Friday, January 31, 2020

Five Reasons to use Promotional Drink Coasters in Australia

Have you ever wondered what other purpose can drink coasters serve, apart from protecting your furniture from moisture? Actually, they can be an excellent promotional material for business owners who want to promote their brands and expand their target audience. It’s particularly efficient for people who run their own bars and restaurants.
Not many business owners have adopted the usage of beverage coasters as part of their promotional campaign, but those who have are certainly pleasantly surprised by the benefits these products had on their overall company success.
They are a creative way of rewarding your loyal customers and attracting new ones, as no person is ignorant to free gifts, regardless of how small they are. Drink coasters can be customized to suit your needs and preferences, being made in various shapes, colors, and sizes, with the possibility of having a written message of your choice.
In case you haven’t considered using these products as a way to boost your brand image, it’s high time to make a change. These are the reasons why beverage mats are an amazing promotional idea. 


As all the other promotional materials, drink coasters can be tailor-made in accordance with your preferences. However, they are much more creative and unique than using simple old-fashioned flyers, which most people throw away the minute they get them.
Moreover, you can choose whatever information you wish to include, such as your company’s number, address, picture of the logo or your business motto. Regardless of their small size, professionals can make all this information fit, without looking tacky.
In addition, as a way of showing respect and gratitude to your most loyal customers, you can even have their names included on the coasters. Such a small gesture will mean a lot to your clients. They will feel privileged, like they aren’t just one more customer on your long list. Therefore, choose a professional provider, such as, to make the beverage mats for you, present your idea to them and let them do their magic.

Event promotion

Another great reason for using beverage mats is promotion of events which are organized by your company. For instance, in case you’re a restaurant owner, you can give your customers free coasters notifying them of the upcoming event, when all of your dishes will be on discount. Thus, every person who pays a visit to your restaurant will be informed and tempted to come to the event.
Furthermore, apart from promoting happenings organized by your business, you can feature the ones taking place in your town as well, particularly if you are one of the sponsors. Customers have a high opinion of businesses which are involved in sponsoring happenings on a local level.

Increase brand awareness

Handing out beverage mats with your company’s name and logo plays a major role in building or increasing your brand awareness. In order for your business to succeed, there should be a vast audience, gradually becoming more acquainted with your brand.
Except for handing them out to people who come to your bar or restaurant, you can explore other ways of making these coasters reach the hands of potential consumers. For instance, you can team up with a local supermarket or store which is going to hand out a free drink mat to every person who makes a purchase.
Even if a small percentage of these people actually visit your bar, at least the others have become aware of your brand, which is one step ahead. People memorizing your trademark indicates that one day they might become your potential consumers. Click here to learn more innovative tips on increasing brand awareness.

Enhance customers’ loyalty
Promotional materials don’t just serve the purpose of attracting new consumers, but rewarding the ones you have as well. Acknowledging clients’ loyalty is an essential aspect of every successful business, particularly in today’s world of cut-throat competition. If you don’t demonstrate your appreciation of the consumers’ loyalty, they wouldn’t hesitate to switch to another brand, as there are plenty to choose from on the market.
Therefore, free gifts in the form of drink coasters are an unusual idea to show your clients that you genuinely care about them. Order beverage mats with their favorite drinks printed on them and give them before they head out of the bar. You won’t believe the surprised and grateful look on their faces as small items are the best way of showing deep appreciation.


One of business owners’ main worries is the budget they have to spend on marketing their products or services, as it’s quite costly. Using the media as a marketing method is perhaps the most efficient way of reaching a vast audience, but it’s certainly the most expensive one.
However, businesses that have just emerged on the market aren’t able to afford a big portion of their budget on marketing, which is why promotional products are an excellent cost-effective variant which can be efficient as well.
For example, beverage mats are affordable products, which can be personalized for a low price. You can choose from a variety of materials and select the one that fits your budget the best. In fact, paper and cork are the lowest-cost variants among the materials which serve the same purpose as the ones made of glass or wood.
Instead of opting for a costlier material and ordering a lower number of coasters, you can choose some of the budget-friendly ones and order more. Thus, you’ll end up reaching a wider audience and increasing your prospects of getting more consumers.

