Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Musical Chair In Queensbay

After the dinner we went to the ground floor to join in the crowd... some activities must be going on there, cheerful voice belonging to a DJ and some loud music were looming below....
So...what's going on here??
A Dancing Clown and some cutie kids... .
He is really a Dancing Clown because the way he swayed and swayed...
So gentle... love to see his hips.... hahahaa....
the kids simply love him.. 
follow whatever he does...
the remaining two kids...... 
the boy is the winner of the Musical Chair game...
and of course, someone couldn't resist not joining in the fun... 
That is our Penang trip... 
Wonder when our next visit will be....hmmmm.....


  1. Oh, I should be there. I would jump in to join the musical chair...haha. That's such a fun game! Love that clown. I always love clowns. They are so funny! Hope you have a wonderful week, Claire! Take care and don't overwork. I hope you are all well in your health.

  2. Kids sure love musical chair!

  3. Mary: they should have one for adults too!

    hayley: i like it too .. that was why i watched till the end.. hahaa..

  4. fun times there, and I see so many happy faces. I like it! hehe

  5. Oooo... Fernie looks so cute with Felli in the pic.

  6. isaac: Your hometown.. :)

    Cleff: The doll is called Felli? gosh.. first time i saw that... hehe..

  7. That was fun.. I miss penang already.. Hihi

  8. do d clown make any figure ballons....Kekeke

  9. if you play , sure you lose to the kids...even though your bums are bigger than theirs!

  10. OMG, reminds me of my childhood at school.. we used to have parties on the last day of the academic year, and musical chair is like something we will compulsorily play~~ hahaha!!

  11. cath: Make a trip there, girl.. :)

    simpleperson: i think his task is to dance and lead the kids... hahaa..

    lena: you are very right.. they are so much lighter ma.. what la... adult bumps are clumsier.. hahaa..

    sk: oh, i wouldnt mind playing that too.. just dont push me off the chair.. hahaha..

  12. Penang looks like fun. I love Penang Curry, sold in Thai restaurants in Hawaii.

  13. You are still in Penang or have u left? Next time, u are back again, lets meet up. U know my no, rgt? ;)

  14. They still play that? I thought kids today are way too advanced and will scoff at such activities? Small, small already playing with iPhone, iPad...

  15. You were there at the perfect time to catch all the fun!!!

  16. gigi: oh really? Penang food has traveled to Hawaii? great!

    stp: lets play that when we are there! hahahaa..

    ginny: yeah, u can say that too!

  17. Seems to be a fun activity for the kids.

  18. kathy: boy won after shoving his "sister" down with his bum! hahaha...

    ling: yeah, i also love that..

  19. Kids love musical chair, a must play game in children party. Clown is sure a pro game master.

  20. That is my hometown too. How come Penang people loved musical chairs??


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...