Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blogging Has No Bounds...

At this moment of time, I am in Kuala Lumpur, typing furiously away in one of the hotels along the busy street of Bukit Bintang. The reason of coming here will be disclosed on Friday … sorry about that, I have to make sure it materialize first before disclosing why I am here in KL. But of course, it has something to do with my precious Aaron.

Not to worry, I am still in one piece even though I have been shaken for a minute or two during the evening. I was surfing frustratingly in the hotel room when the tremor was felt. But I never least suspected it was a tremor, I thought there was something wrong with the air con ventilator which was shaking for a short while. I just looked up at it and and continued on surfing.

Imagine..if anything were to happen, I hope I have the chance to tell people that my last moments on earth was spent “BLOGGING AWAY!”

"Eat blog,Think blog, Eat blog, Sleep blog, Sei blog"

What a BLOG-HEAD I am!

Do You Like Crocs?

Are there any Crocs fans out there? You know what I am talking about, right? The Crocs shoes that are ever so stylish. I like Crocs shoes because they are so comfortable and they come in a variety of styles. My favourites are the Maryjanes for casual wear and the Holita pump shoe for work. My daughter's birthday is just around the corner and I am thinking of surprising her with a pair of Crocs shoes. She does not own one right now. I just saw their latest Fall collection and I think my daughter would love the Crocs Molly shoe. This shoe is just perfect for any occasion. Right now, there is a great Crocs promotion going on with the Crocs coupons. When you buy a pair of any of the new fall style, you will get a spring style free. If you buy two pairs of the new fall styles, then you will get two pairs of spring styles free. Great huh? If you are interested, hurry and check out them out. Don't forget to spread the word around about the fabulous Crocs coupons.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Here I Come, Fear Factor!

I am not showing any yummy food today... (yeah, aku merajuk....) , some comments I received said that they don't want to come to my blog anymore if I keep on showing delicious food... my food make them hungry, a sort of "torture" for them... *serious face now*

But I am not going to stop showing food.. *hmmpt*... the food posts will still continue to go on but with a different style... So this evening *now rubbing hands in glee*, I am going to post some "gross, yucky" food. Hey, GROSS as they were but I still ate them, u know... (no bluff one)

Maybe one of these days, I might join in the Fear Factor series ... yeah, if only the director would come and see what I have eaten last weekend...

presenting the or chian...
Ipoh Style...
(chey..not gross, right?)

not yet... this is still considered okay... about these.....

anyone taken this type of "snails" before?
I called them "Chut, Chut"

cos u must have that sound...
when u suck it out from the shell...
chhhuuttt.... chuttttt!!!

after awhile it came out like this...
entwined and slimy looking...
take away the piece of scale
(my finger holding it)

and then....
I put into my mouth
and chewed and chewed..
I could feel the slimy juice all inside
my... my.... (OK, don't say it...)
u know, i know, its enough!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Our Road Side Episode..

"Why did u all dump me and went off?" Lynn's voice over the handphone, I can imagine her pouting lips when she called us...

Story like this: 4 of us supposed to go for lunch at 12.50pm... 3 of us waited for Lynn to come down from office but she never did. We called her hp endlessly, no reply, we called her office phone, no reply, then we waited at the car park till 1.10pm, no sign and call from her. Then we shot off without her, thinking that her BIG boss must have "summoned" her and discussed about work. Half way driving, she called us and asked why we dumped her... lol...

Cut story short, knowing we could not "live" or "eat" without her, we took a big round and came back to take her out. She explained her "disappearance" to us, she was in the toilet "pumping" out her excessive OK, story ended....

Our lunch was spent at the road side , Off Maxwell Road, the place famous for their pasembor, (indian rojak), mee goreng (fried noodles) and some malay snacks as shown below...

see the blue chairs? we sat there to eat..
on-lookers looked at us...
we didn't give a "da...m"

this is the famous stall...

the ingredients

the outcome of fried noodles...

his famous pasembor
indian rojak... best!

we bought some fried jackfruit back

we couldn't resist some malay kuehs as well..

we bought some popiahs..
still hot and crispy...

singapore pau-s
with sambal ikan bilis (anchoives)

sardine puffs...
crispy too ...

So...this was our lunch, we shared among one another
we tried varieties and not quantities :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings...

Life is such... When I read my son, Andy's blog just now, I also felt a pang of sadness. He wrote about missing everyone he loves as he is going back to Penang tomorrow and he is feeling sort of lonely and homesick even before he leaves. Saying goodbye is always a bit sad...

Over at dinner just now, I told him about mine too... tomorrow is a new day, going back to office with lots of work piling up is not a thing to look forward to.... After a week of lazing around doing practically nothing, work is the last thing on my mind... (yes, I admit I am getting lazier and I am trained to be one...)