Wrap up

Including drink coasters as part of your marketing plan might turn out more beneficial than you’ve initially thought. They are a unique, creative, practical and cost-effective marketing tool, perfect for companies, which are new on the market.
It’s a method of attracting new clients while retaining the ones you already have.
Don’t hesitate to use beverage mats to promote events, reward loyalty, raise brand awareness and eventually become more successful!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Chinese New Year Festive Feel

WE KNOW CHINESE NEW YEAR IS COMING... because the weather tells us so!  Oh my goodness, the Weather is so scorching hot these days.  Some more with the baking in the house... I think we need to drink lots and plenty of water to lower down our body temperature.

I spent another two hours in the kitchen, sweat dripping down my face to my body and I hope I did not add any "extra" ingredient onto the cookies I baked!  LOL.... I just another 300 gm of flour, if I do double, I think I would be exhausted.  Must start slow even though I do not get much, just two tubs only?  Should be more if I did not eat them... some were gone even before they went into the tub.... LOL...
This time I used the original recipe which stated Macadamia nuts...
Bought 250 gm for RM27... More than half were being used...
These remaining will be kept for toppings on dishes for CNY...
This time I used Anchor butter which was not so "butter-rich" as SCS....
And I reduced the sugar a lot...
Instead of 150gm, I used only 60...
Odd shapes again, just like those AMOS?  LOL... 
Assorted nuts for one of my kids who is a nut lover...
And these snacks for another snacky kid.... 
More snacks coming soon in the coming days! 

Types of Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

You might think that buying cooling equipment for your store is an easy task but there are many details you need to look at to make it perfect. Even small things like its design need to be on point to get the customer to make a purchase. The prices are higher than for the models you have at home so you need to make a good choice in order to save money. The goal is to be efficient and display everything you need at the same time.

In order to make that choice, you need to know what types exist and what will suit you the best. Some of the features that you should look at include the type of cooling, number of doors and design. These specifications are very important because you have a limited area that needs to be used in an efficient way. A good thing is that there is a model for each occasion.

Reach-in Refrigerators
The name suggests that you are able to access the item from the fridge at arm's length. This is the most used type of commercial fridges that are available. They can in many sizes usually from 25 inches to 90 inches wide. You can see them in any store that sells food because every product can be placed in it. An important fact is that they are not made to showcase the food so don't plan to use them for promoting a product.

They are more useful for efficiently storing and cooling food. If you have your own staff, it is a great choice for them to store food. You can split the models into two categories: dual-temperature and pass through. The first one is used in kitchens and has properties for freezing and just cooling. The second one is the best in fast environment with limited space.

One of the biggest differences this type has compared to reach-in is that they are accessible to the public. They are used to store many kinds of products not only food but also beverages. Some models don't have the option to place jugs and bottles to make them stable and accessible so make sure you get enough information about a certain type of refrigerator.
A storefront or restaurant is the usual place where you can see them. They can be used to display items you want to make more sales on. Your staff won't use it like other types so the main focus is to be used by the customer. This means that you will need to maintain it more and make sure that the manufacturer is well-known so the lifespan won't be a problem.

Bar Refrigeration
As the name says, they are used at bars but you probably don't know that there are three kinds. Solid and glass doors are used by manufacturers for the Cooler. Solid doors are meant for keg storage or excess storage and glass doors are usually used to display beers. Direct Draw type can save time and are more efficient because employees can both dispense and store beer kegs.
Hybrid is the third type that isn't a common choice but you can find it online. You can use it to store keg beer on one side and glass-bottled beer on the other. You shouldn't let the customers use it instead they can be placed under the counter. They can be used for public display but it can be a waste of resources depending on your business. The main usage is for alcohol if you want it to be at the proper temperature which is crucial for its taste. Read more about it here:

Display Cases
When the products seem appealing to the customer, it will influence their purchasing decision a lot. This is why people invest in display cases that are used to make the product look better and also keep it fresh. The only purpose is to display so it's less likely that you will place food in it that will be served. Its place is in the restaurant front and it should be inaccessible to anyone except staff.

