Thursday, September 30, 2021

Tasty Hot Pot On A Cool Evening

FROM WESTERN TO EASTERN.... The three of us went to Tasty Hot Pot, a Taiwanese eatery near our place.  I have been there once before but not my sister's Filipino friend, this was her first time visit to this place and like us, we were looking forward to our evening's dinner at this place....

We ordered two hot pots to share among us..... 
To be on the safe side, we ordered a mild spicy pot....
If too spicy, our tongues would be numb!
The pot consists of noodles, lots of beef among some vegetables...
I suggested ordering a vegan pot.... non-meat.... 
This is what I like!
No flames... that is why it is called hot pot....
Must be burning hot in this stand.... 
And the side condiments to go with the hot pot.... 
For a side dish, we were recommended these Cajun Fried Chicken Wings....
Yes, very well recommended... they are so crunchy and tasty!
A very scrumptious and hot dinner..... 
Total bill came to around $55.... 
We love it... we plan to come again some day...
One fine day... 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

4 Areas Any Momtrepreneurs Can Outsource To Grow


Image Credit: StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay.

Every entrepreneur will tell you how complicated it can be to grow your business. While there are multiple paths to doing so, these will all have things to overcome. In most cases, a blend of different strategies can be recommended.

Seeing what has been effective for others and adapting these to your business’ needs will be vital. One strategy you could take advantage of is outsourcing. This is the process of hiring third parties to perform certain essential tasks.

That approach can offer several benefits. Some of the more notable of these include:

  • Allowing employees to focus on other duties, making them more productive.

  • Reducing your labor costs.

  • Eliminating employee-related expenses, such as insurance, taxes, and benefits.

Taking advantage of these fully will mean that you can grow your business. That’s especially true if you outsource certain areas. If you’re unsure of what these are, then you might be unsure of where to start.

Some tasks will be much more recommended than others, as they’ll better help you grow your business.

Areas Any Momtrepreneur Can Outsource To Grow Their Business

Payroll & Taxes

Unless you’re an accountant, you didn’t start your business to stare at columns full of numbers every day. Your payroll will need to be taken care of, however. You can outsource this to an accountancy firm or even a freelance bookkeeper.

Doing so will be much more affordable than having one in-house. Typically, you’ll only have to pay them monthly when they’ve performed certain tasks. Outside of this, you should also hire them to take care of your taxes.

There are several benefits to this, outside of saving yourself the time and money. It’ll also make sure that all of your financial obligations are met. After all, you wouldn’t want the authorities breathing down your neck because you filed your taxes incorrectly.

Receptionist Duties

Many companies think that they need to have an in-house receptionist. That isn’t the case, as a virtual receptionist can do most of the same things for a significantly reduced price. Most of the duties you’ll need them to oversee can be done entirely virtually.

The most notable of these are answering phone calls and emails, alongside making appointments. Does someone really need to be in the office to do this? It’s highly unlikely. Save yourself the payroll and other costs by outsourcing this to an outsourcing firm, such as Virtual Headquarters.

It’s worth noting that this mightn’t be an option for companies that have a lot of visitors. For everyone else, this can certainly be recommended.


Marketing isn’t an area that companies can neglect. It’s also an area that many small businesses can’t afford to spend too much money on. Outsourcing this will be a balance between both worlds.

Not only will it be quite affordable, but it should ensure that your marketing efforts don’t go to waste. You’ll spend much less on having a professional oversee your marketing strategy. Coupled with this is the reduced waste that you should see.

As every outsourced marketing professional will have years of experience, they’ll be experts in making sure that your advertising budget is spent well. That’ll help you grow your business even more.

Help Desk

A receptionist isn’t the only person who’ll likely answer phones in an office. You might also have a help desk for customers to ring for product-related products. That help desk could be relatively expensive to operate. A lot of the time, this expense could go to waste, especially if customers need little assistance.

Outsourcing it will reduce this cost significantly. A call center could be the recommended approach. While you’ll need to work with them about how they should take to and help your customers, you’ll need to put in little effort after that.

