Sunday, August 31, 2014

Happy Independence Day In Malaysia

Celebrating and ushering in Merdeka  aka Independence Day at a party last night till the wee hours in the morning.., ok, my maximum time limit is 1am... By then my body battery seems to start deflating... Don't ask me why... I want to stay awake but the body says otherwise...
Anyway exhausted or not, I had a good time down south! 
Here's wishing all my readers ...
Happy Merdeka Day!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Our Morning Glory In Perak Stadium, Ipoh

After the scrumptious dinner, the next morning we went to take something simple at the Perak Stadium food court.  Lots of stalls opened in the morning and certain food were very "eatable" if you know what I mean.   We like to come to this section for food...
Normally this section will be crowded during the weekends... 
But since it is a weekday, the crowd was not around...
I forgot I was on leave... no wonder it was so peaceful here... 
 Andy waiting for the rest of the food to arrive...
 We ordered a bowl of stewed beef to share out.. RM7
Over this stall, we ordered our drinks....
Tau Foo Far mixed with soyabean.... RM1.70
It is called Pak Pak (White with White)
Min Chu Wanton Noodles...
My son ordered 1 1/2 portions of noodles for me!!
He said one portion is too small... 
Well, maybe he is right after all !!
Individually bowl of wanton (dumplings)
For the three of us, the noodles cost RM13.20
Bowl of fried minced meat to go along with our noodles... RM7
Our food for 3 persons.... 
Ok, what are you waiting for? 
Let's get started!! 
Ready, Get Set.... GO!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Scrumptious Treat In Kok Thai Restaurant, Ipoh

Laksa feast over and my girl safely back in college, we took a slow drive back to Ipoh.. it was raining heavily then. If not for my son who was the driver that moment, I would have panic for sure if I were to drive in such a heavy downpour. Nowadays my eyes are not so sharp as before and the heavy rain sure will worsen my sight on the roads...

We reached home around 5pm... soon it was time for dinner?  So fast?  But we did not go out till it was 7.30pm... and we were still undecided where to go... .  My son has 101 suggestions and finally somehow, we landed ourselves in Kok Thai Restaurant.. by then our stomachs were "very ready" for FOOD!

      Andy's Orders..... 
All Tasty Food!
Claypot Seafood Varieties... mushrooms, sea cucumbers, fish maws, oysters .. etc..

Assam Curry Seafood consisting of fish, prawns, cuttlefish and vegetables...
 Braised Yam...
Dragon Green Leaves...
(Siew Loong Choy?)

Four dishes for four persons plus drinks plus GST comes to RM102 ($34)
 Thank you for the Scrumptious Meal, AA...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Finally Tasted The Laksa In Farlim

Heavy brunch in my previous post meant no lunch for us... but it did not happen that way....

It was around 2pm when we passed by this Tin City in Farlim...  then something suddenly caught my eyes....Since I was not the driver, my eyes could "wander" left and right ... Quickly I told my driver to make a U-turn ...  I was so happy that I finally managed to locate this stall.... 
 The Tin City which is developing into a city in no time..
And the laksa stall is just opposite the Tin City...
Open only on Sundays!

This is IT!
The laksa stall is right at the end of this row of shophouses...  
Wasting no time, we got down and made orders....
The one and only road side stall in Farlim...
Andy did the choosing...
 Our table and seats at the five foot way... 
Just look at the fish servings.... 
I would like another bowl of this again!!
Ordered some crispy varieties...
I like this type of noodles...
We ordered three bowls of Laksa only.... 
But we ordered two rounds of the crispy fish varieties!
How was the laksa taste?
My answer is... 
I will drop by here again and again.... 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Food Galore in China Chuan Kwong In Greentown, Ipoh

For dinner on Saturday evening we went to a Thai coffeeshop called Sabay in Bercham.  However I did not take any pictures because most of the food have been posted up here in my blog before. (In actual fact, we were too hungry that I have forgotten all about it till much later)  Hungry stomachs can cause "absent-mindedness" as proven here...

The next morning we set out around 11am for a "brunch" in China Chuan Kwong here in Greentown Business Center... Yes, it is upon Andy's request again... he said he has been dreaming about Ipoh food ever since he started working and now he is back for holidays, he will seize all opportunities  to eat and eat before he goes back to "working hard" for his money again.  LOL...

