Friday, February 27, 2009

Home-CookedFood In Kampong Simee

Times are bad....I am feeling the pinch now...but still lazy to cook during weekends... so out we went ... to a nearby house cum shop, selling home-cooked food and stir fried noodles...

Son wanted fried rice, girl wanted meehoon noodles...mama here wanted wat tan hor (koay teow noodles) so eventually all requests were met.. and the cost came to RM25.oo... enough for 2 days of dinner at home...

this is the shop cum home...

wat tan hor
(koay teow noodles with sauce)

oh gosh, i m hungry now...

unbalanced colour meehoon
but still walloped...

fried rice with char siew...

mixed vege with roasted pork..
looking at these, i think i go down now
to make a glass of warm milk...

For Human Sake...Be Merciful la...

For Once, I know I am doing right, no regrets...what am i babbling about? well, let me tell sto-ry.....for many-many months, I have stopped subscribing newspaper nor buying them. Most days, if not everyday, I only read them online...

Know why? Cos I get agitated easily.... I am becoming more and more "less air" (siew hei)...
Just minutes ago, I clicked Malaysiakini, I clicked The online star and the news there made me so so "angry" .. irritated.... I guess most of the locals here know what I am babbling about...

"A MAN in wheelchair can get mobbed by big healthy normal so-called humans.... poor man...
A MAN who make love in a hotel room with his lover can be sued for indulging oral sex... (the culprit who taped and distributed the video act was more or less "ignored", maybe he might be rewarded for putting the hidden camera there, for all I know)

.....and goodness knows what else....

I stopped reading further.... these two items are enough to cause me "stuffing air" (kook hei) and heart beating faster than normal ... now not young anymore... I might land myself on the white bed....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

So Long, Farewell....

A special request from May Tan, her very last day in the office.... starting from March 1st, she is a confirmed retiree and she told us that from tomorrow onwards, everything she eats will be in half portion... (she's only getting half pay after retirement)

So this evening, I took the camera and walked up to her section... I feel kinda of sad that she is going off... we have so much fun together, eventhough not from the same floor, but we have been seeing each other for years already.... sigh...

Ok....her requests... take a picture of her table and ......

her transformed table..
emptiness, nothingness..
kind of sad, huh..

she said she missed her phone the most
huh? not us meh?
a pretentious smug smile..

United we sit....
Divided we split...

last shot for the day...

eh ... come so many red marks one...
hahahaha.....we had our last laugh over this...

We'll Be Watching You

I want to dedicate this postie to my colleague who is leaving us today.... she is opting out for good... Lynn and I will miss her very much, she is our mentor.... mentoring us to be like her... Her favourite words are "Don't call me, I am outside" meaning she is outside the office, don't phone her section, otherwise everyone will know... hahaha....

So now we will also follow her footsteps... like in the song "every move you make, every step you take, we will be watching you!"

Goodbye Leng Gu...
With Love from Lynn
& Yours Truly...

Depressed leads to Depression?

Something disturbing woke me up this morning, was not a burglar.... I got up and looked at the time, it was only 4am.. gosh.. isn't this the best time to be dreaming away? Why is my mind so alert? I lie down again, tossed and turned like fish... cannot...sleep did not come. Got up, went out to online, checked some websites and one hour later, my mind was satisfied... sleep came after that...

As I was tossing like a "fish" in bed then, it came to my mind, now I understand why people can get depression. Their minds are not at rest, their problems keep haunting them in their minds, they are disturbed.... The feeling is like, another person is talking to you in your mind... you are like arguing with this unknown person... (all in the mind..mind...mind)

Well, that was how I felt this 4am... the mind is not at peace... that is very bad... I need to do something about that.... I should not be self-focusing and self-centred... it is too tiring...

this looks like me... at my office table now...
SNIP...(sleeping Not in peace)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Farewell Function

MR LIM, my office engineer was promoted recently and has been transferred to Kuala Lumpur head office. Last Monday, he gave us a dinner at this Soon Fatt Restaurant along Jalan Greenhill, IPOH. We had a good time, (how not to enjoy, free food some more... lol), singing karaoke and the men all like to go "Cheers" yamsing, bottomsup.... throughout the evening.

the restaurant... taken from across the street

Mr Lim in yellow... oh Bala too..
sorry, both of them treated us...