Life is such, as I said. We can complain, we can mourn, we can grumble or groan...

Coming to think of it now, I wonder why I must feel this way... why make myself sad... why don't I think in a happier positive note? Shouldn't I should be thankful I have a job to go to tomorrow, colleagues to be together with, a salary to take care of my love ones, a car to take me wherever I want ...etc etc... the list of goodness goes on and on....

Yes, I miss my boys when they are not around... the house is very quiet without their presence. Meanwhile, it is back to normal life, knowing in just matter of time, we will be together again....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Foh San, Here We Come!!

FINALLY!! We managed to visit the "talk-of-the-town" newly opened Foh San, IPOH, along Leong Sin Nam Street, also famously known as the Dim Sum Street. There are a few more dim sum restaurants along the road and a few more on the adjacent road as well.

Coming back to the point, the four of us, known as "wai sik si lai" had our breakfast in Foh San in peace that Friday morning. NO need to queue up or "fighting" to get seats, (I heard lately there were some fights over some tables and seats during the long weekend)...

Upon reaching the entrance, the down portion was quite full, so we proceeded to the upper floor. Surprisingly, it was quite empty, we chose a nice table at a corner overlooking the whole floor... after comfortably seated, we ordered the following....

talk of the town Foh San...

it was quite empty on the upper floor..

Tai Pau

"dissected" for my camera..
i find this Big Pau very tasty...

glutinious rice with chicken stuffings..
i like it too..

some assorted "liews"
not bad though not warm enough..

the fresh fishballs...

vegetables shrimp dumplings...

what this called.. i dont know...
just eat la.. hahhaa...

the siew mai-s
A-Must-Eat dumplings, my frens said...

shrimp dumplings
har kau (i didnt touch these)

char siew pau A Must too..

dessert...ahh..let me think...
oh..chestnut something....

all these food must be followed by
cups and cups of chinese tea
(to wash away the oil and the fats in our bodies)

All these came to RM51/-
and we walked away happily,
patting our stomachs,
burping & feeling satisfied...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Honeymoon Has Come To End...

Today is the last day of our "honeymoon" in the office. After today, it is Monday Blues. everything will be back to normal, all the staff will be back to work, the hustling and the bustling of noise will be everywhere once more... no more "shiok" already...

To save the best for last, we celebrated our "last day of relaxation and freedom" by walloping a mooncake, bought from Tai Thong Restaurant. WE had a good time chatting, laughing happily in Lynn's room, something we had not done for a very long time... this is an only once-a-year affair and hope that the five of us will continue to have such fun again ....

the "opening ceremony"

lots of grains....

bye bye mooncake
till we meet again the next year round...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our Raya Lunch

Lynn, my colleague who is back from her confinement leave, gave us a delicious sumptious lunch this afternoon. There were eight of us altogether and we had a good time in Sin Hup Kee Restaurant, along Leong Sin Nam Street, IPOH.

The best time of our lives is this season, where the office is abnormally quiet because of the Raya week. Most of our muslim colleagues are not back to work as yet, they will come back next week and then, it will be my turn to take my annual leave...

Meanwhile... lets look at what we "walloped" today....

their speciality "kon cheen kai"
stir fried chicken

claypot trotter with lotus

sweet potato leaves

steamed eggs (3 types of eggs)

steamed beancurd with minced meat

assam curry stingray

their famous long beans with eggplant

our dessert - kuih talam

this is the shop &
our "lady boss" for today...

The bill came to RM86.00 plus rice and drinks..
To me, it is considered very cheap...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lumut, Sitiawan & Kampong Koh..

From Kellie's Castle Batu Gajah, we proceeded our journey to Lumut, to show my JB frens the (as if there is something special about that) ... walked around and look see, look see, nothing much, mostly holiday goers, waiting or embarking the ferry to go across to Pangkor Island.

After an hour or so, we adjourned to Sitiawan, just drove past and went on to Kampong Koh to have our belated lunch there. I took them to this Ah Pek restaurant, been there few times but this time the food was so so only. Either they have changed the owner or the chef has left, the food served yesterday was a bit bland to me....

the or chian...
sitiawan style..
crispy all round..

nearer version...
this was not too bad...

sweet sour crabs
was not to my taste

the claws looked big but when "hammered"
the flesh has already "shrunk"
due to starvation...

stir fried greens...
(not sure of name)

steamed senangin...
(sorry, dont know english name for this)

and the half left mee sua with red wine chicken

The bill came to RM128/-
expensive or not?
i feel it was a bit over charged...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...