Thursday, March 31, 2016

Hawker Food Delights In Taman Perling

FROM JOHOR PREMIUM OUTLET, WE MADE A STOP AT TAMAN PERLING TO HAVE A DOSE OF DESSERTS....  These stalls are only opened on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, I was told so since it was a Wednesday, we did not want to lose the opportunity to miss eating these delights!  They open around 12 noon and closed around 6pm in the evening depending on their business.

Upon reaching, there were only a few stalls opened, anyway, it did not matter cos what we wanted to eat, they were available...

On a hot weather, this stall was just perfect.... 
We sat right in front of the owner who was busily preparing our orders....
This is grassjelly with dried longans...
aka Leong Fun Mata Kucing...
I was eyeing for this... I was told this is Not to be missed...
Three of us ordered the same dessert...
Bubur Cha Cha Ice....
So creamy and Fattening!
Along with the desserts, we had Johor Chee Cheong Fun.... 
Comes with sweet sauce and curry....
Can choose our own fish balls and dried beancurd skin...
Also popular is the Kueh Kak... Fried Radish with lots of bean sprouts and eggs!
Must add some chilli for "kicks!"
Yummy Yummy Yum Yum!
Looks very different from Ipoh...
Come this Saturday, we might go there again to try other stalls!

How To Establish A Bedtime Routine For Your Toddler

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All children need a good night’s sleep. Being overly tired is detrimental to their growth, health, learning and relationships. How do you establish a healthy bedtime routine without it becoming a battleground? This is a problem that most parents are familiar with.

Be Consistent

Consistency is important. Build a routine for your children and stick to it. Make sure their kindergarten or school bags are packed early in the evening. Start their bedtime routine at the same time each day. As part of their development, toddlers will try to push the boundaries. However, it is important that you remain firm. Be calm and gentle but be strict about their bedtime. Ultimately they will feel safer knowing their limits and that you are in control.

Allow Them To Wind Down

About an hour before their bedtime routine, encourage quieter activities. Foster a calm, peaceful atmosphere and allow them to wind down naturally. If they’re still excited and active, draw their attention to different activities such as reading, coloring or a puzzle. Speak quietly to reiterate that this is ‘quiet time’.

Issue Reminders

During this period of ‘quiet play’ remind them that bedtime is in half an hour, so they know what to expect. Remind them again when they have five minutes left. As part of their daily routine, help them to put away their toys. Praise them when they do this by themselves.

Work Through The Routine

When it’s time for bed, remind them gently and start to work through their routine. Run a bath or add some water to the sink for washing. Remind them at each stage what is coming next. In five minutes we’re going to brush your teeth and comb your hair. In a minute, we’re going to put on your panda pyjamas and read a story. Involve them in the process by asking what story they prefer. Or perhaps, which pyjamas they would like to wear.
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Create A Calm And Safe Environment

Create a calm and peaceful bedroom for your child. Try to make it a fun place where they like to spend time. Check out these beautiful toddler beds from

Dim the lights if possible. If your child is afraid of the dark, then opt for a nightlight or keep the landing light on. Read our article on how to help your kids love their bedrooms.

When your child is in bed, continue with their routine. You could read to them or talk to them about their day. Remind them how much time they have for stories before they must go to sleep. Encourage them to close their eyes as you’re reading.

Children of Different Ages

If you have children of different ages, try to stagger their bedtimes. This will allow you to spend some personal time with each of them. Go through a similar routine with each child and adapt it as they get older.

Bedtimes will always be tricky and children will make their objections known. Remaining calm and firm and being consistent will help them adjust. As they become used to the routine, their objections will decrease.