These call centers should also offer high-quality customer service, which will enhance your efforts to grow your business.

Grow Your Business With Outsourcing: Wrapping Up

If you’re trying to grow your business with outsourcing, you’ll need to go about it the right way. Part of this involves doing so with the right areas. You’ll also need to work with the right company.

When you’re choosing the right outsourcing partner, you’ll need to consider a few things. Whether or not they’re a good fit for your needs will be the most important part of this. While you’ll want to focus on price, that shouldn’t be the first factor to consider.

Instead, consider the value proposition and if the outsourcing company or freelancer is worth it. With that, there shouldn’t be anything holding you back from working with a freelancer.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Thursday Lobster Day At Rudy's

THURSDAY PROMOTION ON LOBSTER SET.... and since I would be only there for a week in Sacramento, we took advantage of having this deal before I leave.  Many thanks to my sister and family for giving this scrumptious treat!

This time we really got to beat the crowd by being there on the dot... 4pm!  We were more or less the first few patrons to enter and we were given a really good service by the staff who attended to us every now and then.  He even recommended what to eat and the best thing is, he gave each of us a bowl of freshly cooked Clam Chowder!  He sang high praises of this soup and he insisted that we must try... compliments from him!  Wow... so nice of him.... end of meal, my sister tipped him very well too!  LOL... 

Rudy's Hideaway in Sacramento...
Then my son told me they have this too in St Jose....
Each day they offer different promotion deals.... 
At the side of entrance.... 
Upon entering....
We opted for the Captain's room since the place was quite empty then....
And so this is the Captain's room....
Cosy corners....
I like the ambience....
As usual free flow of freshly baked sourdough buns were served with endless butter... 
Our free Clam Chowder was served..... 
I was amazed that I finished the whole bowl.....
It was so so good!
The two big hunks ordered steak with lobster tail.... not sure how much... 
Theirs is a special addition... 
My sister and I ordered the Lobster deal set... $25 each....
With the clam chowder and this set, I am fully full to the brim!
Oh, desserts to finish off the meal....
Banana pudding pie....
Oh, we shared this... 
no way I could finish this all by myself... LOL...
And the bill came to $180 excluding tips.... 
I guess it is very reasonable if we do not convert, right?


How to Build Your Business Online 

If you feel inspired to be your own boss and launch a business, there is no better time than right now. Entrepreneurship has changed significantly throughout the years, and it feels as if anyone can be a business owner, and that’s because they can. With the power and resources of online spaces, you can start a company, whether to earn money on the side or enjoy professional independence. So how do you build a business entirely online? Here are four places to get started. 

Create a Usable Website 

A high-quality website is one of the most effective ways to make a great first impression for customers and clients, especially if they are unsure what services you offer. 

Your website will provide all the information your customers need and can include examples of past projects, whether these were professional projects or not. You can create the website yourself, but it’s best to work with a web designer if you’re unsure where to start, as this will keep everything running smoothly when customers come to visit. 

Engage With Your Industry 

You can’t expect to enjoy immediate interest if you don’t put your name out there and engage with others in your industry. Sharing posts, liking posts, and contributing t5o the conversation will make it easier for people to recognize your name, which will eventually garner interest. 

If you want to establish authority, guest blogging is a fantastic way to achieve this. With this, you can get your voice heard on more popular channels or websites. This will redirect people to your website so they can hear more about what you have to say or even purchase something that you are selling. 

List Your Business 

You cannot expect people to use your business if they don’t know where to find you. This is why listing your company online is so beneficial, and it's one of the easiest parts of building your business online. 

There are so many different places you can upload company information, meaning that everyone can find you regardless of which sites they prefer to use. You can take this opportunity to include as much contact information as possible. However, if you’re still working out of your spare bedroom, it’s best not to include your home address for now. 

Interact With Customers 

Customer interaction is an essential part of building your reputation, and you should work hard on this reputation as soon as possible. As hard as you try, there may be some customers who are never satisfied, but you can interact with them to highlight any concerns and clarify the confusion. 

