Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kolo Noodles And Steamed Pumpkin Cake

By the time I reached home from office, my stomach was like "beating the drum" inside me.. Very quickly, I did all the necessary house chores and walked doubly fast to my mom's house... On the way there, my mind was filled with homecooked food.. any food will do as long as they are ready on the table! LOL...

True enough, to my amazement and surprise, I saw these two dishes on the table, all ready to be eaten!  What lovely surprises... I really appreciate my mom and my sister who are always springing up with something nice for dinner... 
 My sister was in the "cooking-new-dishes" mode ...
And she swooshed up a new dish for us to try...
Steamed Pumpkin Pudding!
She put lots of shredded pumpkin, dried prawns and chinese sausage... 
She even prepared sambal belacan to go with these... 
What a great combination!  
And now thinking back, I wonder how many pieces I took!!
On second thoughts, I better not count...
Lest I feel guilty

Ok, the above is for starters... LOL... 
My mom also prepared something...called...
"Half-dressed-up" noodles... 
My mom made some special sauce to go with the noodles... 
But after "dressing it up"... it looks too good to resist!
This is my type of meal... 
Anytime... Anywhere... 
It doesn't have to be decorated to the fullest...
What I really need is a nice simple meal....
And I am fully Satisfied!


  1. That looks like yam cake with pumpkin added? Looks good!

  2. I am greedy. I want both...looks so good. Raining and cold over here in Kuching. How nice to have that plate of kolo mee now. Droolingggg!!!....

  3. You walked to your mom's house, I doubt you stay nearby to her.

  4. sharon: these are from Ipoh.. not so original .. hahaha...

    Ken: no yam but pumpkin!

  5. irene: yes, you are very right! i wouldnt mind having one more bowl... hahaha...

  6. You can get dried kolo noodles there? Looks good...like the real thing! Pumpkin cake looks very nice too.

  7. wow, you really got "how fook".. a good combination to me also, i think both also main dish lah, hahaha!! but if give me those, please do not put the spring onions, i will take my own sweet time picking them away one by one, hehehe~~ :D

  8. Very flavourful food. It really takes a lot of work to make the pumpkin cake. Would you make one for your children to eat?

  9. I love noodles, of all kinds. Wish I could taste this! They look wonderful!

  10. stp: Bought a packet from the shop and DIY, my mom likes to add in meat sauce :)

    sk: aiyoh..then you must pass over all the spring onions to me.. I love them! :)

  11. mun: i doubt my kids will love the pumpkin cake but I am sure they love the kolo mee!

    ginny: yeah, hope you could taste them all!!

  12. kathy: i prefer pumpkin cos healthier.. woo tau makes me itchy.. hahaha..

    chris: CNY? you go bodek your sis! :p

  13. I agree with you! I would be satisfied with these simple home cooked meals too.. especially the kolo mee! YUM!

  14. Such a satisfying home cooked meal. I love the yam cake.

  15. sweetwitch: Double yumssS!

    ling: no yam..but pumpkin :)

  16. pumpkin cake looks good! i've never tried pumpkin cake though. always tried yam cake got lah.

  17. Merryn, pumpkin cake not in the market yet... wait for reanaclaire to do... hahaha...

  18. You really got me tempted to try this Steamed Pumpkin Pudding!!! It is not difficult to try as it tastes good.


Thank you, readers!

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