Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cancun Resort In Las Vegas

THIS TIME WE STAYED AT CANCUN RESORT, it is a one week stay, from Saturday till the following Saturday.  Sounds like a long stay but little did I know, time passes real fast and soon we found ourselves packing to go home... Oopppss.. Hang on...

The moment we stepped into the room, I took out my hp to take a few photos before the mess starts... It was almost 7pm by the time we reached... First night was spent resting after running to the grocery store to get our daily essentials.... Oh yeah, we went to a Hawaiaan diner for our dinner before the grocery... Everyone was tired because we are in our golden age... Rest and relax after that.... That was our first day in Las Vegas... 
Our humble service apartment for a week....

Protect Smartphone With Antivirus App

Recently, I received an article through Whatsapp from a friend. I can’t remember exactly but it had something to do with getting cute emoji icons with a link. Without having second thought about it, I tapped on the link and suddenly a frightening weird sound came from my smartphone. It sounded to me like a warning sound. I quickly exited from the screen I was at and after that, everything went back to normal. That was what I thought!
Few hours later as I was in the middle of using my smartphone, that same weird sound started again. message was flashing on the screen that said that my phone was infected with a virusI am quite lost when this type of things is concerned. It was late evening and my regular phone shop was closed. I tapped on the Play Store icon on my phone screen to search for free antivirus app. There were many listed and I couldn’t decide which to download.
I went online to find out about antivirus for androids. I visited a few websites and finally came to www.AVG.comAVG claimed that the antivirus includes real-time security updates. It scans for both malware and performance issues. It can even catches malicious downloads. It can also updates itself automatically whether we choose free or full protection. It is equipped with a virus scanner that blocks and removes viruses and with all these impressive security, it won’t even affects our phone’s performance. I went back to Play Store and tapped on the AVG AntiVirus Free for Android.
Downloading AVG Antivirus app was simple and easyI got it to scan my phone and successfully removed whatever virus that was detected. AVG is indeed one of the top antivirus app. With AVG antivirus protection, my phone is now well protected!  

Oh, one more thing, there is one website I am really interested in.   For easy and user-friendly on invitations, log in to this website called Paperless Post. There is a wide selection of beautiful invites and cards for special functions such as weddings, birthdays, graduations, baby showers... etc. etc... You name it, they got it!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Hooks for Writing an Industrial Revolution Essay

What would you say to a person to persuade him or her to do anything you want? A well-structured utterance will be more efficient from a psychological point of view. Such written utterances may be called hooks. The role of a hook sentence is closely connected with the essence of the word’s original meaning. Its notion is a metal, curved tool for catching fish. That is it! The main function of a grabbing sentence is to catch somebody’s attention. Do not hesitate to use Spider Essay Writing Service if you need to write your academic writing.
Writing an industrial revolution essay, it may seem a little bit challenging to compose a coherent and relevant statement that will attract people at the first sight. However, we can provide you with several pieces of advice on how to create a trap sentence even for a difficult topic such as the industrial revolution. 

What Should You Do to Get an Eye-Catching Sentence? 
We single out several useful methods and tricks to make your lines more interesting and exciting. All you have to do is to choose the one you like the most and stick to a certain strategy. 
#1 The technique of an inverted pyramid. 
In fact, all introduction writing strategies have a pyramid structure. The model looks as follows:
● Your hook sentence
● Transitional sentence
● Your thesis statement
State an interesting thought related to the industrialization topic. Then, connect an “attention grabber” and thesis with a statement having the role of a juncture. 
“The most tremendous and valuable shift in the development of modern human history is industrialization.” – hook
“However, every breakthrough has an impact on social life too” – transition
“The industrialization is not an exception from this rule, as its influence was imminent for several negative changes of social foundations of old times.” - thesis
Remember this scheme as we are going to stick to it no matter what a hook type we have. 
#2 Use relevant facts or startling statistics.
“The step to free education was made due to the industrial revolution.”
Watch your arguments to be structured carefully and valid enough. 
#3 Personal experience or anecdote.
Before you write down your personal experience, don’t forget to ask a teacher or a professor whether you may put personal pronouns like ‘I,’ ‘you,’ and ‘they’ or not. It is forbidden to use such words in most academic papers.
E.g.: “My grandma told me that her grandfather worked in a factory when he was only five years old. Moreover, it was an ordinary thing for the industrial revolution’s times.” 
What Should You Avoid When Writing a Catchy Sentence? 
Here we stated several aspects to be avoided in your hook sentence at all. 
1. Dictionary definitions. They are too boring and smooth. There is no flight of fancy! Who would ever think it isexciting
2. Common quotes. It is okay to use some citations. However, you need to avoid too common ones, as they show your only actions to compose the first sentence were to copy and paste. 
3. Don’t use long sentences, as the reader may fall asleep before he or she actually begins to learn your study.   
Now you know the tricks. Good luck with your eye-catching sentence!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Entertaining Evening At Fremont Street, Las Vegas

ONE MUST NOT MISS GOING TO THE FREMONT STREET IN LAS VEGAS.... And we certainly do not want to miss that!  This is my third time going to Las vegas Fremont Street and each time the atmosphere is different from the other.  We parked our car for nearly three hours and was charged $9 when we checked out.  It was nearly 7pm when we reached the most entertaining street in LV... Time for us to have dinner and we simply slipped into one of the casinos to get our tummies filled.

