Friday, August 6, 2010

Let There Be Rest....

Today is Friday... phew.... at least I can wake up later tomorrow....really look forward to Saturdays... then suddenly Girl told me that there will be school tomorrow, lessons on as usual... "What? Got school ah? Aiyoh... mummy looking forward to a good sleep...haiyah.... "

Hearing that, my girl called her friend... problem resolved.. her friend will come fetch her tomorrow... hehehee... that is good news!

See how lazy this mum is... now slowly day by day, I will relate my laziness, my unwillingness, my weaknesses.....

ok... just for fun...
tell me what this is... anyone knows?


  1. this is.. something slimy. :P
    you is not lazy. you is just a tired mum working hard everyday.

  2. tuti, thank u for under-standing!

  3. Hi Claire. I think this is an invisalign. It looks exactly the same one I got right. Not sure though.

  4. look like teeth? something to put on you teeth while sleeping so that whiten your teeth ah?

  5. These are mouth guards that you wear while sleeping to keep from grinding your teeth? I look forward to your chronicle of laziness, you can't be worse than me. When we have a chance to sleep late, we sleep till way after lunch, even 2:00!! Gotcha! But then the day is over half done and no time to do everything!

  6. No idea. Something for our teeth right? :p

  7. Ya...weekend! Time to rejuvenate and recharge! Eyew...those must be for your teeth!

  8. err dnt have any idea but i think i agree with Ginny said. :))

    Happy weekend aunt claire!

  9. I wish I could sleep too. Too bad, I need to work on Saturday, I definitely need to take nap later with my children.

  10. I believe those are retainers ppl wear after removing their braces? :)

  11. It's fine to wanna get lazy sometimes. You're ody much better than me, coz I'm too lazy to even take care of myself! lolz

    Have a peaceful weekend ya! ^_^

  12. Oh I don't know. Is it a jar of red juice like strawberry maybe? Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  13. Really dunno what is that...?

  14. i always look forward to school holidays as i don't have to wake sooo early to prepare kids for school.

  15. Me too! I just love weekend, i can sleep in and wake up at 10am or 11am!!!

    Hmmm..something for the teeth? Don't know what is it.

  16. it's a pair of retainers to maintain the position of the teeth after braces. :)

  17. It's something to do with teeth? :) So nice ur girl can 'kau timm' her transport so mummy dearest can hv her beauty sleep.


Thank you, readers!

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