Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jogoya In StarHill Gallery Kuala Lumpur

One of the main attractions that "lured" me to Kuala Lumpur is Jogoya Japanese buffet in Starhill Gallery... and it is more or less Elin's fault that I visited this place.. hahhaa... Elin told me that there is a promotion in Jogoya for ladies, 50% off the normal price of RM88 for buffet dinner.

With such an attractive offer, I booked online for reservation and got 2 gift boxes... I will post about the gifts later... :) The pictures displayed are quite blur because I forgot to bring my camera and had to make-do with my handphone.. (how to be a food blogger, tell me)

took some pictures of StarHill Gallery...
all high end shops...

so unfortunate my camera was not with me...

i guess these pictures didnt do Jogoya justice.. hahaha...

all i want were desserts..

assorted cakes, cheese, tiramisu...

so many types of mochi...

New Zealand Natural ice cream and Haagen Daiz
I tried both but I still prefer the latter...

see this brown thingy? It was chocolate fondue..
so so "tempting" .. u can eat all u like la!!

my desserts

my cakes and mochi..

look at this steamboat.. u can choose what u like..

see, my seafood steamboat...

grilled scallops...

gosh.. after dinner, I looked so rounded!
but then it was very worth it..
for ladies, it was only RM57....
for men it was around Rm100+

Actually it is worth it if you can eat a lot..


Kuala Lumpur City

For the past few days I was in the centre of Kuala Lumpur city. It has been quite awhile since I last stepped in Pavilion, I think it was exactly one year ago when I sent my son to the airport that I was in KL then. How time flies...

I remember going to Pavilion during that time too, it was almost Deepavali... but this time I didn't experience the earthquake like I did when I stayed in one of the hotels there... lol... This time it was pretty peaceful and my friends and I were taking the public transport instead.

We experienced the monorail, the LRT, the KTM (train) and of course the cabs as well. Oh, I must show our Malaysia new ETS later on in my posts.. the first "bullet"train ever in Malaysia..

For now, here are some pictures of KL malls..

right in the center of the junction..
leading to many mega malls..

random pictures of the green and silver man..

The Pavilion

this is a common picture, right?

the entrance leading to the high end shops..

Friday, October 29, 2010

Missing Home

It has been two days since I "eloped".... now I am yearning to go back... funny, when I am away from home, I feel like I am in another world of my own... do you all feel that?

I have so many pictures to post up but time is very consuming. It is 11.01pm now and I just got back from town. Went out this morning at 11am and back at 11pm... imagine how different it is in the big city... nothing like this in Ipoh.

No wonder my KL friends always told me this... once they go out during the weekend in the morning, they don't get home till night falls. Maybe having own transport is easier... but for me, these two days, it has been public transport, from monorail to KTM (train) this morning and just now, from KTM to cab....

I can't wait to go back to IPOH...

Peace Of Heart

When official work comes, I have to go outstation for a few days.... I am very reluctant to leave my girl at home. Many times I made excuses to my boss that I cannot go, citing many unreasonable reasons and most times, he accepted it nevertheless. But I know I cannot be giving stupid excuses all the time...

Then lately I got to leave Ipoh again for a few days... and for few days, I have been feeling uneasy, how ah.. and then, suddenly, one person came to my mind and she is none other than my old old fren of more than 35 years old... hahahaha.... imagine how old we are now!

One SOS call to her, asking her for a favour.... "Can you please sleep over and "babysit" my girl?" Without hesitation, she said "No problem la...." Wow.. imagine how grateful I was when I heard that... so relieved...

So nice of her.. not only she comes over to sleep, she has to take my girl to school too.. at 7am!! Isn't she nice... (btw, she doesn't read my blog, so no matter how much I praise or criticise her, she wont know one.. hahahahaha....) I can go out of town at ease... phew...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Second Round In Coffeebean

Remember the previous post of the Korean dinner? After our "heavyduty" yet "unsatisfying" meal, we adjourned to Jaya Jusco to walk off the calories. Just window shopping, the four of us, nothing was bought... it was just a time of family bonding....

While walking back to the car park, we passed by Coffeebean... I looked inside and that was it!! The home journey was forgotten, I "summoned" my kids to go in... I was basically enthralled by the cakes.... yummy!
Coffeebean corner...

we just ordered two pieces to satisfy ourselves...

yummm... how I wish I could have a bite on this now!

Just the four of us... tete-a-tete

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Saved From Drowning!

Have you all ever taken your cordless phone to the bathroom with you? I mean not purposely wanted to take la... u know, sometimes at that moment when you wanted to sh*t, your house phone suddenly started to ring and there was no one at home... so what would u do? You would want to answer it, right? That was what I did when my friend called me the minute I stepped into the bathroom, ready to "bomb."

To cut the story short, I told my friend to call back later and conveniently I left the phone on the bathroom shelf parallel to the toilet bowl. (Kids, please don't follow my style)

After my so-called "business" in the bathroom, I flushed the toilet and grabbing my towel in a hurry, the phone somehow fell right into the toilet bowl itself!