3 tables altogether...

my colleagues...all of us elderly already :)
no more new recruits, esp non-muslims
ok, here comes the food...

2 types of chicken
differently cooked

curry fish

the special tau foo (bean curd)

prawns... as usual..must have..

few types of vegetable all mixed to one...
petai, long beans, etc etc..
(forgotten which is which)

a vegetarian dish...
there was one more dish
but I forgot to snap it....
too busy eating .. lol..








Social Media Marketing

Wow! Great! Wonderful! These words came to my mind after I log into the IZEA Kmart Social Media Marketing Campaign Casestudy website. Honestly speaking, the Social Media Case Study they have done up for IZEA/Kmart was amazing. They have done a good job, advertising, the overview programs, the layouts, they were all designed to give the best, featuring all the details and information one needs to know all about the advertiser. In fact, I have watched the video several times, they have so much information about Kmart, the awareness, the brands, sales and promotion offers, the traffic and of course, the bloggers' comments too.

I could not resist going to Kmart website after watching the video. Guess who I saw when I logged in? Well, she was none other than Jaclyn Smith, one of my favourite and best actress of all times. It was indeed a great surprise to see her advertising for Kmart, her ever charming smile and furthermore, a wide selection of products to choose from, home products, clothing, furniture, accessories and the list seems endless. Being an online shopper, I checked out some stuff and let me tell you, most of the products are at affordable and reasonable prices and yet with a high end quality feeling! There are some promotions going on now, great discounts and sales. Shipping is free for purchases over $49. On top of that, when we subscribe to Kmart emails for latest updates and promotions, we can get TWO $5 Kmart coupons Absolutely Free! So much for this social media marketing awareness!

Now, for those interested to know more about social media marketing, you can contact
Randy Mountz, VP of Sales at 1.866.514.1680 ext 117 or randy[at] Meanwhile, sit back and watch this amazing job they have done in IZEA/Kmart.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Mystery Of The Missingsss..

TONIGHT ... tonight my mind went blank... I cannot think of anything to write and yet I am writing now... makes sense?? Ok, just wanna say this before I knock off...

This morning when I checked into my blog, I was shocked to see that my followers have reduced from 57 to 45... how did it happen? Last night it was still 57 when I went to sleep... did a dozen followers of my blog really disappear at one go? lol... I HOPE NOT...

Either something wrong with the system or something wrong with ME.... scaring all my regulars away...

Already my rank has dropped from 2 to 0, wonder why too..... and now the mystery of the missing followers....

Can anyone help me to retrieve all my losses? Firstly, I lost some hard-earned money, then my favourite sandal, followed by my daschund, Jingle Bell, then my Perak ex Chief Minister, my PR and now my 12 followers..... what else have I miss out?

Thank goodness, above all these, my sanity is still intact.... right? yeah? huh?? HELLO?????

Monday, February 23, 2009


ON SATURDAY NIGHT we celebrated AAron's 21st birthday dinner at Gold Dragon Restaurant in Sea Park, PJ..... it was supposed to be a birthday surprise for him but alas, he saw us walking in with the Secret Recipe big bag...oh.... only one setback though, Andy was not with us because he could not take leave from his work in IPOH, otherwise it would be perfect..

So Andy, here were the dishes we walloped... simple dinner, reasonable price..

2 types of combination dishes ..only..

a bowl of shark fin shop..
actually cannot see the fin.. just assorted seafood

steamed "kampong" chicken..

steamed fish with "kimchi"

the fish was very fresh and nice..

prawn fritters...

fried rice with anchoives..

sweet pancake as dessert
(how not to put on weight???)

aha... the birthday cake for the birthday boy..

