Saturday, March 31, 2012

AEON Jusco Station 18 IPOH

Finally a new Mega Mall is officially open in IPOH!!  The long awaiting for AEON Jusco Station 18 in Ipoh is here but from my place, it is around 25-30 minutes drive.  But it is worth the long journey for at least there are so many outlets to walk around unlike the Kinta City Jusco in Ipoh Garden.

This morning we woke up early, after taking our dimsum breakfast, we arrived at this AEON mall around 11am.  By then the car park outside was already full...we had to drive up to the 2nd level... Cantonese saying... "sun si hang"... (New things normally attracts more people and that includes me!) 
the outside view (picture taken from here)
Anyone can tell me why this Monkey Mascot?
showing off our shopping bags...
Only one angle of the mall...
oh, someone is taking a picture next to a "dustbin!"
Relaxing at "Sweet Chat" after walking for 2 hours!
We had a good time shopping there... almost every outlet is giving 20% discount
I even got myself a prize from a DJ for answering a correct answer!!  LOL....

Long Journey

One of my male colleagues travels around 100km to and from work each morning and evening, that is 200km per day!  Isn't that exhausting and tiring?  But he is a young man, but putting that aside, I feel it is quite dangerous too especially he is traveling on a motorcycle instead of driving a car.  But he told me that it is cheaper to maintain a motorcycle because cheap motorcycle parts are easier to purchase, either online or in the shops.  Well, anyway, I hope he will move to a house nearer to the office.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Farewell To Working Life

I remember posting about her first check here... and today is the last day of receiving her paycheck... It has been almost three months since she started her first job and from now on, it is back to studying again.... not sure when and where as yet.

She enjoyed her working life... meeting new people and making new friends....
A farewell lunch treat and some souvenirs to remember by.....

Thursday, March 29, 2012


If you ask me to choose between Korean and Chinese dishes, I will surely opt for the latter... but when I asked my kids which they rather prefer, they opt for the Korean food in One Voice simultaneously!  I shall call this Our Generation Gap....

Two versus One.... so we ended up in DAORAE Korean BBQ in De Gardens, Ipoh.  I haven't been there before and I am amazed by their comfortable settings and ambience... one setback though...

There are two type of settings, those who opt for the normal table and chair will have to sit "outside" and the younger ones, I am sure they prefer the setting without chairs but with a "Big Hole" in the middle for you to put our legs.... (if you know what I mean)

There we are... without chairbacks...
the silver thing is an exhaust chute to "vacuum" out the smoke...
the smoke-less charcoals...
prime ribs... 
(we don't have to lift a hand to do that,
the cooking done by the waiters)
bottomless sidedishes..
my son asked for the pancakes many times.. Gosh!
table full... 
fried rice with beef....
this steamboat kimchi with mixed varieties...
Overall, the Korean meal is not really for me...
I don't really enjoyed eating these..
(maybe my teeth were aching due to too much chewing!)
Don't ask me about the price..
It was just wayyyyyy too high for me! LOL...
For that price, I can have a Super Nice Chinese Dinner!!

(Yes, yes... I guess I am not Up and Trendy!)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Boarding House Again?

I have been spending quite a lot lately sending my "family member" to the "dog hotel"... it is not cheap nowadays, one night cost RM20 but of course it includes food and two times walking to the field.  But if we go for extended nights, it could be costly...  I guess I have to cut down on my traveling ...
My Family Member...
too bad cannot take her along..
Camera Shy...
"Do I have to stay here again?"
"This hotel is too small for me..... "
 "I wanna go home!" she whined..

After looking at these pictures, I finally made my mind..
Labbie will stay home this time..
A Dog-Sitter is what I need when I go traveling again.... 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kampua Noodle In Ipoh

The word "Sibu" seems never ending... I thought I would be writing about something new today but when I read Arthur's comment asking me what happened to the food stuff I brought home, I guess I have to post these pictures up as "proof" that I have cook and enjoyed eating them tremendously!
Arthur, you asked for it!
I am not an avid shopper in Sibu, in fact I didn't buy much... 
Most of the stuff were given by the Sibu host .. lol..
I have asked our friend to get me the kampua noodles...
He gave me a big plastic bag full .. wow!
My mother will be most happy...
and indeed she was when she saw them...
That very week, all of us had kampua noodles for dinner!
She minced some meat, cooked them in soy sauce...
Douched some green vegetables and put them in a separate plate..
I told her not to put dark sauce... 
it wouldn't be kampua anymore if she did...
My sister said this is better than our wanton mee over here..
She asked me when I would be going again.... 
If anyone of you is going to Sibu, just remember to....
"Buy More Kampua Noodles"  :)