Of course, some negative feedback could be ruinous, even if it is abundantly false. If you feel your business has been unfairly represented online, knowing how to remove Yelp reviews can help you maintain your business's reputation in the early years. 

Building Blocks

You will not be able to build your business overnight, but adding blocks to your company each day through the wide range of possibilities will help establish your company within the industry and give you the professional fulfillment you have always wanted. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dinner At Texas Roadhouse On Labour Day

ONE OF MY FAVORITE RESTAURANTS .... and not to be missed is the Texas Roadhouse.  

It was Labour day on Monday and we thought that reaching there as early as 3pm, we could get the table easily.   We were mistaken, the crowd was already there and we had to wait 45 minutes for our table.  Should we wait or change venue?  The sun was blazing hot and another place might be the same, we might have to wait too.  I guess the waiting is due to SOPs.... They do not want the patrons to be seated close as before.  That is good control in a way, thus the wait..... 

While the two guys had some drinks at the bar, we two ladies were walking up and down outside the entrance... oh my, it was as if the food is so free or so good... I can agree with the latter.... the food was so good as usual that comes with reasonable prices.  That is why we like to go there... LOL...
Entrance.... we waited here for awhile to cool down....
We can choose our own steaks... which we did not...
Social Distancing....
Main entre comes with two side orders....
House Salad for my sis.... 
And Caesar's salad for me....
The fresh hot buns are free flow....
I ate two buns before my main dish arrived....
All in all, we ordered just three rounds of buns....
I ordered medium well but I think they mistaken that for my nephew....
His one came out almost well done.....
Whereas mine was medium rare... oh no....
Pinkish, right.... but it was so good... 
I ate it up all the same!
My sis has this... fried catfish... 
Yes, it was very nice too... tasted fresh and very crispy.... 
I think this cost around $13
My steak was almost the same price too... 
Yes, I would come back again for their steak anytime!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

My Sunday In Sacramento

GETAWAY...  The first week in San Jose came and went.... and it was on a Saturday that I packed up my suitcase again for a one week stay in Sacramento.  

My full time nanny job does not start till the third week so I quickly took up the opportunity to visit my sister.  Once my job starts, I might not have "leave" to go anywhere... LOL... My son dropped me at my sister's place, it was a two hours plus drive from their place and they went back on the same day.  Bye-Bye.... see you the following week!!

The next day was a Sunday, we did not waste much time in Sacramento.  Together with my sister's friend, we went out shopping and eating what I have been craving for.  Shopping was supposed to be secondary but I ended up buying four pairs of shoes!!  Walking shoes mostly for elderly people like me, they will last me for another couple of years.  LOL.....

Food was my primary purpose in Sacramento....
Sister's friend is a Filipino... so naturally we went for Filipino food 
since she knows what is what... 
These were taken at Pacific Food Court....
I left the decisions to the other two ladies..
All I got to do is to be seated and wait patiently for the food.... 
Ok, as far as I can remember.... on top left is roasted pork with lime and red chillies...
Something I would like to try one day.... 
Down left is yam leaves cooked with coconut milk....
And the right is something which reminded me of shark fin soup... LOL...
While Koreans have their own style of pancakes, so do the Filipinos..
Consisting of sweet potatoes, some greens and shrimps..... 
Crispy and nice, I like it!
Grilled fish.... not sure what type of fish though...
Eaten with rice and pansip *meehoon* to me.... 
Yes, three of us ladies shared the above....
We did not want to eat too full... cos we had another itinerary in mind...
Dining in and this place is always in good business regardless of weather....
Mask is a must upon entering.... 
NO mask, NO entry.....
So what shall we order?
Banana Split as usual... 
Not sure how many scoops... 
I just slurped and slurped.... endlessly till my tummy could take no more....
Oh how I love ice cream such as this!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How To Encourage Better Dog Behaviour

Whether your dog is a puppy or an adult, it might still be a nuisance from time to time. When a dog feels energetic, they can be playful and sometimes not be on their best behaviour. Although it is good to let your dog play, it is best to set some rules so that they can be on good behaviour. If you sometimes struggle with managing your dog and want it to be on better behaviour, here are some tips. 

