Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cry Foul

After taking two days off, I do not feel like going to work tomorrow.... time really flies...

Since I was on leave, I went to settle my credit card payment with this bank ... I was wondering why they never sent me a statement ... I feel it is long overdue....
This bank gave me a platinum card some time ago....
It was quite attractive with a rebate of $188...

This afternoon when I went to enquire, they told me that my billing date was on the 24/11 ...
Today is 30/11 and I am being charged some interest which was quite hefty because I had charged a few thousand ringgit using the credit card for some hospital fees...

When I told them that I didn't receive the statement, they told me that I did not request for a hard copy of statement to be sent to my house... Gosh, do I have to request??

Isn't it a normal procedure to send credit card statement to our address each month? Otherwise how am I to know how much to pay and the last payment due date?

I guess I have to cancel this credit card in this bank very soon......

Monday, November 29, 2010

3 Idiots Help Us Through The Night

When we came back late last night from the wake service, Andy went to "unplug" the computer speakers and took them to my bedroom. He plugged in his computer to the TV and with all the woofer, speakers and stuff, he told us to sit down to enjoy a Hindi movie!

Hindi Movie??? Gosh, of all movies?? Not that I am biased, (I watched Kuch Kuch Kotahei before and few other Hindi movies, all Shah Rukh Khan type) ... and I was thinking, "It better be good..... or else......"

Andy assured me and his siblings... "u all just sit and watch la..... this movie is really nice one...."

Well, with the pc in front of me, I think it is good to multi task and no waste time watching a Hindi movie with lots of singing and dancing.......

But to my own amazement, my work came to a stop after some minutes into the movie... in fact, the four of us enjoyed the first half of the show very much...

Why first half??? Cos it was nearly 1am by then.... I beh tahan already, I wanted to continue but my eyes and mind refused to budge... reluctantly, all of us called it a night...

In two hours time, we will continue with the Three Idiots.... it is an entertaining movie, I think it is a good remedy for me.... for my kids..........for us.

Monday "Post Mortem"

This November month has a mixture of joy and sorrow. Regardless of happy or sad, whatever happens, let it be according to God's will.

I am taking two days off to settle some matters/issues.... while writing this, I can feel a flu coming on the way... later will go pop a 1000gm of Sandoz... hope that helps...

Thankful that my sons are back home together... it is times like these, family bonding is important. Thankful everything went on smoothly... though tired, it is times like these, one can get to know more about the family circle....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thank You For Condolences

For the past one month, my MIL has been staying in hospital... she was a nice lady, very quiet and gentle, did not "kacau" (disturb) us daughters-in-laws. She stayed with her own daughter, bringing up her kids. All along she was a very soft spoken lady....

She was admitted on the 28th October and exactly 27th November, she passed on... she was 81.
My FIL passed on in January this year... pity my sister-in-law, she loses her parents in one year...

Thank you for all your condolences...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Half Day In Penang

Around 11am... AA, Fernie and I were on our way to Penang again.... last week, this week, one may think we were Penangnites...

No, this time is not for leisure... we went to pick Andy back from college... he finished his last paper at 1pm and now he is back for his one month long holiday.... a lot of stuff to pack up.....

Well, the house is full of noise again....

But unfortunately the noise is not about joy...............

Half way to Penang, I received a call from my sister-in-law that her mother (my MIL) passed away in hospital.... Actually we were there in the hospital at 9am to visit her this morning.... Before we left, I told my MIL to wait for us to come back but........

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Quiet Evening

Today is Friday.... after a simple dinner with my kids at home (yes, my son was yearning for homecooked food), we looked at each other.... patting our heavy stomachs, we asked one another what our next program was going to be....

Where to go.....Jaya Jusco? Parkson Grand? These are the only two mega malls in IPOH... cham moe....

Finally we settled for a night market walk in First Garden. I think it has been more than ten years since I last went... I really cannot remember.... anyway, we set out around 8.30pm...

Reaching there, we were shocked to see the big crowd, so jammed up.... gosh, I felt like going home.. I really don't like crowded places...

