Monday, July 31, 2017

Foodie Trail In Penang

IT WAS A SHORT TRIP TO PENANG, other than durians and some simple food, I was back in Ipoh on a Sunday afternoon.  We did not go to anywhere special this time, just had our usual Koay Teow Th'ng, Laksa, rice, fried noodles combination and I think that was about all.  One of my friends came all the way from KL and we managed to meet up at Ka Bee along the jetty in Penang.  She was on a foodie trip with her friends and she recommended me some shops to go to and what to eat!  LOL... That shows I am not as "efficient" as her, the further she is, the more she knows!  LOL...
Recommended is the Chee Cheong Fun at Genting cafe, Island Glades..
Very popular, have to queue if "packet back" otherwise.. just order and sit down...
Nice texture with a generous portion of sauce... RM3.90
How nice if there are some fried fish balls to go with this!
Wanton noodles to go with Roasted Duck...
These two were taken in Butterworth near the ferry station... RM25
At Ka Bee Cafe Jetty in the evening.... weekends are very crowded...
It is all about fish... RM14
Fish Tomyam....
Fried Chai Yee Jai...RM16
A plate of mini sized vege...
And the high cholesterol Fish Eggs, my favourite!
Me and my buddy friend!
Non stop foodie trail... LOL... 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

King Of The Fruits In Penang

I THOUGHT IT WAS DURIAN SEASON NOW EVERYWHERE... but it was not so.  I heard that our local durians are not abundant anymore, all these while, Malaysians are enjoying the King of the Fruits year in and year out with reasonable prices.  But not anymore from this year, durians are sold at sky high prices and one has to think twice to buy them or eat less than the usual portion this time round.  Okay, I am talking about myself, I really think twice, trice before buying and so far, I have not bought any as yet with my own money.  LOL....

The day we came back from Gentings, the very next day, we moved northwards to the Pearl of the Orient for our dosage of Durians!  My friend told me that there are cheaper durians in Penang, the season is on now there.  And we landed in Penang to taste the King of the Fruits for the Very First Time this year is in Penang....
Oh my goodness!  
Just look at the sweet temptations that laid before my eyes upon reaching Penang!
Not one box but all of these... 
Durians of all sorts of tastes... 
Surely we couldn't finish them all!!
But somehow I managed to "satisfy" myself with a bit here and there... 
Durians must partner with this fruit called mangosteens.... 
While one is heaty, this white juicy fruit is to cool down our body....
Bought two kilograms and ate them all...
Malaysian fruits are really Something!!

How To Clean Your Beach Cruiser

Beach cruisers are delightfully low maintenance machines.  You can trust them to coast smoothly along the beach, no matter how long it has been since you last rode yours.  And thankfully they are beach bicycles that run on a simple, reliable design.

In Southern California, however, being low maintenance does not make you a star.  Southern California’s best beach bicycles make as much of a fashion statement as everyone and everything else in L.A.  In beachy shades of coral and teal, beach cruisers steal the spotlight from reality TV-worthy sports cars.  Since Southern California is all about being seen, here is how to keep your beach cruiser clean:

How to Give Your Beach Cruiser a Bath
The sand and salty air can leave your bike looking grimy, so you should wash it when you notice it looking less shiny.  Just wiping off the body of the bike with a wet washcloth is enough to restore its luster.  The mechanical parts of the bike, however, require a bit more work.  Cleaning the bike’s drivetrain requires degreaser and a soft-bristled brush.  Likewise, it takes work to clean the chain and front chain rings.  If you do not have a chain cleaning device, manually scrub the chain with degreaser and a towel or dishrag.

How to Clean the Tires
You can wash the tires of your beach cruiser with soap and water, just like car tires.  When you wash your bike tires, check them carefully for cracks and leaks.  Getting a flat tire on a bike is at least as dangerous as getting a flat tire on a car.  Take your beach cruiser to a bike repair shop if you notice anything abnormal about your tires.

It is easy to keep your bike clean using ordinary household items.  Just a few minutes, and your bike will be back on the beach, looking good.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

How to become a successful student and write a college essay

The student's time is fundamentally different from the educational process at school, where we are literally forced to study, control every step, attendance and lag. Getting a student ticket is not only getting the education and cherished chaps in the future.

At this time, the necessary acquaintances are established, the authority is formed before the teachers who like to advise their students on the place of work and write recommendations. Let us note the basic requirements for students' emotional and volitional fields.