21 candles...

1..2........3...... blow ...ffffuuuuufuuu.....
now thinking back, got some funny taste...
after all the puffing and the huffinggggg....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My First Conference In DUMC

I HAVE BEEN MISSING since Friday, my last post written was then.... I took a half day off and we went to Kuala Lumpur...oh, actually Sungai Buluh. We have to attend a conference (yes, u heard me right)... a Discipleship Conference With Rev Edmund Chan at thh DUMC, Petaling Jaya. (startled?)

Well, actually I was not so keen in going in the first place cos I have a phobia of sitting too long in meetings and conferences... I tend to "dream" and go wonderland and fantasy places... haiyah.. there goes my secret...

Anyway, to cut the story short, it was a 3 days conference and now I am back home in IPOH.. tired but feeling enhanced and "transformed".... sort of.. not like the transformers where I could change to a robot... wow..wish I could....

this is DUMC

see... my mama and sister walking ahead of me..
i was tagging behind...

the entrance...
to the cafetaria.. i was a bit hungry..

it was still early when we reached...
lets relax first...

one pic for rememberance..
taken by AA

Rev Edmund Chan..
he is from Singapore

slowly the crowd filled up the auditorium

oh sorry, no photos allowed...(the usher said)
ok. this was my last picture
after this, i sat down (kwai-kwai)

This conference was very enlightening and enhancing to my spiritual life, no regrets...a BIG THANKS to my brother, sister, Lily and BIL for their encouragement.... I will write more about it in My Daily Desire Blog .... later....tonight....

Friday, February 20, 2009

No Birthday Suit, Please.. I m Malaysian..

This morning Andy drove me to work for a change... we were listening to the light n easy radio and the news came on..the word "scandal" and "Eli Wong" caught his ear attention, immediately he asked me what was going on in Malaysia. (boy very backdated la) Then I told him briefly... my version...ok?

Single lady politician wearing birthday suit to sleep is considered immoral...

Her photos snapped without her permission by her ex-boyfriend

Now pictures were being circulated

Finally, she was asked to step down by opposition parties

But she stood by her dignity and principle, she didn't do anything wrong...

Anyway, she offered to step down ... not because she is forced to do so but for the sake of her party...

Kudos to her... May justice and truth prevail ...

Now after this incident, we ladies now must be careful wo... here are some suggestions to avoid so-called "scandal"....

WE, men or ladies alike, must sleep with pajamas... (one man suggested wearing a tie too, just in case his shirt and trousers came off without his knowledge......)

BUT if we still cannot kick our habit of sleeping naked, (to be totally safe), put on a MASK before going to sleep... (batman, superman, spider-man, u name it, u wear it lah... just in case ma... no one will now it is u when your pic is snapped...)

Lastly and not least, be careful of your own bathroom too....

To avoid being accused of being "immoral" for bathing naked, do wrap yourself with a sarong or a towel EVEN WHEN you are bathing....

One never know, there might be hidden cameras in your bathroom as well....

aiyoh... seems no where is safe anymore.. no one can save us....we must be extra careful leh...

But when you are blackmailed or being caught for being immoral, one last resort... say this...


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Craze For Crazy Ice Cream

TONIGHT I HAD a sudden urge to take ice cream... why? I dont really know.. the craze was just there... never mind about my weight... eat first... suffer later...ok?
So we went to this Crazy Ice Cream cafe along Persiaran Seenivasagam...
Prices were reasonable was so-so only..

quiet there tonite..
perhaps its a weekday..

Fernie wanted fried rice..
i think i could do it better.. (ahem)

AA wanted to eat tom yam meehoon..
it was so sourish..

ah... i like this better..
andy ordered spaghetti..

i ended up sharing with Andy..
sorry, boy...

salad and fruits for dessert

and of course..this belonged to me..ME!!
gosh..tomorrow have to do extra 20 sit-ups..
oh... maybe start with 10 first..see how...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...