Anyway, after an hour or so, we were back in our own homes....

Tonight is very quiet.... so serene.... and my mind is so relaxed... this is the moment to rest...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Farmhome Galore

No, it is not Halloween...

Aaron enjoying himself because....
he was the only the "thorn" among the roses tonight.....

My girl was enjoying herself too....

walloping an ice cream cake slice....

Yes, tonight was another food feast... today is my childhood cum classmate's birthday... we are best of friends since 13 years old ... as the saying goes, friendship is like wine, the older they are, the better "taste" it becomes.... ham mai ah?

we went for Porridge steamboat....

porridge with all types of food...

such as these.....


and these......hhhmmmm...

for 6 of us.. they were more than enough!!

we were supplied with minced meat
and had to do our own cooking...
oh, there is pumpkin porridge too...

after a long while.... all of us were famished!!

all I can say is... "it's good to be together"
and hope we stay that way....
Happy Birthday, Tam!!

In case you want to try this..
this is Farmhome Restaurant
51, Laluan Pinji Seni 4
Taman Pinji Seni
31650 Ipoh
hp: 012-5088603
the bill came to RM154.00 plus drinks!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Things Money Cannot Buy - Love

Money can't BUY this cake...
This cake was baked with full of passion...
I am so touched by the generousity and love from Elin..
She is really a true Gem one can ever find....

She presented me this lovely gorgeous cake
early in the morning.. & wish me
Happy Birthday and stay 25 always!

after singing "Happy Birthday" by my kids....
a slice is cut....

my dear, I am so sorry..
My cutting workmanship is very "ultar" ...
Sorry to "murder" your cake this way...

....because we cannot wait to eat it......
it was so so yummy!!!

Here we are... minus Andy...
Andy, we miss you here...
But don't be anxious.... about the cake...
Mama here had saved a Big Portion for you!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Many Looks Of Claire

Once upon a time.. five decades ago to be precise... a bubbly baby was delivered in Mary Sim's maternity home....
Two years or so later..
the baby emerged to have this kind of LOOK!

Plump and rounded, a toddler LOOK..

Another 10 years down the line...
this became her LOOK!

Like a Wannabe...teenager

Another decade passed by....

her 20s... LOOK!
from then on, she advertised
"Colgate" and "Darlie"

One more decade went by....

In her 30s...LOOK!
still working for Colgate...

another 10 years danced along...

wrinkles started to grow on her 40s LOOK!
but she still wanna advertise her "colgate"


Her 50th LOOK!!
(in another 3 hours to be precise)
AT 50, she still wanna fool around
with the pictures, her robe...

Well, give her a break, please....
It is her B-Day...
Let her have some fun...
Just laugh it off....no hard feelings!

After all, she is now in her 50th LOOK!

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Short Trip To Penang

We were away to Penang on one night trip... went on Saturday and back on Sunday. This trip was solely on three young sweet girls.. my girl was the tour guide, taking her two young friends along for this trip. And who was the poor unpaid driver?? sigh....

While they had a good time, I had to burn holes in my pocket again... hahahhaa... but my girl sensing and pitying me, this time she did not go for a spree, instead her friends did... well, as long as they had an enjoyable time, it is all that matters...

Queensbay Mall...

the 3 young girls walked on their own..
and me? nothing to do.. snapped pictures here and there..

it was crowded at the mall but don't know why
this section seemed to be so quiet... hmmm....

once is not enough...they said..
they want to come again and
this time for two nights!!
I pokai liow.. hahahaa...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Asian Games Finals Badminton 2010

Last night my heart was thumping furiously again!! Gosh, my friend scolded me like mad... if I carry on this way, it will affect my heart badly.... OK, I will be obedient, I will not be too engrossed, I will not clap hands and shout with glee....

Unfortunately the Malaysian mens double lost... just by two points during the third set. Sigh.. just too bad that the Indonesians played better than them.... both sides were equally good actually... well...

courtesy pictures from badminton forum
my heroes on the floor...
after failing to retrieve the shuttle...

courtesy pic from badminton forum

Tonight at 8.30pm ...
Lee Chong Wei will be playing against Lin Dan
Stay put, all ye badminton fans!!
I am not going out for dinner till the game is over!!