1. Be responsible and active.
Successful students are not indifferent to learning, are responsible for the quality of the education they receive, so they are actively involved in it. It implies being under the leadership, and not led. It is proved that active participation in pairs allows you to get the highest ratings without increasing the time spent on it in your spare time. You can call any affordable essay writing service to help you with any task. Of course, during a couple, you can sit on the Internet, look in the window and even sleep, but actively listening to the teacher, asking questions helps to work out the material and form a positive opinion about yourself. Later on the exam, any piece of the seminar necessarily emerge in memory as an emotionally coloured event.

2. Setting up educational goals.
Successful students are motivated by the opportunity to make a successful career. If you are still learning from under the stick, as at school, then ask yourself: what do I do here, is there a more suitable place (faculty, university, country) for me, where I could self-fulfill. If you have found educational goals for yourself, they will help to dispel all doubts about the choice of profession and the time spent on textbooks. It is worth saying that educational goals should not be disconnected from practice. You must write a good essay yourself or order essay online if you want.

3. Become a teammate.
Most teachers want the same thing as students want: to study a certain material and put up good marks. If you understand what kind of work and reporting is preferred by one or another teacher, you can fully study one in five, but also get an elevated scholarship. On the contrary, the teachers feel well-deserved pride for successful students, so make contact with teachers, become one team.

4. Correctly make abstracts.
Especially difficult in this regard is the first-year students who are not accustomed to writing quickly. In order for the notes to be useful before the exam, it is necessary:
First, come up with a system of abbreviations for frequently repetitive words, phrases. Inventing new characters, you can write them in the notebooks.
Secondly, after writing the abstract or college essay, at the end of the pair, it is advisable to run on the material with the eyes, so that the text as a whole is understandable. In addition, a runaway repetition of fresh material helps him to get acquainted for a long time.

5. Behave properly.

This rule refers to the behaviour of a couple. If at some point it became intolerable to bored or wanted to leave the audience to walk along the corridor, immediately start to behave as an interested student: sit straight, write a notebook, look from time to time in the eyes of the teacher, ask questions. This is a very good way to cheat your brain. Soon a truly boring and monotonous lecture can turn into an exciting process. Moreover, when you see at least a couple of interested students in the classroom, the instructor is also inspired and conducts a lecture more qualitatively.

Tips To Getting A Car To Call Your Own

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Buying a new car or a used car may sound easy but when it comes to decision making, it may be not as simple as it seems to be.  Although there is a wide masses of makes and models of cars to choose from, it is not easy to really choose a right and a perfect one for you.  Either they may cost too much to buy or they are not practical enough, it is often not easy to discount many of them.  In other words, the key to create a shortlist of models that fit your needs, you have to research each one in more details.  

No doubt there are many websites out there where you can review every car, but it may take you a long time to get one that fulfill your needs.  However it is made easy if you have a perfect website that will exactly suit your needs.  It just takes a little research and planning.  When you know the kind of car you want, from there, you can decide whether you want to buy it new or get a used one. 
Buying a new car does not necessary cost a lot more than buying a used one, do bear in mind that the bills for repairs, road tax and fuel will be higher than a brand new car.  Choose the best options below, whether you want it new or used, here are a few tips for you to consider.
  • Set Your Budget
  • Decide old or new vehicle
  • Car Models which is practical to you
  • Look up Cars for Sale
  • Set Up a Test-Drive
  • What to Look for in a Test Drive 

Still not sure on how to start?  
For beginners, this website is a great start and resource to supplying your information on potential purchase.  It has a wide selection of information that might have everything you need to decide before you make the purchase.  Besides the information in the website, provides Videos & Review section for your information on a wide variety of different cars.  Read them over thoroughly especially when you are a first-time buyer.  If you need to locate a Toyota dealer in Orange County or Huntington beach CA, visit   Doing a bit of research will not only help you to choose the right and perfect car but will also extend knowledge on cars and most important, they will help you get the best car for the best price you might never expect! 

Friday, July 28, 2017

A Choice Of Vegetarian Food At Vegan Life, Ipoh

REACHED HOME SAFELY FROM THE HIGHLANDS AROUND 5PM... Thank God for a wonderful bonding trip with my girl and feeling refreshed as usual... LOL....

I was glad that we came back in time for I had a dinner appointment with my ex-schoolmates at 6.30pm.  No, I was not tired, in fact I was looking forward to the evening out with my friends, catching up with one another on today's facts and fancies.  No worries about my girl's dinner, all she wants is bread and more bread, a loaf of Massimo with organic peanut butter and she is more than happy!  LOL...