Don't ask me how it happened, I don't have the answer.... all I know was that it fell right in while the water was subsiding, meaning the sh*t was almost gone, ok...

My first impulse was this... I ...............right................hand .............. into IT ............. and quickly grabbed and retrieved the phone in less than 3 seconds... before it gets flushed down and get stuck in "goodness knows where"...

Thinking of the cost if it got stuck, GROSS OR YUCKY or not, I just have to save my beloved phone from drowning!!

here it is... lol...
when it was "saved", there were water inside
its body and everywhere...
I stripped it "naked" ,
blew-dry it
and after a day, it is now good as new!!
NO smell one.. not to worry, sons!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pre Graduation Dinner With Lou Wong

Gabriel and his family arrived in Ipoh a day before his graduation... Took them to Sun Mar Poh, Ipoh Garden for lunch. First time meeting up his mum and sister, there was sort of a barrier between us..what sort of barrier? Language... hahahaa...

I don't know much Mandarin nor hokkien... and Gab's mum doesn't know much Cantonese... so imagine our conversation has a mixture of each and everything including malay.. all rojak.... well, as long as we understand each other... finally.. that is what counts! hahahhaa...

For dinner, we took Gab and family to Lou Wong nga choy kai (chicken & bean sprouts)... Come to Ipoh, you must try this otherwise you have not been to Ipoh.... LOL...

Lou Wong Chicken Shop..

opposite is the salted duck shop...

Gab getting ready his equipment...

see how Professional he is!

the kok kok kai.. (steamed chicken)

Ipoh famous bean sprouts..

plus some fish meatballs...

as I said earlier, I took them there..
but Gab paid for the dinner...
Thank you Gabriel for the sumptuous meal!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

All The Best To You!

Flowers again!! Yeah, my posts on the flowers never seem to end, right? Well, they are simply irresistible so I just got to post them up and not only that, I want to Congratulate this handsome guy whom I treat like my own son.... kai chai.... hahahahaha...

this handsome fella is Gabriel
Congratulations on his Graduation..
And now he joins the line up
of one of the most eligible guys in the market!

Here are some of the flowers he received on his B-day!
So Gabriel.. wishing you smooth paths in your career
and may God continue to guide you always!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Birthday To The Trio!!

To my three special persons of my life, Happy Birthday to you!!

this is a very special cake.. done by Elin herself
For her own special Birthday
which was few days ago...
As usual, she didn't want a grand affair
She quietly shared the special moment with her loved one at home!
But as usual, she is so nice...
she shared her "passion cake" with a few of us...

let me tell you...
this cake.. u cannot get it anywhere..
the richness of the butterish and chocolate-rich
wow.. indescribable!!

and now..this cake was from Secret Recipe
Aaron bought this for Gabriel and Fernie
he said "killed two birds with one stone wor"
Save pocket and having a Blast at the same time!

There they are... the Birthday Boy and Girl...
Wishing you three the best of everything and May God Bless you Always!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Caught Them In Action Taiping Lake

Taking a stroll in Taiping Lake is really something... so nice and relaxing. No stress, no thoughts of work and problems, just looking at the scenes left and right, front and back is pure joy.

As we walked along the path, we came to this area where there were two young men busily engrossed doing this graffiti in their own world. The wall they were painting was actually a garbage door where rubbish was dumped into. But these two guys took the trouble to buy lots of tin sprays and came up with this picture on the garbage door... we were so fascinated that we stood by and watched them do the job..........

a young guy... patiently spraying on the garbage door

see what they have done...
so nice of them to beautify the metal door...

i m sure they will be very proud of their art
hope the rain won't spoil their efforts!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Extra Allowance Online

That's the way ..aha aha.. I like it.. aha aha..
That's the way ..aha aha.. I like it.. aha aha..

Thank you, LingLing
For creating this ME above
I feel good...
I look cool...
Come, Let's Flashdance!!
That's the way I like it!!

Ok... jokes aside... now coming to serious business...

One close friend of mine, he is looking for good quality blogs with niches like Travel, Sports, Home Interior, Fashion/Shopping, Parenting, Gaming and Music to do paid posts and sidebar links...

He will pay good money if your blogs are based on the above categories. If you want to earn some side allowance, do send in your blogs to his email ......

Align Left

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beautiful Taiping Lake

Despite the morning sun, we continued our morning walk along the Lake Gardens... along the way, we talked to some elderly local people who were very friendly. They told us what we did not know about this place, where to climb up the hill at one section. Too bad we had no time to venture further... just taking this long walk claimed almost one hour... but it was good.. great to sweat....

very neat row of trees on each side...

this reminds me of those ancient chinese series...

the water lilies...

too bad my handphone cannot focus much..

one of the bestest shot I can take.. hahaha...

I love this reflection...
though just one colour
GREEN-soothing to the eyes....

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...