures, I wanna go again.. OH, when is the next school hols???

strolling.. and relaxing like this...

buy and buy...

and resting our weary legs ...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...