Image by PicsbyFran from Pixabay 

Use the right toys

Dogs love to play and using toys is a great way to expend their energy as well as train them. Using a toy like Runball promotes exercise and good behaviour. Plus, it will tire your dog out before it tires you out so you won’t have to worry about your dog depleting all of your energy out in the garden or on a walk.

Toys can be disruptive to a dogs behaviour if you allow them to play with them and take full control. Whereas a toy that you can control will ensure that they know to act appropriately and it allows them to be under your control. 

Feed your dog right

Your dog needs healthy and balanced food, just like you do. Therefore, it is important to feed your dog right. Whether you like to cook fresh for your dog or use pre-packaged foods, ensure that you are giving them the right nutrition. 

Dogs need plenty of vitamin A, D, E, calcium, and phosphorus. Giving them a balanced diet will make them happy and grow well, which can influence good behaviour. 


To ensure that your dog is on their best behaviour and understands that they are not in control, it is a good idea to train them. You can do this yourself or use a professional dog trainer. 

Training will teach your dog commands such as sit, stay, lie down, and come. However, it will also teach them when it is okay to be playful and when is not. It will strengthen your bond with your dog when they are well trained and well behaved. 


During training and after, offering your dog rewards will ensure that they feel stimulated after being good. 

Giving your dog a treat as a reward for being well behaved will help them understand the bonuses of being well behaved and that you are happy. Thus, it will encourage them to be well behaved more often. 

Plenty of exercise

Dogs have a lot of energy and to expend that energy, the best solution is exercise. All dogs need a daily walk so taking them for one so that they can run and play will ensure that they are calm within the house. 

On walks, it is a good time to train them. You can call them to come, make them sit, or teach them when to stop barking when out on a playing field. It will ensure that they understand the rules, which they can utilise at home too. 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

My First Few Days In San Jose

I AM REALLY HERE.... not a dream anymore or wishing I could come here, that was on my mind for the past couple of months.  An almost impossible trip has become possible through the Grace of God despite this pandemic looming globally.  I thought I would be "lockup" for many more months in my country until don't-know-when.... and no traveling for me for years to come... I lost some weight during the past two months and I thought of nonsense... (Ok, that will be another part of my story).... and I am so Thankful to my God that I am now reunited with my son, my daughter-in-law and my first grandson who is now going to be five months old!   All these months, I have been watching him grow via video chats, yes, I am thankful for that too!

Settling down is not a problem, the weather is very much like Malaysia except here is dry heat and not humid.  No sweating but dry... needs a lot of suntan lotion once out from the house.  I landed on Sunday evening and the next day, my DIL took me for a swab test nearby.  No fees incurred, just have to make an appointment in advance and I was out from the hall within 10 minutes.  No queues, there were plenty of staff to do the swab test, I just have to tell her my name and birth date and the next second, she just put something in my nose, both nose holes instead of one as in Malaysia.... and I was exited.... Got my results the next day and it was negative... Thank you God....

Oh, my grandchild?  Yes, I carried him every now and then and put him down too every now and then... LOL... Grandma has to gain more weight first to carry you longer, OK?  LOL... So let me talk about food... what I have eaten... mostly homecooked food during dinner and Door Dash at times during lunch... Very simple cooking and meals... they make me satisfied!
Yes, lots of greens I don't mind....
Spinach soup, lettuce and BBQ pork done by my DIL...
DIL cook peanut porridge with shredded chicken...
Eaten with bottles of condiments....
Spinach again with homegrown tomatoes....
Chicken meat with basil and small cilipadi also homegrown....
Herbal chicken soup....
Hotpot during one evening.... 
Fantastic soup... 
Leftover soup eaten with noodles the next morning....
During lunch on a weekend....
My DIL's special.... baked, grilled and steamed.... 
Yes, very fulfilling and satisfying food....
Very thankful for everything that is laid on the table....
Gaining weight and strength.... 
Thank you God!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...