Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lunch At Lan Je Rawang

BEFORE WE LEFT FOR IPOH THE NEXT DAY, we took lunch at Lan Je in Rawang again ... Belinda told us this stall is famous for its steamed talapia fish... according to her, the owner makes sure that the fish is steamed 2 times, first to remove the excess water then steamed again, at the same time, the texture of the fish remains and not overcooked at all. We waited 45 minutes for our lunch to come, started to grumble already..... but when the food was tasted, it was worth waiting for....

The shop was crowded... thank goodness there was this empty table waiting for us...

to while away the time, I took some snapshots...

finally after 45 min, the cuttlefish with big onions arrived...very tasty sauce...

stir fry leafy vegetables (sweet potato leaves)

with the minced ginger and sauce, it was the best so far I have ever tasted...

too bad... Lan Je doesnt know I m advertising for her... the lunch cost us RM50.00
a bit expensive but it is worth it because of the aroma of the dishes....

Monday, September 29, 2008

Brunch In Rawang

LAST WEEK Tammy and I drove down to Klang to attend a wedding ceremony....on the way, we stopped in Rawang to pick up Belinda... reaching there almost 11am, our stomachs were sort of growling and groaning. Belinda took us to the best "lor mee" and fish cake, freshly made each day... actually we wanted to take the "yam mee" but due to miscommunication, we ended up taking the normal hokkien mee. Next time... not to worry.. next time... must order properly.. yam mee, we will wait....

this is "lor mee" the gravy has vinegar taste...some might not like it cos it is sourish...

this shop is famous for its tai lok mee...hokkien style...

fresh and hot fish cake (sai toe yu)

another type of fish paste wrapped with beancurd skin

and side dish....lala soup...

this is the shop .. along Rawang Main Road ..
4 of us... the meal cost RM56.00 with drinks
tasty, yes, but a bit expensive, in my opinion....

Disney Bingo For All

During my childhood days, I remember playing Bingo with my neighbours, all of us were not from rich families, so naturally, we made our Bingo game from cardboards then. We were very cooperative, helping each other, colouring the cards and spent a lot of time doing the numbers and creating our own patterns. The fun part was when the winner had all the numbers called out, he/she would repeatedly shout 'BINGO' a number of times excitedly, so loud that we used to get ticked off by our mothers.

When I started working, my elder sister and her boyfriend, would take me to a club for Bingo game once a week. I can still remember it was a Thursday each week and I was always looking forward to it. We really enjoyed ourselves very much, the chances of winning was high, but besides the snowball prizes, Bingo is a nice game to play, the fun of watching and listening to the compere making jokes out of the numbers was very hilarious then.

Those were the days... coming back to these days, now our kids can have an opportunity playing their Disney Bingo DVD game by Screenlife which can be purchased from Amazon.com or Drugstore.com. I am sure it will be very interesting with all the Disney characters that brings about the laughter and the fun. Perhaps I will get one for myself ... it sure brings back old memories.....



An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...