As for her mom, yours truly, I did not go for anything fancy, in fact, the food was healthy and tasty too!  For a change, we went for vegetarian food at Vegan Life at Ipoh Garden East.  One of my friends is a frequent to this shop and she recommended these food below for our dinner.  The food turned out tastier than I expected them to be.... though they may not be attractive as those normal and "meaty" restaurants, the taste somehow suits my fussy tastebuds!
Sambal Petai with rice... 
The sauce is sourish with a tad of sweet and spicy a bit... Nice!
Claypot mushroom porridge!
I was skeptical at first, how would this be tasty with mushrooms in porridge??
Well, try it and now I know I like it too!
I played safe at first, I ordered Fried Meehoon... 
Lots of mushrooms too, not oily and looks pretty healthy to me too!
My friend also recommended the Pumpkin Soup 
And it came with 4 pieces of  crispy baguette...
Lastly and not least, we had a side dish...
A sweet, sour and a bit of spicy "meat"
It is actually soft beancurd skin rolled up...
Another 4 Likes from US!
After our dinner, we "baru" remember to take a picture for remembrance... 
Just before we left the place with satisfying and full tummies!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Canton-I Before We Bade Goodbye To Genting Highlands

The next morning we checked out around noon and took our own sweet time to have our breakfast cum lunch at Canton-i.  We have two hours to linger around because our "driver" would be coming to fetch us at 2pm. Our two nights stay at Gentings passed by very quickly but putting up posts have taken me almost a week to finish.  LOL...

My girl have decided the night beforehand that she wanted porridge from Canton-i.  I was like.. "what... "  Porridge can be easily cooked at home, why want to take the expensive porridge in Gentings... Oh well... I let her have her way...
Looking through the Giant Menu even though she has already decided... 

This is my choice... I love their springy texture of the wanton noodles..
Yes, the most expensive normal wanton noodles I have ever taken... 
And my girl's smooth and silky porridge...
Not a speck of rice could be seen.. just like starch....
And she likes it this way... 
Alright, let me try cooking this way back home, I told her.... 
Soon... we were all ready to go.... 
The driver came exactly at 2pm... and in less than 3 hours,
we reached our Home Sweet Home....

Tips on Cooking Steak to Perfection

Cooking steak can be deceptively easy. Many would-be chefs think that all you need to do is to cut a strip of beef, season it, cook it on a grill or pan, and you have a steak. With beef’s tendency to toughen when overcooked, it is quite easy to end up with a piece of meat that’s tough as rubber.
If you want to become a culinary master, cooking a perfect steak should be one of your skills. Getting the steak right, juicy and tender is a lot easier with the following tips:

Start with Good Quality Meat
Getting a perfect steak is easier if you have good meat. It is recommended to get as high a quality as you can afford. Prime is best and choice is a close second. By getting good meat, external factors that can make cooking difficult are minimized.

Select a Cut that’s good for Steak
A well-marbled cut of meat will result in a tenderer and juicier steak.  While you can theoretically use any cut, some cuts do lend themselves better to steaks.

  •           Rib-eye – A good and normally cheap cut, with good marbling of creamy fat. Don’t remove the fat before cooking. It adds flavor to the steak and can be used to baste it during cooking. The fat can be removed before serving if preferred.
  •       Fillet – A very expensive cut. Very lean with short fibers, resulting in a tender steak. Ask the butcher to cut from the middle of the fillet and not near the end (which is not as tender). Also ask the butcher to remove the sinew that runs down the side. Fillets can be cooked in medallion shapes or cut lengthwise.
  •           T-bone – This cut has a good marbling and a layer of creamy fat on a side. Just like on the rib-eye, this layer of creamy fat should be left on while cooking and can be removed later if desired. A good thing about this cut is you can get some marrow in the bone which you can serve with the cooked meat.

Season Right
Just adding salt and pepper allows the meat to retain much of its natural flavor. If you’re doing this, it’s recommended to season just before the meat is put on the pan. However, if you’re using a grill, skip the pepper since the flames will just burn the pepper away. You can add the pepper after cooking the steak.

If you salt your meat for too long, it can dry out the surface of the meat. In some cases, you actually want this to happen. The steak will brown faster the drier the surface is. Additionally, allowing the salt and spices to sit on the meat will let it work its way in deeper and really flavor the steak.
You may notice that the salt draws out the juices of the meat, forming briny beads on the surface. You can wait for it to be reabsorbed or just wipe it away (and possibly lose some flavor) with a paper towel before cooking.