What Are You Looking For In Great Commercial Real Estate? Some General Advice

Commercial property is divided into three different use categories: offices, retail and industrial. Offices tend to be the lowest yielding for commercial real estate investors. This is because office tenants tend to stay in their premises longer than retail or industrial tenants. Yields on industrial property tend to be a little more volatile, thanks to the ups and downs in the sector. And retail tenants often don't stay for as long as you'd like.
Knowing when to buy, and when not to buy, commercial real estate can be difficult. So let's have a look at some of the factors that filter into making a great deal.
Build Quality
When looking for a great office space, be aware of build quality. Office tenants often want aesthetically pleasing premises. They want places that broadcast their desired company image. As such, look for quality panelling, like those made by Centria Panels. Usually, high-quality panels have the dual purpose of retaining heat and making the building more robust.
When choosing an office to buy, ensure that the offices have ample access to natural light. As businesses become more aware of the importance of a healthy workforce, they are starting to demand that offices let in sunlight.
It's also important for offices to have a quality entrance. That's because businesses themselves value making good first impressions. When a client enters their office, they want to wow them with the magnificence of their entrance. That's why it's so important to keep an eye open for any offices that naturally lend themselves to making a great first impression.
For retail location is paramount. Yes, appearance is important as well, but retailers will usually transform premises using their own design scheme. Fundamentally, what they're looking for is the right amount of space in the right location.
A great retail space will be in an existing shopping district. Local shopping is on the decline at the moment, so if you are looking to buy commercial real estate off the beaten track, make sure you pay a lower price.
If you're buying a retail unit in a shopping centre, remember that the value of that unit should be based on its proximity to the anchor tenant. The anchor tenant is the tenant in the shopping centre that occupies the most space. Buying a unit as close as you can to the anchor tenant ensures that you'll be getting the most footfall possible.
Although the location is not as important for offices as it is for retail, offices have still traditionally clustered. Great office real estate should be right next to other offices. That's because office-based businesses often do business with other office-based businesses. It's why you often see law firms all clustered together right in the middle of town.
When buying industrial property, pay considerable attention to the layout. Good industrial properties have excellent access to transport links and large spaces to allow vehicles to turn.
And lastly, there should be a separate space for amenities like a toilet and kitchen.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Little Loots At Johor Premium Outlet

FROM IPOH OUR JOURNEY TO JOHOR TOOK US NEARLY SIX HOURS TO REACH... We started off from Ipoh around 10am and stopped two times at the resthouse along the way.  It was a smooth journey all the way to our destination, reaching around 4 something in the afternoon.

Along the way, I felt something was missing.... I didn't know what I had left behind till we nearly reached Johor... then only I realize I did not bring my Passport!!  Sigh.... No passport means no going to Singapore this time round.  No going to Singapore means no Shopping.... huhuhuuuu... No shopping in Singapore means I have to settle for something local here.... and Aaron obliged by taking us to Johor Premium Outlet... no choice so have to settle for the second best!

At the main entrance and escalator leading up to the second floor... 
It was quiet today.. maybe it is a weekday...
Well, all the better... can walk freely and leisurely... 
At the second floor... leading to the main outlets....
Okay, shall we go to the right?
After some walking, my legs needed a good rest.... 
But I needed some shoes... for my poor feet...
Something soft and nice... 
This pair is from Hush Puppies.. 
After discount it was RM149 if not mistaken...
And I was shocked when I saw these selling at only RM6!
I quickly messaged my girl... 
But she didn't like the glittering red...
Neither do I...
This cost RM19... 
But I like this one ... RM45... 
Oh, I didn't know which to buy... 
Ended up buying other stuff instead.... 
And my little loots... 
Nothing much... nothing special... 
Just something I want to use... 
And my poor legs said.. "Come, let's go!"
Yes, it was time to get some high tea desserts!

Turn Your Garden into a Tranquil Space in a Few Quick Steps

Gardens can often be places with lots of activity. It can be where the kids run around, the dog plays fetch or birds flock to feeders. However, it's also one of the best places in a home to relax. You can sit outside and enjoy the fresh air, reading a book, having a chat, or pottering around. If your garden doesn't feel tranquil enough, it only takes a few changes to bring some peace into it. You can easily make a small area where you can sit and relax, or turn your whole garden into a calming space. Start your garden transformation with the ideas below.

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Make It Private and Quiet

It's difficult to relax in your garden if you know people can watch you, or there's a lot of noise. One of the first things you can do is boost privacy and soundproofing in your outdoor space. Putting up a fence around the perimeter is one option, if you don't already have one. If you do, you could get a taller one or extend it at the top. Plants also make excellent barriers for sound and peeping eyes. You can use anything from shrubbery to trees to help soundproof your garden and give you more privacy. You could also create a small, private area within the garden using plants.

Install a Water Feature

The sound of water might sometimes make you want to use the bathroom, but it's also very calming. Installing a water feature that you can watch and listen to can add to the relaxing atmosphere. Take a look at some different fountains to find something you like. You could have something large or small, in the middle of your garden or tucked away somewhere. It might attract some garden birds too, which are always fun to watch when you're outside or even inside.

Set Up a Seating Area

Somewhere to sit back and relax is essential, whether you're on your own or with others. You could create a seating area near to your house, especially if you have a patio. Or you might want to put a small deck or patio at the back of the garden, tucked away from everything else. Think about how you want to use your seating throughout the year. Sometimes you might want to eat outside, read a book or just sit out in the sun. You could have anything from dining chairs and sofas to sun loungers.

Grow Plants That Need Attention

Gardening can be a very relaxing activity. If you enjoy it, don't choose plants that look after themselves. Having to care for your garden gives you a sense of purpose and can help you let go of your frustrations. You might grow flowers or other plants, or you could focus on fruits and vegetables. Whenever you want to relax, you can go out and do some gardening in your calm space.

