Thursday, June 30, 2011

Simple And Satisfying...

It is not everyday or often that I take nice and expensive food outside. During weekdays, my girl and I eat very simple and "less costly" food for our lunch and dinner...

Most times we take "nasi campur" (chap farn/mixed rice with dishes)... less than RM10 for both of us... no time to cook really...

Seeing me rushing here and there in the evening, my mum is very concerned about our lack of home cooked food and most days, she will come supplying food with tiffin carrier.... (MUM is the Bestest of the Best!)

Very simple meals... and yet satisfying....

she made some dry wan ton mee...

supplied saltish pork porridge...

and even the "yau chau kwai" (fried ghost) as well!!!
Simple, right?
Mum is a Gem!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google Ranking Day!

Finally Google's Ranking Day has arrived!

No, not today but yesterday..... I understand that most blogs are being ranked about a long bout of silence. It had been quite a long while since our blogs were ranked and suddenly BOOM..... our blogs have been given the latest rankings!

While some were very excited about their page ranking went up from PR0 to PR3 or PR5, there are also many others whose blog rankings have dropped from PR3 to Zero. Why did it happen? How does Google rank our blogs actually?

If you asked me three years ago about page ranking, I would give you a "blurred look" or shake my head... hehehee... Not that I know much but one of the many factors that can raise up your blog ranking is "heavy traffic" = many readers, especially unique ones, meaning new readers, if you can get hundreds of new readers to your blogs each day, your blog ranking will certainly increase..... (am I right, so far?)

But why do we want our blog ranking to be high? How much is high?

There is a ranking of N/A, 0 - 10. Ten is the highest... new blogs are normally N/A, it means "Not Available." After some time if traffic is good, the ranking can go up to PR3/10 which is very good already. (My second blog is only 1/10 cos not much "traffic")

Oh, I can go on and on about ranking....

This present blog of mine is currently PR3/10, no change at all.....

So how about yours? Has your blog ranking gone up or has it descended? If your blog is PR4 and above, it is considered "Very Good!"

So.... any "Very Good" blogs here? What is your page ranking?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Durians Are Back In IPOH

Best season of the year is here again!!
Best fruit of the year... (for me)

But we could only see....

turning back to see again...
walking away quite reluctantly...
for we could not find the seller....

eventually we ended up "grabbing" a stick each...

Thank Elin for the RM2.20 ice cream stick... LOL....

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sealed With A .............

ahhh.... When this post is published, I know someone will comment again.. "High Cost, Low Profit!"....

Last night we went to the De Gardens for dinner... walked around and finally settled for Life Desire.. an Asian and Western outlet, written there healthy food with no MSG... we went in.....

Business was slow and quiet.. only one table occupied..
Ipoh has really low spending power...

my girl ordered vegetarian tom yam spaghetti..

I ordered salted chicken with their drumstick
and it came with a bowl of chicken essence..

and a bowl of chrysanthemum soup..

a dragon fruit drink shared by both of us..

After the "unsatisfying" meal, we walked further up the row of shops and came upon this outlet..

The Brownies...
the desserts caught my attention...

the slices of cakes for display...

quiet here too.. we had the whole place to ourselves..

the lady boss was very friendly...
asked us to take pictures here and there...

I also didn't want to lose out.. hahaha...
very nice ambience actually...

we ordered the special dessert...
a brownie with a scoop of Haagen Daz ice cream as toppings..

At last... a satisfying complete meal...

Since many of you asked about price of the ice cream on the brownie, it cost only RM7.90!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Not Peking But Hongkong Ducks

After our breakfast in Perak Stadium, we proceeded to Hong Kong restaurant... no, no, not to eat again, of course not.... Ling's hubby wanted to try the Hong Kong crispy duck, he got to know that this place is famous for its crispy duck. That is the wonder of blogs, they are very informative especially when it comes to Food!
Canning Garden main road......

along the five foot way in front of the shop..

right timing... 11am...

they were just out from "wherever they are"

the lady boss is very friendly...

her own secret recipe..

the meat is tender and succulent..
while the skin is sort of "crispy"

all wrapped up and ready to go...

Actually I have not taken this Hongkong Duckie for a long time
there is a reason why I cannot take...
I think no one can guess why.. :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blogger Meet Up In Perak Stadium

Yes, a special guest cum blogger from Kuala Lumpur came yesterday but unfortunately I was unable to meet her up... (sorry ye!) .. so this morning, early early I woke up and drove to one shop in Kampong Simee to get her some fresh egg tarts ... a gesture for forgiveness.. hahahaa.. . just kidding!!

At 9.30am we met up at the hotel lobby ... after some exchanging of "gifts" (just kidding again), we went for our breakfast... their request is my command... hahaha... they wanted the food at Perak Stadium....

Something was on at the stadium and it was so packed... I mean the parking.... anyway, we had a nice simple breakfast there... too bad some stalls were not opened.. never mind, do come again another time!

took them for the best koay teow soup...
(kath, you took this before....)
this was the only food pic I managed to take..
cos my hp battery going to conk out anytime..

the two sweet lovely princess-es...

the two "queens".. hahahahaa....
sorry.. I mean one queen and one dowager!! hehehe...