Cook Right
A good temperature for steaks is 575 to 600 degrees F (300-315 degrees C). If you don’t have a grill, you can use a heavy pan, griddle, or skillet. These can get really hot and replicate the effects of a grill.

If you’re using a pan, you can put the oil on the meat or on the pan – just make sure that the oil is evenly spread. If you’re using a grill, just oil the meat. Putting oil on a grill can make the grill sticky and become a fire hazard.

Don’t rely on the touch-test to check for doneness - invest on an instant-read meat thermometer. If the meat’s internal temperature is 120 degrees F, it’s rare. 140 degrees F is medium, and 160 degrees F is well-done.

Let it Rest
During cooking, the juices of the meat are driven towards the center of the steak. By letting the steak rest, the juices have time to redistribute and make your steak tender.

To rest the steak, put it on a plate and loosely cover it will foil. This will keep the steak warm without making it sweat out all the juices. A good rule is to let it rest for at least 5 minutes before serving.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Burger & Lobster And Desserts At Sky Avenue, Genting Highlands

RESTED A COUPLE OF HOURS IN THE ROOM after the fifteen minutes ride on the cable car from the Gentings Premium Outlets.  Very "pening" *feeling faint*... no fun closing eyes and imagining all sorts from the top hanging by the "thread"... LOL...

Only when it was time for dinner, we came out from the room.... wanted to rest well before stuffing ourselves with the main attraction dine and wine at Burger & Lobster house.  Just kidding... actually never thought of going in, we checked and re-checked the prices of the food before entering.  To go or not to go or not to go, likewise like sitting in the cable car.  LOL... And final decision, COME, LET'S GO IN!! *Jawapan Muktamad*
And so here we are... Burger & Lobster restaurant at Sky Avenue...
However, we did not order the Burger but just the Lobster..
From the inside deco....
As usual it was packed even though it was a weekday... 
At the entrance, the lobsters were being displayed... 
While waiting, we sipped... 
Yes, shared by both of us... RM11
Food was served in no time.... 
Recommended was the Grilled Lobster instead of steaming...
More or less like a Giant Prawn cum Crab.... 2 in 1...
The Lemon Buttery Garlic sauce to go with the lobster and some salad... plus french fries..
Getting ready with the plastic bib but I took it off while eating....
Yes, we ordered just a set... too expensive to order one for each!
Wallet lighter by RM159 upon exit.... 
Evening ended with desserts.. this time no sharing...
I ordered one single scoop Musang Durian ice cream from Inside Scoop
And my girl had the llaollao bought at the next stall..
With desserts in tow, our evening dinner was finally complete.... 
Goodnight Sky Avenue...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Shopping At Genting Highlands Premium Outlet

TUMMIES SATISFIED FROM THE GO NOODLES SHOP, I Finally made a decision to go to the Genting Highlands Premium Outlets and the only way to get there is by Cable Car!   *Well, I have been contemplating whether to go or not to go, to go or not to go*  I know my girl wanted to go there very much but she did not pester me about it, she knows yours truly has height phobia one, so better not force me to go.  I might scream in the cable car, for all I know... LOL...

Before I changed my mind, I quickly told my girl to purchase the cable car tickets from the booth, it is RM8 one way for one person.  Since there was no long queue, everything went on smoothly and in no time, we were led to the "slow moving" cable car.  Both of us were ushered into one, all by ourselves... Good, no one can hear me scream with fright or see me closing my eyes all the waaayyyyy......
The frightening moments began as soon as we were ushered into one of these cars....
The moment the cable car left the station, I heard screams!
Nope, the screams did not came from my mouth!
They belonged to the cable car passengers in front of us!!
 So embarrassingly LOUD!
My girl and I laughed out loud instead... 
Because I told her, "Hey, someone already Screamed on behalf already!"
Anyway, it was still a torturing 15 minutes ride for me... 
It is really a Big Relief when I saw these in sight.... 
*By the way, my girl took all the photos, not me*
Reached the station safely and taken from where the outlet stores..
Let's start walking...

Some of the stores we passed by and didn't go in... LOL
Walking with free hands....
See... no bags.. nothing purchased....
Well, I said it a bit too early...
After walking in, we came out with this...
Yes, definitely that does not belong to me...
I just helped to hold...
And after a couple of hours, it is time for us to go back up.. UP!
This time we have company in our cable car....
I did not close my eyes all the way this time.. 
On and off I opened... *kiasu*
Just pretend to look down and take a nap.....
But most of the time, my girl caught me doing this.... 
And I knew it!!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...