There are many models to choose from but every kind is specifically made for a certain business. For example, vertical and horizontal cases are mostly used at deli and airports. They usually place items that don't require too much stability to remain refrigerated. Something similar is a model used at bakeries that can be dry or refrigerated and can be also seen at supermarkets.

Besides knowing all the types, which you can see at this website, it's crucial to know the size that will be perfect for the area you want to place it in. You need to look at a few things like is it approachable and does it have enough space for airflow. If you want to make your business function perfectly, you need to look at every detail so there won't be any issues to be fixed later on.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Chinese New Year Pre-Celebration


As usual, each year one of us will organize a scrumptious lunch before the Chinese New Year.  This time it falls on the 25 January which is just a week away.  Friday long lunch hour is the most suitable for gatherings for those who are still working.  As for us retirees, any day is a good day...

The last gathering we had was at Public Mun Choong Restaurant, it was too crowded and practically we had to shout on top of our voices to be heard.  LOL... So this time round, we play safe by booking another restaurant which is not crowded at all, no need to raise our voices, and we had a good time catching up with one another again.  There were 13 of us on this day.... the package meal cost around RM700 for 10 pax but the servings were big portions and there was more than enough to go round...
Started off with Lou Sang... to usher the goodness of CNY...
1...2....3.... Let's do it!
Can see me??  LOL...
Followed by crab soup.... 
Braised Trotter....
Blurry Prawns....
Fish with lots of garlic!
Assorted vegetables...
Followed by everyone's favourite... Lap Mei Farn....
Durian mochi for desserts... 
Payment time!!
The seniors and the juniors!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

How to Choose the Best Office Cleaning Company?

Every business owner knows the importance of office cleanliness, as it’s the environment in which the employees spend most of their time during the day. Keeping clean offices is not only beneficial for leaving a good impression, but more importantly for protecting the health of every person who works there.
Therefore, all businesses are supposed to hire professional office cleaning services in order to have a pristine work place. The most common reason for hesitation is whether these services should be done by cleaners who become official members of the company or outsourced to a cleaning company, which performs its duties upon your request.
Most businesses use the second variant, as hiring such a provider means setting up a cleaning schedule in accordance with their needs as well as working outside of the schedule in emergency cases. These tips will help you hire the right one.

Check references

One of the essential factors to check when commencing your search to find the right office cleaners, is reputation. It reveals a lot about the company’s performance and rating, based on the opinion and satisfaction of previous clients. Therefore, make sure you thoroughly check every reference you get by contacting the companies which have previously employed their services.
In addition, be as inquisitive as possible, by asking their former clients all the relevant questions, related to their satisfaction from the cleaning services as well as the cleaners’ availability. In case some of the previous customers have negative remarks regarding the service, you’ll be definitely informed. It’ll help you eliminate some of the candidates on your list.

Check availability

Availability is another factor which is highly important when hiring an office cleaning company. The best alternative would be to hire one which works non-stop, 24/7, since you’ll require their services once your employees leave the office.
In fact, there’s no effect and logic in scheduling the cleaning process during office hours, as the noise produced by vacuum cleaners and other equipment can be utterly distracting for the employees, resulting in reduced productivity. They’ll be trying to get out of the way of cleaners in order not to obstruct their work, while their own work remains unfinished.
Thus, you should hire a company that is willing to work at night as well as weekend, when the premises are vacant. Also, make sure you’re able to arrange the cleaners to come to the office, not long after you’ve contacted them. Apart from the regular schedule, you may sometimes require their services in case of a cleaning emergency, which is why they have to be able to act quickly. For instance, office cleaningservices in NJ are known for their round-the-clock and short notice work.