Your garden should help you to unwind after a long day or week. Give it a redesign to make it more relaxing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dim Sum Treat At China Chuan Kwong, Greentown Ipoh

THE NEXT MORNING WE WENT FOR ANOTHER BOUT OF DIM SUM.... The previous week we went to town for dim sum, it was not satisfactory at all.  This time we went to another dim sum restaurant in Greentown and this time round, the food served was up to our expectation.  Every dish came out hot and nice, even the mini egg tarts were fresh from the oven!
Mini egg tarts are my kids' favourite!
We ordered not one plate but two... for satisfaction....

Fried radish with fresh bean sprouts....
Prawn springrolls...
My kind of desserts...
Prawn dumplings... not to be missed...
Siew Mai is also a Must... 
And their Dan Dan noodles... 
And a few more varieties that I have missed out in my handphone... 
Now we are confirmed Big Eaters!
The bill came to around RM72 and we did not pay for it...
Coincidentally my cousins were sitting a few tables away...
And they picked up the tab.... 
So nice of them... and we were blessed with a ...
Scrumptious Breakfast!

Monday, March 28, 2016

A Nutritious Breakfast At Keng Nam, Ipoh

MY GIRL ARRIVED HOME AT 8AM... since we were already up, might as well take the opportunity to have an early breakie and then back to bed after that... hahahaa.... Yes, we are the sleepyheads... my son just mentioned that our family are real sleepers... each morning getting up is a very tough task!

Back to our breakie, my girl suggested Keng Nam in Cowan Street aka Jalan Raja Ekram, mother and son did not object a bit... we were very famished by the time we reached there...
My girl's favourite food for breakfast.... 
Chee Cheong Fun with mushroom and sweet sauce... 
Her odd combination... 
And this is mine... a mixture of this and that... 
 Keng Nam's famous curry noodles... 
 A side order to be shared by three of us... 
 Three layered tea....
And another two slices of kaya butter toasted bread....
We are really BIG eaters!!
After our breakie, we went home to catch our lost sleep.... 
....hahahahaha ....

Sunday, March 27, 2016

A No Frills Dinner At Home For Four

NIGHTS OF HOMECOOKED DINNER FOR AARON AND MYSELF... ever since he came back to Ipoh since Tuesday. Oh sorry, only on Tuesday evening we went out for dinner and that too, was a homely type of meal... From Wednesday till today Sunday, we had our evening meal at different homes.... and out from the five nights, I cook TWO times!

Yes, two times is considered a record in a matter of five days... hahahaha....  My girl was back too and that makes four of us... *Andy, you got to put on the bibs first... your turn is coming soon!!*

A No Frills dinner at home.... own home.... 
Reanaclaire's cooking, no joke!
Not sure what dish this is called... 
My girl wanted broccoli, I wanted okra... 
In the end, the dish turned out this way!
Steamed two skinny and skinless "kampung" chicken drumsticks....
with red dates and wolfberries...
Somehow after steaming, the deco turned out this way.... 
But the sauce is sweet from the chicken and red dates flavour...
Sauteed some organic greens with olive oil and garlic..... 
Panfried Salmon with fresh lemon juice... 
Steamed Golden Promfret with tomatoes and lemongrass and lots of ginger...
Wonder why it is not so watery...
Do I need to add water to the plate?
Not necessary, right?
Oh, why two types of fish?
The Reason.... is..... because.....
My girl loves fish and dislikes chicken!
And since Jaya Jusco offers good prices on Fish every Thursday, 
I ended up buying three different types... 
All are only RM10 per piece... 
Cheap, kan?

Friday, March 25, 2016

Invitation To Another Homecooked Dinner

THE FOLLOWING NIGHT, I THOUGHT I WOULD BE THE ONE COOKING FOR AARON... but no, not my turn yet...  This time my sister beat me to it.... hahahaha...  She saw me on Facebook and messaged the invitation to her house for dinner at 6pm.

That was yesterday's evening and both of us were blessed with another bout of homecooked food again!  Any invitations for dinner, we sure will not turn anyone down.... don't disappoint anyone, right? hahahahaa...
Yummy food lining up for consumption!

Steamed Kampung Chicken.... 
Golden in colour... 
Must be the warm lighting!
Thong Oh... my favourite greens!
Surprisingly, Sweet and Sour Porkie... 
The same dish my sister-in-law cook the previous day!
More Greens with abalone and sea cucumber!
So "foong fu"
Thumbs UP for the scrumptious dinner!
One for the album before we indulge in the yummy food!
Thank you for the invite, cheh-cheh... 
Please do call us again... anytime will be fine!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...