Cheap Flights For Traveling

Am I planning another trip again?  Yes, I am but not so soon definitely.  This is a good year to travel, my girl will be going to college in a couple of months time and meanwhile, we are considering going to somewhere not too far away from our home.  Well, I guess I could make some changes if there are cheap flights Turkey online.  Many of my friends who have visited Turkey had come back to tell me about their experiences while they were there.  I heard that the sights were spectacular and amazing in Turkey, besides their beaches and their natural wonders, there are lots of historical places to awe at.  I would love to visit these historic places, much of these I have heard much about in history lessons during my school days, names such as Constantinople during the Eastern Roman and Byzantine Empire and now popularly known as Istanbul.  Besides the many wonders of the city, there are also other attractions such as the Rock climbing on Mount Ararat and the Kackar Mountains, their scenery is simply breathtaking when I look at the pictures.  But much I would love to see them in real, I am very scared of heights.  But I really would love to see their historical sights beaches which I have heard much about. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

"High And Mighty" In Sibu

My Sibu trip started on the 10th March and my last post on Sibu will end today 26th March.. took me more than two weeks to get most of the trip published.. lol...

What triggered off this trip actually?   Come to think of it, many thanks to the Small Kuching and family to make this trip a success.. they are real serious fast workers.. not NATO... (No Action Talk Only) but Talk Only Action Comes (TOAC) ... so don't play play... once mentioned, must make sure it is done... motivation comes from them... but invitation comes from our Sibu icon, Arthur... many thanks... many thanks!

 Tuesday 13th March... up on the AA...
Flying back to Peninsular...
There was no delay going back... 
The flight took 1 hour 50 minutes to reach LCCT... 

Some sweet memories of Sibu..... 
Having fun at the Karaoke in Paramount Hotel, Sibu...
Father and Daughter rendering a duet...
My turn to get serious.... 
don't play play when competing for Sibu Idol..
Delicious dinner in Arthur's house..
and getting "high" drinking the Champagne!
I love this picture...
Coming to Sibu had made me Stronger!!

Till we meet again someday....

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Farewell Dim Sum Meal In Sibu

My Sibu trip posts are never ending, aren't they? LOL.. Ok, it is going to end soon.... we went to Sibu on Saturday and flew back to Ipoh on Tuesday... 4 days 3 nights are good enough, all the food I wanted to taste are accomplished and that includes Sibu Dim Sum as well !

Arthur treated us to a farewell Dim Sum breakfast in Mitsu Shabu Shabu Cafe, sounds like Japanese, right?  I think it is dim sum by day and japanese food by night. :)
We were taken upstairs, definitely cooler and quieter...
The ambiance is nice... looks very authentic too...
Tried the Sibu dumplings...
Same like those in Ipoh..they seem pretty alike to me..
Fresh from the oven... Portuguese tarts
Their raddish cake tasted good too
but would be great with bean sprouts...
Chee Cheong Fun... to my liking too.. not so oily...
This does not look appetizing because half of the portion was eaten 
before I realized that I had not taken a picture of it!
Their giant Siew Mai... for me, one is more than enough...
This is the best of all.. my favourite..
Baked sweet potato!  Ipoh does not have this yet..
guess they never will....
This picture is cute!  
Cannot remember why Small Kucing had a sad face..
Maybe he didn't want to fly back to KL that day, 
the reason for feeling solemn...
Well... farewell is just a word... 
we will meet once again soon!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Got Knock Out In Badminton Today!

Today is All Perak Badminton... (not All  I am one of the five pairs of  players representing my office and it was an inter-district tournament.  Four out of five pairs were knocked out during the rounds and I was one of them! hahahaa....

Anyway it was fun to be on the badminton court once again after I had hung up my racket more than 1 or 2 years ago...nowadays I only play when needed to... not a regular player anymore.... I have lost touch with the game... I guess I have to stick to watching TV live tournaments instead...
Tapah versus Ipoh...
My partner... 
still have time to get some grins for the camera...
that was why we lost?
not serious enough! :p

In Action!!
Going to lose...... going ..going...Gone!
don't play-play...
can still smash one, you know..
but always kena net only!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...