Inquire about their experience

As with any other professional services you hire, you need to look for potential candidates with a solid amount of experience. Since your office is most likely full of costly electronic equipment and high-quality furniture, you need to have a professional cleaning them in order not to get damaged.
Also, the members of the team who are in charge of window-cleaning have to be experienced, as their job involves working on extreme height, which might be risky for an inexperienced cleaner. Thus, an experienced firm would provide its cleaners with the right equipment as well as top-notch detergents, in order to preserve the cleanliness and good health of their clients.

Check license and insurance

Never hire an office cleaning provider unless you are given a written proof of their license and insurance. The former one is required in order for the companies to perform their job legally while the latter one goes in favor of the cleaners as well as your business.
The right type of insurance would cover the cost of any cleaner getting injured while working, but also the cost of any type of damage done to your office property during the process. Click here to read what types of claims the cleaning company’s insurance should cover.

Wrap up

Maintaining a spotless office environment can only be done by hiring professional cleaning services.
In case you haven’t done it so far, start looking for a provider today!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Walnuts And Pine Nuts Cookies


Thanks to her, she shared it with me without hesitation, it is her famous and crunchy-licious cookies, one that I cannot forget and keep wanting more of them cookies.  I asked her for the recipe yesterday and she gave it to me and this afternoon, my baking mode began....

I showed the below pictures to my kids... comments like "You made them, Mum?" ... "Can't wait to eat, Mum.. kekeke..."... "Nice, Mum..." and another one wrote... "I will try baking them over here" ..

Well.... Actually.... nothing to shout about la... cookies only ma... what's the big deal.  The big deal is that yours truly normally buys, doesn't cook, doesn't bake as a normal mother does!  So.. when they see homemade stuff, it is like a Big Surprise to them.... LOL...

Alright, coming back to my cookies, the original recipe consist of Macadamia nuts... but being me-the-one-who-seldom-bakes, I replaced with walnuts and pine nuts.  Why?  These are the nuts found in my fridge and secondly, trial test first just in case I "fail" or "murder" the recipe.  LOL....
Started off by doing this.... I halved everything in the original recipe...
Don't dare to take the risk but doing two butters instead of one... 

Into the oven they went....
Out from the oven.....waiting to cool down...
Tub them in.....
Total cookies done for today.....
I still feel not as tasty as what my sister-in-law normally does....
Well, surely cannot beat the "masterchef" on the first trial, right?

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Should I Stop Blogging?

MY 12TH YEAR OF BLOGGING!!  And... I'm losing it....

I started blogging in 2008, initiated by my son who had his own blog in 2007, however, his lasted only one year.  LOL... As for his mom here, she went on blogging and blogging without fail, almost daily, I can say for the past 11 years and only lately, she has slacked tremendously in her writing.  Reason?  Reasons... aplenty!

I began to feel the "laziness" since the day I retire from work in 2015.  I admit I was more diligent in my blogging while I was working than now at home.  Maybe blogging helped me to relax while I was still working, at least distracted me for an hour or two off the workload.  Well, that was when I was in the office, now that I am fully retired and staying at home (sometimes) I admit I am neglecting my blog.

Is Blogging still a trend?  It definitely was during the earlier years... I have made some friends through blogging, we even met up a couple of times.  That was maybe ten years back or so... and gradually, we do not catch up with each other anymore, each of us are busy with our own lives.  A few have become "famous"... but most of us have stopped blogging totally.  I guess blogging is just not an IN thing anymore these days.  My opinion... cos maybe I, myself have become "inactive" since...

However, I will not give up on my blog!!!  Through these years of blogging, I have learn so much, knowing new friends, capturing knowledge and of course, earning some extra pocket money to buy snacks.  Those were the days, really! 

Well, to sum it all.... I will not leave blogging as yet, one day perhaps... at the same time, I won't be blogging daily so that I won't feel it as a chore.  I will do it at my own pace and time, writing my heart out when I have the mood to do so and keeping silent when I am glued to the TV.

This is my longest post since many moons ago.... LOL...

Well, now I say I would not blogging daily... don't be surprised that tomorrow, the day after or the next, I might end up posting non-stop... LOL...

How about you guys?  How long have you been on your blog?  Are you still as enthusiastic as before?  Or even more so?

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...