Business And Leisure Vacation

One of my ex-colleagues love to travel to Doha, mainly because her husband is working there and has been there for several years already. She loves the place and the food, they are served in big portions too. She invited me to go there too, it is a good opportunity since her husband is there working and he is now familiar with the place. Good idea too since I have heard so much but never been there. She told me that she has stayed in a very nice hotel in Qatar as well and she has plans to go to other parts of the country in Saudi Arabia. Hotels is not a problem, in fact one of the well known ones is none other than Holiday Inn Hafr Al Batin. It is one of the most luxurious hotels in Saudi Arabia, located at the crossroads to Kuwait, Jordan and Iraq. This hotel chain is indeed very popular with their branches throughout internationally especially with businessmen who are traveling frequently. They can hold their business meetings in Holiday Inn Hafr Al Batin, projects are aplenty here in Saudi Arabia, as far as I heard. With their 150 guest rooms and unique facilities such as international restaurants, meeting rooms and banquet halls which can hold a capacity of 300-450 guest easily. For leisure facilities, the hotel includes a roof-top swimming pool, gymnasium, whirlpools, sauna and a steam room and I am sure there are many other facilities as well.
Do log into their website for more details and information and you will be amazed.

A Pot Of Brewery Herbs

What's brewing???

it's been a long while since I last "brewed" something for my girl..
lazy mama...
by right, it should be done once a month at least
or twice per month, is much better....

inside this crock pot, I put a kampung chicken drumstick
red dates, wofberries (kei chi), tong sum (whatsticks?)
and some pieces of tongkwai..
sorry, I cannot find the translation to these chinese herbs..
this "brewery" is supposed to "replenish" blood for our body..

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Digi Gave Up On Me!

It has been raining frequently in Ipoh for the past few days and there is one thing we cannot leave home without... that is MY DIGI UMBRELLA...

I have been utilising it to the fullest for the past few weeks, poor thing... so much so.... that on this particular day, it gave up on me..... became like this when I opened it up.....

With raindrop on our faces....
Elin and I laughed and laughed like mad...
People who passed us by might be thinking these two elderly ladies were "high" liow...

after some meddling with Cute Digi umbrella...
Digi is back to normal...
It becomes my faithful companion once again...

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Movie Offer!!

As usual, the first thing I do when I come home from work in the evenings is to switch on my computer before I land myself in the bathroom....
As usual, the first site I go to is my gmail.com....
As usual, it is nothing unusual to receive emails ....

But it is very unusual this evening when I received one email from a Film company!!

I read it few times before I can really grasped what it said....

This company is offering me money to write movie synopsis!! Actually it is not a company la.. it is just a film website.. hahahaa.. don't be alarmed, I was just exaggerating as usual... hahhaa...

Here is an excerpt from the email....

XXXX (not x-rated company, ok..lol) offers synopsis (movie summary) to its readers so it is a bit different from other movie review blogs. Should you agree with my rate please indicate which movies from Asian countries you like to write (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, etc).

That means you only write draft after you watch a movie either online, download, or you can purchase your own movie. After finish your draft you can email me and I will edit and modify them whenever necessary before publish them in XXXXX

For further enquiries, suggestions, or even requests you can mention in your next email. Let's see if I can accommodate your requests.

There are some parts I deleted.. lol.. but the thing is ... do I have to buy my own VCDs to watch and then draft about the summary of the show? I can online and download, that might take hours....

I think this is not for me... hahahhaa... no time lar.. even if I have time to write, how much should I request from them? One original movie VCD is not cheap....furthermore, I cannot be buying pirated ones, right? (*innocent face*) :)

Sorry to mislead... my title of this post should be Movie Reviews Offer :p

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Me Me Me Blessed Biscuits

Are you drooling over these??

Not to worry, not I do one... please rest assured..