After that, it was all about walking, dancing, shopping along Fremont Street.... Actually not much shopping to do, most of the shops are selling souvenirs as low as 99 cents.  T-shirts are still selling for 2.50 each, 4 for $9.99... yes, we bought a few due to poor resistance on our part..Lol... As for entertainment, there was a live concert of "Elvis Presley" and we were being entertained with his songs, singing along and dancing to the beat of the music...
Starting point... Our car is parked just nearby...
Crowded though it was a weekday...
We had dinner nearby... 
We had dinner around this area...
We opted for ala carte instead of buffet...

We had something like these... $6.90 around that...
Then it was walking along the street again...
Elvis music around the corner...
Elvis in action....

Soon it is time for us to leave....
Oh yes, weighing ourselves for a free steak..
If more than 350 pounds, the meal,will be free...
Guess I have a long way to gooooo..... Lol...

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Shopping Spree At Las Vegas Outlet Stores

WASTING NO TIME, we ladies made our way to the most famous outlet in Las Vegas downtown. That is the main attraction for us three siblings.  We received remarks like, "hey, I drove eight hours to send you ladies for shopping?  You should be doing sight-seeing instead of shopping!"  Lol... Well, if you want to make us happy, just drop us at the outlet stores and you can see our happy faces!

Unfortunately, we only have four hours plus to shop... We did a Formula1 shopping spree and by the time our driver came, we only managed to conquer half of the outlet stores only!  Oh man, time really passes fast at the stores... That is not good... We need to go once again one of these days... Meanwhile, we got our purchases from these stores... Timberland, Fossil, Coach, Sketchers, Banana Republic... Yes, just these few store took us four hours plus... And there are so many more not covered.... We really must scratch our driver's back so that we can continue our shopping spree again.. hopefully the day after tomorrow!
At one of the entrance
Empty handed....and quiet here at this entrance... 
Only some men waiting sitting patiently outside...
Before tbe shopping starts...
Then..... after a couple of hours....
Part of our loots...

Interval time at Chipotle... Mexican food...
Ok, enough for today....
Time to go back....
Waiting for our driver at 4pm so as to beat the traffic jam....
Phewwww.... What a tiring day!  Lol...

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ten Hours Journey To Las Vegas

WOKE UP AT 6am... Time to start off a 7 days trip to Las Vegas, Nevada... It is a long long drive, almost 8 hours and by the time the five of us got ready, it was almost 8am.  Yes, we are in our gokden age, cannot be rushed even though we planned to start our journey at 5am initially.  But I am glad that the driver did not manage to wake up,at 4am but at 6am instead!  Lol.... That is certainly a great relief to me....

Took our simple breakfast at In n Out fast food diner... I could manage to eat one whole burger by myself, that is very surprising for I never like burgers at all, but only in this In n Out, Imcan easily eat the whole hamburger by myself without sharing.
This is the burger I ever tasted...
A long 8 hours journey...
Stopped halfway to chevk with the tallest thermometer...

Very hot weather over here in Nevada...
Stopped again to take a look at the "aliens" in town....
Then it was all the way again to Las Vegas... Reaching our resort at around 6am...
Yes, our journey took around 10 hours on a freeway....
But yours truly was very comfortable all the way....

Homemade Pork Jerky And Meat Prawn Springrolls

WHEN WE ARE NOT OUT SHOPPING, we spend time cooking at home.... This trip is a relaxing one for us, no rush now since we are in our golden age.  :). When it comes to cooking, we plan it one day in advance so that everything we need to have is within reach.  One fine evening, we decided to do some pork jerky again and tgat task was given to me as usual.  And another dish suggested is Lobak with beancurd skin, minced meat and prawns.  Yes, we brought over some beancurd skin from Malaysia....

The night before the cooking started, we marinated our meat somthat they are well seasoned for next day's cooking and baking....
All the ingredients added...
After all being mixed... The minced meat is very fine....
Into the fridge it goes... Very well marinated for the whole night....
Into the oven it goes the next day...
Time to cut it up....
Turned over to get the right colour...

One pound of pork jerky done...
My sister's specialty..... Lobak aka Or Hiang...or Springrolls...
Fry them in slow fire....
Some parts went missing as the frying was being done....
Test tasting was the excuse... Lol...
That was the remainder when lunch was served...
Our humble lunch... Springrolls, Kimchi, cucumber salad, ginger chicken, big onion omelette...
Very Blurry picture... Must be due to the hunger.... Lol...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...