After our breakfast, they wanted to go get a Hongkong Duck!!
Seems they know better than me...
More Hongkong Duck pictures tomorrow!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Three Plus One In Bercham

While taking Labbie for a walk, my neighbour who stayed a few doors away called out to me... We ladies ended up chatting at the gate while Labbie sat down patiently..... As usual, we talked about our kids and the ending topic landed on food...

She recommended this shop in Bercham which serves steamed soup in coconut shell... but I didn't order this just now... I ordered these instead...

steamed lotus and groundnuts soup..

steamed eggs with fish slices (ikan kerapu)

sambal long beans

we were the only customers...
when we entered and when we left.. lol..

a smile without "teeth"

a smile with "teeth"
No connection with the food above....hahaha
Anyway, the food was actually alright...
I wouldn't mind going there again...

..with a complimentary red bean dessert..
The boss came out and asked me about the food..
I told her frankly that the food was fine..
but it would be better if the red bean desssert
is served warm than "fridge cold"

Zhi Yin Yang Yan (opposite Tesco Extra)
32, Bercham Bistari 1
Medan Bercham Bistari

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Words Don't Come Easy To Me

Sitting here staring at the screen...

These days... my mind... the brain.. my grey cells... is like "blank!"

I looked through folders after folders... screening through photos to bring some ideas... but.. no avail...

The song.. "Words... don't come easy to me.... how can I find a way... to make you see... "

Funny it is tonight... words really don't come easily these days....

Should I blame it on my work pressure? Not enough rest? From 6am till 12midnite daily... my mind is working non stop... but then if it does not work or think, I would be in Happy Hospital, Tg. Rambutan... right?

I guess it is one of those days again... blame it on PMS....

(quote from Desperate Housewives)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sweet Jelly Gone Sour

My girl complained of sore throat ... the weather is just too hot in IPOH.. I don't know about other states... but it was really hot even at night... and to add heat, my air conditioner is not working properly... instead of cool air, it was quite warm... sigh.. it needs servicing again...

To cool down our bodies, I decided to pull up my sleeves and did some Jellying this evening.. gosh... learning by ear sounds easy.. but when I actually do them, it was a mess for me... I have to clean up the fridge tomorrow cos I "accidentally" spilled the whole bowl of jelly with the fruits inside the fridge shelve... sigh...

Chinese saying, I am like chicken hands duck legs! (kai sau ngap kwok)

Anyway, these was what I did....

Took out all the moulds and cleaned them up one by one..

cut up the fresh fruits..
cost RM12.90 here altogether...

my jelly inside one of the ice cream bowl..
this was before it spilled inside my fridge...
whole bowl gone!
not meant to be a good Cook.. sigh...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Missing You

Lesser words tonight... because...

Mama here is missing both of you.... longing to hear your voices and the laughter....
Wishing we can get together this weekend.... or perhaps the next? July?
Miss you guys...
If I say time really flies, it sounds boring....
But time does really fly.... both are you are adults now.....
For once I want time to fly fast-fast.... so that we can be together ....
once again...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Love Of My Life - SWALK

While driving home after dropping my girl to tuition, I put on the Bee Gees CD and the first song at random was Melody Fair. When the song was playing, it brought back my childhood memories... I was only 11 when the movie SWALK was shown in Lido cinema and you would not believe how many times I watched this show!

I was Crazy... I WAS and still Am at times... I watched this show more than 10 times!! I was REAL Crazy... over SWALK.. over MARK LESTER... over TRACY HYDE... that was my first movie which made me fall in love with Mark Lester.... I thought I was.. hahahaa... (11 years old is very vulnerable to puppy love!)

I remember buying a lot of magazines like Fanfare, Galaxie just to cut out all their pictures and pasted them into an exercise book...

How I wish I still have these memoirs... they are priceless now.... sigh... all my hard work and effort... my infatuations... my dreams of going to England... all gone as years go by....

Thanks to youtube..... I can still "fall in love again" with them.... once more...

SWALK starring Tracy Hyde, Jack Wild & Mark Lester

wonder how she looks now...

I remember having this black and white pic..
on the front page of my scrap book...
How I wish ... I'm young again..

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lin Dan Spoils It Again?

Badminton Singapore Open finals is going on now... the fans in the stadium had a great disappointment when they found out that Lin Dan and Chen Jin decided not to play against each other in the singles finals a moment ago.

Much "boo-ing" and outcry from the crowd was heard even when Lin Dan came out to the crowd to explain that he cannot play due to an injury... (sounds very familiar) and the crowd knew that it was just another excuse?

Well, I cannot vouch for that... but I know this is the 4th time Lin Dan "walked over" and only when he had to play against his own compatriot in the finals.... what do you say?

Lin Dan - unpopular in Singapore a moment ago....

Chen Jin became the champion again.. and again...

Chen Jin and Lin Dan
to smile or not to smile..
getting prizes for not playing..
a Great disappointment to the fans in the stadium..

Saturday, June 18, 2011

We Had Sibu Noodles

The last two packets of Sibu noodles.... how I got them? I am sure many of you know.... the Sibu man who came as I mentioned in this post... he gave me a few packets of noodles which are not sold here in Ipoh nor in Penang......

This time I cook them just by putting garlic, oil, dark and light sauce... my girl likes it this way too...

one packet each....

bought some purple vegetables.. (san choy)
and made some soup with one beaten egg...

a simple meal for both of us..
noodles, fishcake and vegetable soup...
Thanks for the noodles, STP!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...