But I am thinking of eating these "crunchy looking" famous chocolate chips from Brea's Bake. Don't wait for Christmas to buy for your friends or for yourself, everyday is a blessed day for eating and giving, am I right?

Before much ado, here are more details on these fabulous cookies by Cynthia...

The cookies comes in 3 variety of flavours and baked fresh from oven every day.....

1. Chocolate chip & almond cookies

2. Chocolate chip & walnut cookies

3. Chocolate chip & raisin cookies

Price: RM20 per pack excluding delivery

Delivery Charges:

RM12 for maximum of 3 packs (for Peninsula Malaysia). Additional packs will cost RM3.

RM25 for maximum of 3 packs (for East Malaysia). Additional packs will cost RM6.

Overseas courier charges available upon request....

Delivery will be done by the courier man.....the carrier man can.....

Cynthia can be reached at this email tan.aust@gmail.com

My special poem to Cynthia "Brea's Bake"


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Puffing UP Bukit Kledang, Menglembu

Work stress and pressure made me consume more than refraining .. ended up so much rounder. And after the ranting out post yesterday, I decided to follow your advice, that is to "chill out" and this took place in Bukit Kledang, Menglembu just this evening...

Weather was inviting at 5pm, no dark clouds looming overhead. Quickly we drove our half hour journey to this famous mountain... Upon reaching, I was quite worried actually cos this hike-up could be very strenuous for me...

the starting point...
going up by steps and coming down by tar road..

along the way, took intervals to catch breath

a long way to go...

girl waiting for old mama...

catching my breath again.. puff... pufffff

aikss... so much more????
after many many minutes..
we finally reached the 1st station!

oopps.. my secret revealed...
my helper, my umbrella..
IT helps me a lot!!
ok, now going downhill another task..
how much calories do you think I lost??

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


A very busy day...stressed up with work!!

Just because of a personal conflict between a boss and a staff, this staff was "removed" from the office and now her work is piling up.... someone has to take over her work and not just taking over but have to do your own work as well, so it is more or less doing Two Person's Work!

Guess who is the victim???

Very stressful... and very un-professional...

Need to do something... got to speak out.... cannot be victimized......
beh tahan liow!

Monday, November 15, 2010

All That Glitters...

During our break, Lynn called me to say that she would be bringing up a few trays of glittering rings. True enough, in less than 5 minutes, she brought them over to my table and we had fun wearing most of the rings and ended up buying only a few...

Don't WOW... they are all very chirpy chirpy cheap cheap!!

so many to choose from..
as chinese says, "too many flowers, eyes confused"
(far tor ngan luin)
these rings cost only RM7.00 :)

these"gigantic" ones cost RM10/-
super cheap hor?

come help me choose, she said...

OK, which one to take...

Lynn with her usual cheekiness
finally, I think she ended up buying a few...
As for me, a No-No...
I prefer someone to buy real ones for me..
I guess I have to wait for a long long time...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shoe Shopping Spree

My Girl and I went "Shoe Crazy" yesterday. We woke up very early, I mean I woke up very early 8am... (don't know why nowadays very early riser) and switched on my computer. An hour later called my girl up and as usual, she will ask, "Where to eat? Go where?"

When I answered her with these two words "Parkson Grand," she gave me a sheepish smile...

After our breakfast at the top floor of Parkson, we proceeded to walk along the shops... Started very "innocently" one, we began to walk slow like window shopping.... we browsed around here and there...


IN NO TIME... she was carrying these bags....

these few days she seems to be carrying bags ...

came back with these...
sorry, not so environmental friendly.. huh...

and all belong to me except for one pair...

My most expensive shoes in my entire life!
I have been eyeing these pair for many weeks...
Contemplating to buy or not to buy for many times....
And finally I bit my "teeth nerves" (ngar kun) & brought them home

Hush Puppies Weighless Shoes, so it says...
RM269.00 ONLY... hahahaa...
Actually been waiting countless weeks for someone to buy for me..
but since no signs.....sigh.... dig out own pocket la!

OK, wanna guess whose boots these belongs to??
hahahaa...needless to say la, right?

The Triple "S"

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...