Thursday, October 31, 2019

Let's Relax At Take A Break VIP Lounge, Ipoh

WE NEED A BREAK...  so we went to Take A Break at Ipoh Garden South.  This shop has been operating for quite a number of years now.  It opens around 12 noon till 5 in the evening.  Operated by two ladies during the day, they cook, they serve, they collect.... LOL... And on Friday evenings, they open for dinner and the guests will be entertained by Andrew who sings in English and Karmen who normally sings in Chinese and Japanese as well.  Those who love to listen to the songs of the yesteryears, it is best to swing by on Fridays at 8pm. 

Coming back to my post, Nancy and I went for lunch and we ordered these...
ONA Laksa... very special, only one in Ipoh which serves like this... 
It is not milky though it is is white in colour...
One will never forget the taste after one try... 
I had the yellow curry... strong in lemongrass and tumeric, I like it very much...
Not so spicy, just my type....
For the two of us... 
And a piece of freshly baked Jackfruit cake... 
We wouldn't mind taking a break every now and then at Take A Break!


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gathering At Top Grade Hot Soup, Ipoh

HOT SOUP ON RAINY DAYS... Yes, nowadays it pours, almost every day and in the late afternoon.  So cooling that I do not need to switch on the air con these days.  For cooling days, it is best to drink hot soup but do not land into one, okay?  LOL.. 

A few of my classmates planned an evening out at Top Grade restaurant at Festival Walk area.  I did not know that Ipoh has a branch, my first time was taken in Penang.  The boss told us that they have a branch in Ipoh, that sounds great!  I like their soup cooked with coconut water, the sweet taste is there... but funny, I don't know it is me or the soup, I still find the one I ordered in Penang is much nicer than this Ipoh branch.  I tried two times in Ipoh, my verdict?  The soup is still better in Penang.. okay, Penang wins! 
The coconut soup base looks like this..... 
Consisting of chicken, pig stomach, chestnuts, corn, red dates... 
It cost RM58 since I am a member.. otherwise it is RM78...
Others are add-ons... 
And the soup gang.... 

Wonder how this happened to happen.... 
We had a good laugh over it!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Meaty Dishes At The Butcher's Table, Ipoh

BUTCHERING AGAIN...  One of my young friends had not been to The Butcher's Table and the three of us obliged to her request.  We went on one Sunday evening at 7pm, there were still two vacant tables, thank goodness.  The rest were kind of reserved, just a shop lot so tables were quite limited. 

We wanted to try something different this time round... as usual, mostly meat and more various type of meat, either pork or beef so we ordered both types to try. 
For starters, potato salad which is quite a big portion... 
4 of us can share this amount... it is a cold dish...

Then we ordered the Roast Pork western style... 

Crispy on the skin and moist inside... 
Reminded me of the German pork knuckle with the sides... 

Sliced beef.. which we did not find favour in it... 
A bit too saltish for us and it is more like processed ham...
Should go with bread or white porridge... LOL... 
And lastly... a more Asian dish...
Fried rice with Pancetta and egg if I am not mistaken...
A slice of pork belly... 
And that was our Sunday evening meal... 
I think I will sustain from the butcher for a long while... 
Too "meaty" just by looking at these pictures!  LOL... 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Food Fest At Batu Lancang Market, Penang

CHECK OUT.....  from the Penang Hill, we went back to our homestay apartment to get our bags and retrieved back our deposit from the owner.  It was around 1pm, we did not leave Penang immediately.  We drove to Ghee Hiang, a heritage shop of 160 years old, selling freshly baked biscuits and their famous sesame oil among many other varieties.  We did not get any cookies, my friend and I only bought a bottle of sesame oil each... maybe fresher than those sold in the malls?  LOL... ladies!
In front of Ghee Hiang with their famous icons!
And these inside the shop... no, not for sale... 
Cute though... 
Then we proceed to Batu Lancang market for our lunch/teatime...
This market only opens around noon till evening....
We had a few varieties... Roasted Pork and Pasembor...
Nasi Kerabu... not to be missed... 
Fried "butterfly" and pancakes... (ham chim piang)
Tee Kueh for washing the mouth... 
Curry puffs.... 
Part of our "loot" in Batu Lancang market!
Wow! How did the we managed to eat all these, now I am wondering!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bellevue Char Koay Teow And Desserts Up On Penang Hill

ON THE WAY TO PENANG HILL, we got to know this chef in the train.  He told us that he works for Bellevue Hotel on the hills and his specialty is Char Koay Teow aka Best Fried Noodles.  That means we Must go and try since we were already there.  We did that after our long walk... we went looking for the place and we found it.
We saw him again and we ordered two plates... 
Couldn't wait to try!
Here goes.... one plate cost RM8.80
Reasonable price since this is up on the hill...
Let's dig in!
This type of transport is provided for those who stay at the hotel.... 
We did not so we have to walk and walk.... 
Too bad the "7 dwarfs" are too dark to be seen....
A bit foggy when looking down....
Looking down from the highest restaurant....
A LOVE place... it is gated...
One has to pay to go in to take pictures...
We did not... 
All the LOVE Locks locking the couples in love...
I did not hang any love... I hang around here instead...
This is more realistic...
And then desserts time!
Which shall we choose?
All these are just fakes...
The lady told us she spent more than 10K having these displays done...
They look so real, right?
These are the real ones we ordered....
Soon... it was time to descent.... 
Back to the lowland... 
One day when we are free, we might come again..
Maybe to spend a night up on the hill...
One day.... hmmm...

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chugging Up To Penang Hill

FOR THE FIRST TIME... we went up to Penang Hill during the day.  The last time I went was at night, could not see anything in the dark, could hear a lot of nature noise only.  This time I managed to see how Penang Hill looks like.  Tickets for the tram ride for seniors at the age of 60 and above is RM6, I am the only one who paid RM12 ... Ahemmm.... Still not senior yet!!  LOL.... 

Did not know what to expect up there, the weather might be cold?  I took a jacket along just in case.  Well, we were wrong, the weather was just as hot!  hahaha... Next time we know!  It was all about walking in Penang Hill... for nature lovers and those who love to walk, this is a good place to explore.   We spent more than 3 hours up on the hill.... it was worth the walk through... 
Welcome to Penang Hill....
We did a lot of walking... I like it tremendously...
Yes, we walked up to the highest restaurant in Penang....
Come, let's go!
Still early, no business yet... anyway, this is the place to dine best in the evening...
From the restaurant, we walked further up to see this.... 
Another restaurant.... 
Took a short rest.... 
And joked about this and that... I wonder who took that picture!
Went to the skywalk... 
And had this with Bugs Bunny.... 
Here and there... we walked.... 
And have fun taking pictures as well!
To be continued tomorrow with food and desserts on the hill.....

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...