To fulfill his request, we ordered lots of varieties.... till everyone claimed they were fully satisfied... 
Not to be missed... Dan Dan Noodles...
Mussels Dim Sum....
Coconut Mochi with custard or similar.. very nice...
It was served hot...
Another not to be missed.... Crispy Yam with BBQ meat....
(Woo Kok)
Scallops Dim Sum...
Part of the food ordered.... 
Not sure what this is called already.... but just ordered as recommended...
I like these desserts.. Sesame Green Tea with Red Beans fillings...
The Yong Liews.... Eggplant stuffed with Fish Paste...
Red Red Chilies to bring the fire out of our mouths... or ears...
 A candid picture of someone who is busy devouring the food above....
No food were wasted... all safely tucked in warmly... 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Two Types of Breakfast In Ipoh

The very first morning they arrived, we had two breakfasts before noon... As soon as my sons arrived, we landed in Ming Court Dim Sum at 6.30am for the first round of food... I was also hungry at that time, surprisingly.... (without even brushing my teeth yet!)... ahhhhhhhhhhh....  With the blurry face we ended up eating these.... (first round)
Barbeque and custard dumplings...
Two bowls of salted egg porridge...
Black sesame dessert...
Lotus dessert....
That was our first round before we went home to catch a few winks.... 
By 7.30am.. we were snoring again....
At around 11am, we were here in Central Restaurant to have our second breakfast... or brunch?
A very proper chinese meal.....
Phewww... all types of food for the hungry ones....
Looks like Ipoh food is very much missed....

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Food Conquer In Ipoh Is On!

It was raining very heavily in the middle of the night, thunder and lightning were looming above my area... and I couldn't sleep well. Kept waking up to the sounds of thunder and I prayed for journey mercies for my kids who were traveling back late by bus. Their journey took almost 8 hours to reach Ipoh and at around 5.50am, my handphone rang.. Saw my son's name listed and I heaved a sign of thankfulness... They have arrived safely!

Drove out to the bus station in town and the streets were quite deserted... It has been more than six months since I last saw one of my sons...
My son took over the wheel and he took us here...
For the first time in history, we took Dim Sum before 6.30am in Ming Court...
Slept well on the bus despite the rain... 
Oh, he mentioned he didn't hear any rain actually...
God has granted safe and smooth journey to them... 
It only poured in Ipoh, I guess...
Well, so what's next to do in IPOH?
*rubbing his hands in glee* 


Friday, August 22, 2014

National Mourning Day For MH17

Morning breaks into a cloudy morning here in Ipoh. Today marks the national mourning day for Malaysia and a minute silence is respected in a graceful and solemn manner. As we were watching the live telecast on TV3 news, my heart felt a pang of sadness and I quickly walked out from the meeting room. It is indeed very disheartening... we might not know anyone on board and yet, we can feel the pain, what more for the families who are affected?  My deepest condolence to all the families and friends on this MH17...  and MH370 is also not to be forgotten... Bless their souls...
22nd August 2014... marked as mourning day in Malaysia history...

As I see it, I might not be blogging daily for now on... too much things to handle at this moment of time...  life is too precious... must remember to treasure our love ones around us now... 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Coffee Murals In Ipoh

Every new day we start off our day with a good meal... but not every time the food tastes good.  I was told by one of my FB friends that the fish noodles in this shop tasted not bad.  I won't be naming the shop because the food disappointed not only me but also my friends as well.   Well, it is not surprising... not everyone's taste is the same, right?  Thus the proverb... "One man's meat is another man's poison."
My friend ordered seafood noodles... 
She told me that though the ingredients were lots but the taste is somehow bland...
Maybe not enough MSG... hahahaaa...
This is my bowl of fish noodles... 
Very pathetic looking compared to the ones I used to take....
Well..... got to try then only we know, right?
But Once tried....  never buy....
On the way back, these Giant Coffee packets caught our eyes....
Good that they painted these high up...
Can avoid vandalism....
One look at these, people will know that IPOH is famous for her coffee....  
Sip..... sippp... sippppppp.... Finished..... !
The thirst is quenched especially on a hot sunny day!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...